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“I do.”

The man was not bluffing. Danilo had seen enough blustering to know the difference. So, apparently, had Rinaldo.

Valdir let the moment stretch out. “I see we understand one another, Lord Hastur. I cannot remove you from the position I have placed you in, and I doubt that taking your lady wife under my . . . protectionwill make any difference to you. Oh, do not look so innocent! You know very well how such things are done—and so does he,” meaning Danilo.

“You no longer have the power to advance your pet project,” Rinaldo sneered, “and hence must come begging to me like an abandoned cur. I told you before that membership in the Federation is of little consequence compared to the salvation—”

“But these are not my only options. I can convene what is left of the Comyn Council. I can move that each Domain may act as an independent polity unfettered by any previous accord. If, for example, Ridenow wished to join the Federation, we would be free to do so.”

Blood drained from Danilo’s face.

“Go ahead, then!” Rinaldo snarled. “You cannot coerce me into acting against my conscience!”

“Pardon my intrusion,” Danilo kept his face toward Rinaldo, whose ignorance of the implications was appalling. “My lord, how would the Federation respond if only someof the Domains applied for membership and others remained opposed?”

“Why, they could do nothing,” was the reply, delivered in a careless tone. “How could the Federation accept only partof a planet? For that matter, even if all seven Domains wished it, should we exclude the Dry Towns?” Rinaldo snorted in ridicule. “Why not consult the trailmen, as well? Or the kyrri?” referring to two of the nonhuman races on Darkover. “Or the chieri,assuming any still exist?”

Danilo pressed his lips together to keep from bursting out with the truth. The Federation would jump at the chance to declare the Darkovan government a failed state. They would send military forces to “restore order.” Lew Alton had reported on more than one such instance elsewhere, always when intervention was in the best economic interest of the Expansionist Party.

The danger ran deeper than occupation by an interstellar army, dreadful as that might be. Without the Compact, the Council, and the ancient ties of interdependence, there was nothing to stop one Domain from declaring war on another. The armies of Aldaran had marched on Thendara within Danilo’s own memory. Every Comyn was taught from childhood about the horrors of the past, incessant warfare when laranweapons poisoned water and land, and clingfirerained from the skies.

Did Valdir mean to bring about a second Age of Chaos?

Danilo turned to face Valdir, praying his voice would not shake. “You are an educated man, my lord, well versed in history. Do you recall what happened the last time Hastur and Ridenow went to war?”

Valdir paled minutely. If Rinaldo did not appreciate the lessons from that terrible conflict, then Valdir certainly did.

Something shifted in Valdir’s demeanor. There was no lessening of determination, only a drawing back from words that could not be unsaid . . . and a tinge of consternation. Was he now regretting his alliance with the man he once considered a pliant and useful tool?

“I have taken up enough of your valuable time, Lord Hastur.” Valdir bowed, his features carefully masked. “Perhaps we might continue this conversation at a time when you are more disposed to give it your full consideration.”

“Perhaps,” Rinaldo murmured, “although I cannot tell when that might be.”

Valdir bowed again and retreated through the door.

Shaking his head, Rinaldo let out an aggrieved sigh. “Valdir Ridenow is a worthy man in many respects, but he is no better than his fellow idol-worshipers. He thinks only of the worldly advantages of the Federation. I fear his soul will be in grave peril unless he can be brought to see the truth.”

He sighed again and picked up the paper. “Meanwhile, I must attend as best I can to those already among the faithful. This—this cannot be allowed to continue!”

“Do you wish to give me any details, my lord?”

“Oh, you will know soon enough. You are well aware that DomnaLawton has been among our staunchest allies in bringing God’s true word to the people.”

“She helped you establish the Chapel of All Worlds,” Danilo said neutrally.

“Initially, I was glad of her aid in that enterprise, as well as her counsel in other matters. But she is so much more . . . I believe she is a true prophet, even a saint. Until I met her, I had no idea the Holy One might speak so clearly to one not of our world. Now I am sure it is true.”

Rinaldo gestured for Danilo to take the nearest chair. “Did you see the rapture that seized Lady Lawton at my wedding?”

Everyone in the room had noticed Tiphani Lawton’s odd behavior. In Danilo’s opinion, most of the guests thought it a bizarre off-world tradition for an unrelated woman to pray so dramatically over the head of the bride.

“Until last night, I dared not hope that the Bearer of Burdens might bless me with a sign of divine favor,” Rinaldo said, his voice resonant with ardor. “I was taught that miracles come only to those who believe without reservation. No matter how I strove for perfection, I always fell short. I could not rid myself of impure—ah, impious thoughts. Now, surrounded by every worldly temptation, I received an unexpected grace . . .”

He paused, perhaps on the brink of announcing that something amazing and miraculous had happened to him.

“Lady Lawton writes to me now. Oh, that such an affront should come to any of the faithful, but that it should be one blessed with mystical sight! It is insupportable!”

“Why, has some trouble befallen the lady?” Danilo asked.

“Her husband, that Terranan! Hehas befallen her! He has accused her—he suspects—it is too outrageous to contemplate!” Throwing down the letter, Rinaldo jumped to his feet and began pacing, kicking chairs as he passed.

“My lord?”

“Read it for yourself!”

Danilo picked up the letter. The paper was Terran manufacture, with the peculiar smoothness that no Darkovan mill could produce. The handwriting was atrocious by Nevarsin standards, as if each letter had been formed by a different child.

The letter was from Tiphani Lawton.

Through the misspellings and incorrectly formed letters, Danilo made out its substance. Dan Lawton had come to the conclusion that his wife’s visions were not divinely inspired, as she and Rinaldo knew to be the case, but represented a form of irrational behavior. Although she did not use the word insanity, Danilo could read between the lines. Dan wanted her to seek medical care, as if she were ill instead of blessed. She feared what the Terran doctors would do: force her to take drugs that would derange her mind and deprive her of divine guidance. She concluded with an appeal for help that was so overwrought as to be almost incoherent.

Irrational behavior,indeed. Danilo lowered the letter. Even if he had not witnessed her performance at Rinaldo’s wedding, her mental instability would have been clear from the letter. Meanwhile, what was he to do? What could he possibly say to make Rinaldo see sense? With Regis, he would have had no hesitation speaking his mind. But Regis would have seen through Tiphani in an instant.

“You see! You see!” Rinaldo snatched the letter from Danilo’s hands. “This is why I cannot listen to Valdir! He is in love with the Terranan, but I know them for what they are—idolaters who would suppress the truth!”

“Surely a reasoned answer is the best way to lull their suspicions,” Danilo suggested, certain that to storm into Terran Federation HQ and carry away the wife of the Legate, even with her willing cooperation, would be seen as a hostile act, one the Federation forces were fully empowered to answer.