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When I hear the metallic clicking of the Rovers, I climb atop a stack of supply boxes and lie as flat as I can. Gleaming spheres the size of ball bearings roll across the halls; hundreds of tiny metal orbs programmed to detect abnormal movement or intrusive activity. I wait until the last of them rounds the corner before I resume my haunt. I keep a silent, continuous countdown in my head to track how much time I have left.

I pause by a corner as a simdroid activates one of the hallway doors. When it enters, I run as fast as I can as the door slowly closes. I slide through at the last second, almost snagging my sleeve in the process.

The simdroid is only a few paces away, walking in its methodical manner. The matronly glide is almost human but too precise to be anything but synthetic. I freeze, holding my breath, but it never turns to look behind. It has no reason to, and because of that lack of human cognizance, it does not detect me.

After the simdroid turns the corner, I carefully avoid other scanbots, including the Roaches that check for disturbances as they skitter across the walls. I fold my body and cram into a towel closet until they pass. The click of tiny metal legs whisper across the walls around me, but because they aren't programmed to look inside the closet, I'm safe. I emerge after they crawl around to the next corridor. A quick, careful jog down the hall and through an exit door, and I'm free.

Of course, freedom isn't what it used to be.

The Yard is where we go for exercise under the roving eyes of our metallic guardians. But beyond the yard is another world. A world of massive vehicles, storage units, warehouses, and supply cartons. Everything organized with digital precision. Everything perfectly arranged.

The only thing out of place is me.

I creep about with the same care as indoors. Vultures glide above, ever watchful for unauthorized activity. Swarms make periodic sweeps as well, flashing like lightning bugs. I have learned to avoid them all. After what seems to be an eternity, I make it to my destination.

The outside fence.

It's electrified, of course. And topped with coils of razor wire. And jealously guarded by roving lights and sensors. But there is a blind spot in the corner behind a large supply shed. The damp grass tickles my feet as I scamper over, silent as a ghost.

David waits for me. Humming links of high voltage steel separate our worlds. Our lives can connect only in that unsecured corner. It's our escape, our few minutes to enjoy the company of someone else who understands what it's like to be alive.

David is like me. Inquisitive as well as insubordinate. He learned to negotiate the security system of his side of the base as I have mine. It was by sheer chance that we happened to be outside at the same time. It took a while to be able to trust each other. But we have met nearly every night since then, two rebels bound by a common cause.


His skin is the color of tree bark, his eyes dark as strong tea. He hunches over like a large bird on his side of the fence, making himself as small as possible to avoid detection.

"Hey, Zina."

"Hey, David."

He looks behind as if expecting to be tracked. "I don't think we can talk for long. There's been a lot of new traffic around here."

I lean forward excitedly. David always knows more than I do. The boys are less secluded than the girls. More events happen on their side of the base, so they get to see and do more than we do.

"What kind of traffic?"

He shrugs. "Nothing too different. Just more movement. I saw some large transports come in yesterday." He looks at me with large eyes. "I think there's going to be another Purge."

My throat constricts at the ominous words.

Every so often some children are rounded up, loaded into waiting transports and shuttled away. No one tells us where they're going or what awaits them. It's the most exciting and at the same time most frightening event that occurs in my life of scheduled occurrences. The Purge is the only incident that appears to have no timetable. It just happens, stirring up fear and unspoken menace of a fate no one has a defense for.

The unknown.


"Where do you think the machines take them?"

"Still haven't figured it out." His teeth grate with frustration. David likes to solve equations. He's a leader in his age group, and far ahead of his peers according to their intelligence tests.

"I overheard something from one of the simdroids. Something I haven't heard before, like a code name or something."

I practically bob on my toes in excitement. "What is it?"

He looks around again. "Haven."

I wait for more, but David just gazes at me expectantly.

I frown in disappointment. "That's it?"

"That's all. They said it like it was important. Ever heard of it?"

"No. The simdroids over here don't let anything slip that we aren't supposed to hear. I still have to figure out how to break into the Core."

"Be careful, Julia." David give me a warning look as if he isn't trying to do the same thing.

"You be careful." I grin as I flick a handful of grass at him. Errant blades strike the fence and blacken as they burn.

"I'm serious. I would hate for something to happen to you."

I drop my eyes, embarrassed for reasons I can't explain. "Yeah. You too."

"Promise me you won't do something crazy."

I lift my head, meeting his gaze. "I pro—"

Lights flood the corner so brightly that I for a second I think something has exploded. But it's one of the Vultures, hovering above us with its searchlight beaming down like the brightest moon in the world. David and I both leap up, but there is nowhere to go. A Swarm surrounds us, flickering and buzzing threateningly. Simdroid guards swiftly close in. Every avenue of escape is mathematically closed off, leaving us nothing to do but raise our hands in surrender.

The guards are black-suited soldier units equipped for mobility and speed. I see my reflection in the visor of the nearest one. My hair whips in the wind from the hovering Vulture, my eyes are wide in apprehension.

"You are in violation of curfew and assembly regulations," the simdroid says. "Follow the directions of your escort to avoid further discipline."

"Just do what they say." David looks very small surrounded by a circle of onyx robotic figures. "If we don't see each other again… goodbye."

I feel my eyes moisten, but I cut off the tears ruthlessly. I don't want David to see me cry. "Goodbye, David."

"No communication," the simdroid says. My escorts take me by the arms and quickly hustle me away. I try to catch a last glimpse of David, but he's already lost to sight.

"We have been watching you, Michelle."

I'm seated in a chair in a bright room facing a perfectly square frame with a perfect orb centered within. A red dot focuses on me like a fiery pupil from the middle of the sphere. Two guards stand on either side of the door, frozen like ebony statues.

The orb continues its deliberation. "Your every infraction was observed, every moment you thought undetected was recorded."

As if to verify its statement, a video feed of my routine escapes plays on the walls of the room. It's hard not to wince in disappointment as I observe myself so carefully avoiding patrols when all the while hidden eyes continued to spy on me.

"As you can see, we've had our eyes on you for quite some time now. As with your comrade from the boy's barracks. It's apparent that you are unable to comply with the regulations of this facility. Therefore you will be processed ahead of schedule. Your time here has come to its conclusion, Michelle. Tomorrow you will be purged from this compound along with others like you."