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Schirach, Baldur von

Schirach, Henriette von

Schirach, Klaus von

Schleicher, Kurt von

Schloss Fischhorn

Schlusnus, Heinrich

Schmidpeter, Georg

Schmundt, Rudolf

Schneider, Herta

Scholter, Dr

Scholter, Nelly

Scholz, Robert

Schönmann, Marion

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Schreck, Julius

Schroeder, Christa: aboard Hitler’s train; Allied bombing at the Berghof; annoys Hitler; apartment in Reich Chancellery; asks Hitler about winning war; Brandt on; Brückner on; catches Hitler out; coffee with Hitler; corrects Hitler; cyanide capsule; dictation from Hitler; dislike for Dara; drinking at Wolfsschanze; engagement to Alkonic; false ID papers; as fanatic for truth; first direct meeting with Hitler; flight to Salzburg; fondness for Brückner; on Galicia; gifts from Hitler; on Great Britain; Hitler as employer; Hitler kisses; Hitler visits in hospital; on Hitler’s many faces; internment; interrogation by Albrecht; interview at NSDAP HQ; invasion of Poland; on joining the Party; letter to Nusser; life in the Führer-bunker; life at Wehrwolf; as major war criminal; matchmakes for Hitler; meals with adjutants; moves to Berlin; period in Hitler’s favour; post-war career; Prague visit; racial views; recommends Manziarly join staff; reconciled with Hitler; road accident; Röhm putsch; on Russians; saves documents and sketches at the Berghof; schedule in Wolfsschanze; self-description; shorthand notes on Hitler; slandered over Vierthaler; state visit to Italy; Stauffenberg bomb; stays at Pension Post, 196◦– 7; succession to Hitler; taking leave of Hitler; tea with Hitler; telephone calls from Hitler; twenty-four-hour day; unhappiness at Wolfsschanze; uniform; visits Haus Wachenfeld; works for Brückner; works for NSDAP Liaison Staff; works for Otto Wagener; works in Reich Chancellery; Zoller’s book

Schubert, Franz

Schultze, Dr Walter

Schulze, Richard

Schumann, Robert

Schwäbisch Gmünd

Schwarz, Franz Xaver

Seitz, Dr

Silesia, Upper


Skorzeny, Otto

Slezak, Leo

Slezak, Margarete (‘Gretl’)

Sonnemann, Emmy, see Göring, Emmy

South America

Soviet Union; assault on Berlin; invasion of

Spanish Civil War

Speer, Albert



Stalin, Josef


Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk von

Stoeckel, Dr

Stork, Sophie

Strasser, Gregor

Strauss, Ruchard

Stuckart, Wilhelm


Terboven, Josef

Thiess, Frank

Thoma, Mimi





Todt, Fritz


Trevor Roper, Hugh

Troost, Gerhardine (‘Gerdy’)

Troost, Paul Ludwig

Turner, H.A., jr


Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy

United States


Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy


Vierthaler (friend of Schroeder)

Vinnitsa; see also Wehrwolf (FHQ)

Wagener, Dr Otto

Wagner, Adolf

Wagner, Richard

Wagner, Winifred

Waldmüller, Ferdinand Georg


Weber, Christian

Wehrwolf (FHQ)


Werlin, Jakob

Wernicke, Paul

Weser, river

Weygand, Maxime

Wiedemann, Fritz

Windsor, Duke and Duchess of

Winter, Anni

Winter, Herr and Frau

Wittmann, Fräulein

Wolf, Hugo

Wolf, Johanna (‘Wolfen’)

Wolfsschanze (FHQ): Allied aircraft overfly; Bormann shields Hitler; cinema and tea-house; daily schedule; Hitler’s physicians; male-dominated atmosphere; midges; music at; preparations for Ardennes; Schroeder’s description; Stauffenberg bomb

Wolzogen, Ernst von

Wünsche, Max


Yemen, Imam of


Zabel, Professor


Zoller, Albert



Hitler’s secretaries Christa Schroeder and Johanna Wolf at breakfast, Haus Wachenfeld, 1935
Dr Goebbels, Eva Braun, Karl Hanke, Christa Schroeder and Albert Speer waiting for Hitler, Berghof terrace, 1938
At the Hradschin in Prague on 16 March 1939 Hitler signed the edict creating the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. From left, Schaub, Hitler, Dr Frick, Dr Lammers, an adjutant, Dr Stuckart and Christa Schroeder
In the Reich Chancellery, Christa Schroeder and Gerda Daranowski congratulate Hitler on his 50th birthday, 20 April 1939. From left, Heinz Linge, Gerda Daranowski, Christa Schroeder and Hitler
Hitler’s personal physician Dr Theo Morell, Wilhelm Brückner, Gerda Daranowski and Christa Schroeder in conversation with Hitler at the Berghof, New Year’s Eve, 1940
Christa Schroeder at her typewriter at FHQ Wolfsschanze
Christa Schroeder examining Hitler’s world-globe in the Berghof ‘Great Hall’
Hitler’s guests, Great Hall, Berghof, New Year’s Eve 1940. Front row from left: Wilhelm Brückner, Christa Schroeder, Eva Braun, Hitler, Margarete Braun, Adolf Wagner, Dr Dietrich: upper right is Heinrich Heim the stenographer who copied down Hitler’s monologues. Contrary to what many assert, as this photo shows, Heim really did belong within Hitler’s inner circle
Hitler dictating to Christa Schroeder at FHQ Wolfsschanze, 1941, behind her is Dr Morell
Hitler’s intimate staff in the officers’ mess at FHQ Wehrwolf near Winniza, 20 September 1942. From left to right: Nicolaus von Below, Christa Schroeder, unknown, Walter Hewel, Albert Bormann, Julius Schaub
Hitler exercises his Alsatian Blondi in the open meadow east of the Wolfsschanze, c. August 1943
The Wolfsschanze’s Führerbunker, Rastenburg in East Prussia
The Wolfsschanze was the location of the failed bomb plot of 20 July. This photograph shows Hitler with his would-be assassin Claus von Stauffenberg (far left) at the Wolfsschanze just a few days beforehand on 15 July 1944. During this meeting Stauffenberg had a bomb with him but it did not detonate
From 1936 Hitler’s home in Obersalzberg became known as the Berghof. Along with the Wolfsschanze this was the place where Hitler spent most of his time during the war and was one of the main headquarters
Hitler with the Berghof in the distance
Hitler walking out of the Berghof with Goebbels to his left