Goebbels, Magda
Göhler, Hannes
Goncharov, Ivan
Göring, Emmy
Göring, Hermann: arrested; his corpulence, and Hitler; Eva Braun’s aversion to; Gerdy Troost’s designs for; Hitler on Hess’s flight; Hitler’s art collection; house on the Obersalzberg; road accident; succession to Hitler
Graff, Anton
Great Britain
Günsche, Otto
Günther, Otto (‘Krümel’)
Haase, Dr Werner
Haberstock, Karl
Haberstock, Magdalene
Hacha, Emil
Hammitzsch, Martin
Hamsun, Knut
Hanesse, Friedrich-Carl
Hannoversch Münden
Hasselbach, Dr Hans Karl von
Haushofer, Karl
Heim, Heinrich
Hess, Rudolf: Bormann as his chief of staff; flight to Britain; heads NSDAP Liaison Staff; Hitler dictates Mein Kampf; Hitler on; introduces Schroeder to Hitler; his secretaries; state visit to Italy
Heston, Leonard L. and Renate
Hewel, Walther
Himmler, Heinrich: on atrocities in Poland; Hitler’s verbal orders to; report on military resistance; SS inveigled into police; and succession to Hitler
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hitler, Adolf: and Ada Klein; Aga Khan visit; and alcohol; Anschluss; alleged illegitimate son; anxieties as host; his appearance; appoints Wagener head of SA; and Arent; art collection; and atrocities; aversion to clergy; Beer Hall putsch; his birthday; book on foreign policy; and Bormann; Brückner as adjutant; centralises SA; childhood reminiscences; conversion of Haus Wachenfeld; daily routine; his danger perceived; denigrates army officers; his dictation; dieting; and dogs; dress; and Eckart; entertains actresses and dancers; and Eva Braun; exercise; and fame; family reminiscences; his first love; first visits Obersalzberg; flatters his secretaries; and foreign languages; gastro-intestinal disorder; and Geli Raubal; giving presents; and Great Britain; and Gretl Slezak; Hamsun visit; Hess’s flight; and Hoffmann; hormone injections; household; hygiene; image on stamps; imprisoned at Landsberg; invasion of Poland; and Jews; on Japan; Lloyd George visit; love of architecture; love of music; love of scenery; manservants; on marriage; meals; meeting with Hacha; Mein Kampf; his memory; as a mimic; missing testicle; and money; orders Fegelein’s execution; paintings and sketches; passion for Linz; physicians; powers of suggestion; Prague visit; premonition of 20 July; reading; receives Hindenburg; on religion; Röhm putsch; on Russia; and Schaub; on Schroeder’s fiancé; his second-hand knowledge; and secrecy; self-mastery; sense of humour; and sexual gratification; signs Bulgarian Pact; situation conferences; and smoking; and society ladies; his spectacles; speeches; on Speer; starts Western offensive; state visit to Italy; Stauffenberg bomb; on his successor; suicide; and the sun; as supreme army commander; as supreme SA-Führer; table talks; his train◦– – 7; vegetarianism; visits Schroeder in hospital; walks; watches films; Wiedemann as adjutant; on winning the war; years of struggle
Hitler, Alois (Hitler’s father)
Hitler, Alois (Hitler’s half-brother)
Hitler, Angela, see Raubal, Angela
Hitler, Klara
Hitler, Paula
Hitler, William Patrick
Hoffmann, Erna
Hoffmann, Heinrich: after Geli Raubal’s suicide; arguments with Schaub; Hitler on; on Hitler and Eva Braun; Hitler meets Eva Braun; introduces Morell to Hitler; looks around Moscow; on the Obersalzberg; photographs Hitler’s hands; scurrilous films; as smoker and drinker; Zoller’s interrogation
Hölsken, Herr
Höpfner sisters
Horthy de Nagybánya, Nikolaus
Ibsen, Henrik
Innitzer, Theodor
Inönü, Ismet
Irving, David
Jochmann, Werner
Jodl, Alfred
Jugo, Jenny
Junge, Gertraud (‘Traudl’)
Junge, Hans
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Kannenberg, Artur
Kannenberg, Freda
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kempka, Erich
Kempka, Frau
Kielleutner, Professor
Kirdorf, Emil
Klein, Adelheid (‘Ada’; ‘Deli’)
Köhler, Bernhard
Körbers, August
Krause, Karl
Kroiss, Herr
Laffert, Sigrid von
Lammers, Hans
Landsberg am Lech
Lenbach, Franz von
Ley, Emilie
Ley, Robert
Linde, Karl von
Lindhoff, Ilsa
Linge, Frau
Linge, Heinz
Lloyd George, David
Lobjoies, Charlotte
Lorenz, Heinz
Loret, Jean-Marie
Luther, Martin
Mannerheim, Carl Gustav Emil
Manziarly, Constanze
Martel, Charles
Marzelewski, Hilde
Maser, Werner
Maurice, Emil
May, Karl
Mayer, Mauritia (‘Moritz’)
Meyer, Joseph
Mitford, Unity
Mittelstrasser, Herr and Frau
Molotov◦– Ribbentrop Pact
Morell, Johanna
Morell, Dr Theodor
Müller, Adolf
Munich: death of Geli Raubal; Gärtner-Platz theatre; Hitler and its architecture; Hoffmann’s villa; NSDAP HQ; refounding of NSDAP; Röhm putsch; theatre in; Thierschstrasse flat; see also Beer Hall putsch
Münstereifel, see Felsennest (FHQ)
Mussolini, Benito
Neuhausen, Franz von
Neumayer (architect)
Nuremberg; rallies; trials
Nusser, Johanna
Obersalzberg: Allied aircraft overfly; Allied bombing; Bechsteinhaus; Berchtesgadener Hof; Bormann’s farm; Göring’s house; Haus Wachenfeld; Hitler’s first visit; Hochlenzer; Kehlstein; Mooslahner Kopf tea-house; mountain walks; as a resort; Speer’s house; see also Berghof (FHQ)
Ohnesorge, Wilhelm
Pétain, Philippe
Picker, Harry
Pöchmüller, Dr Emmerich
Poland; invasion of
Puttkamer, Frau von
Puttkamer, Jesko von
Quandt, Ello
Quandt, Magda, see Goebbels, Magda
Rastenburg; see also Wolfsschanze (FHQ)
Rattenhuber, Johann
Raubal, Angela
Raubal, Angelika (‘Geli’)
Raubal, Friedl
Raubal, Leo
Rehborn, Anni, see Brandt, Anni
Reichel, Frau
Reiner, Rolf
Reit im Winkl
Reiter, Maria
Reynaud, Paul
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Riefenstahl, Leni
Röhm, Ernst
Röhm putsch
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg, Alfred
Salomon, Franz Pfeffer von
Salomon, Fritz von
Schaub, Julius: arguments with Hoffmann; as chief adjutant; as ‘degraded’; destroys documents at the Berghof; destroys Geli Raubal’s effects; at Felsennest; at Haus Wachenfeld; on Hitler and Eva Braun; Hitler and fame; and Hitler’s table talks; on Hitler’s vegetarianism; as Hitler’s wallet; Hoffmann order; journal of art purchases; loyalty to Hitler; on the Obersalzberg; in Paris; Röhm putsch; and Schroeder’s allowance; Schroeder’s bag at the Führer-bunker; secrecy; stays at Pension Post; Zoller’s interrogation