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"Where's Robert?" the scientist asked. "It's all over the air. Tipple, Scarlett and Spann have brought the Headhunter…"

"He's in the greenhouse!" Genevieve screamed, frantically trying to push the Russian aside and pointing at the door. "He's going to shoot himself!"

Then she squeezed between the man and the doorframe and ran off outside.

Avacomovitch was moving.

He was coming across the living room floor and heading toward the door. He began to lead with his body, cutting the distance rapidly, lowering and coiling into a crouch, his left shoulder coming out to the fore as his head tucked into his chest, his right foot firm on the floor as he pushed off with all his strength, unwinding, hurtling, until finally at six four and 285 pounds, like a human battering ram, he hit the door. The wood never stood a chance.

With a fierce crack of protest it buckled right down the middle, the lock ripping free in a shower of splinters as both the hinges gave. Breaking free, the door crashed into the greenhouse. Followed by the man.

Robert DeClercq jammed the pistol barrel into his open mouth and bit down on the steel. The muzzle touched his palate, pointing at his brain.

Amid the tumble of shelves and potted plants, with dirt flying everywhere, the Russian somersaulted across the floor until, one foot smashing through the glass, his body came to a halt.

DeClercq's thumb snapped back the hammer as his finger closed on the trigger.

"Don't do it, Robert! You got him! A flying patrol brought him down!" Avacomovitch yelled.

And he didn't pull the trigger.

There was an awkward moment while Robert DeClercq sat at his desk with the pistol still in his mouth, looking down at Avacomovitch stretched out on the floor. Then slowly he took the gun barrel out and placed the.38 down on the leather.

"What are you doing here, Joseph?" was all he could think to say.

"I've come for that party, Robert. Don't you remember?" The Superintendent nodded.

And that was when, beyond the greenhouse wall and standing out in the rain, Robert DeClercq saw his wife's face and hands pressed against the glass. For a moment he looked at one of his own hands, the one that had pushed her away, then he got up from the desk chair and moved toward the door.

As he reached out to undo the lock he saw Genevieve waiting outside. He watched her face in the windowpane and the streaks running down from both eyes and he wondered briefly if they were tears or just the rain on the glass.

Cop a Feel

Seattle, Washington

Saturday, December 4th, 10:02 p.m.

"Apart from making Corporal, what was the best part of the case for you?" Katherine Spann asked.

Rick Scarlett smiled. "When the Prime Minister — not fifteen minutes after telling the House of Commons that DeClercq had been pulled from the investigation — had to go back in and inform them that the Superintendent had brought the Headhunter down. The man looked like such a fool."

Both Corporals laughed.

As they had been promoted, this trip was a celebration. Bill Tipple-now a Sergeant — had been asked to come along, but he had begged off saying that Commercial Crime was hot on the tail of something big and he could not desert at the moment. "By the time you two return," he'd said, "I'll probably be an Inspector." The way things turned out, Rick Scarlett was pleased, for now they were alone.

The restaurant was a part of Pike Place Market, serving French cuisine at skyrocket prices. For a few extra bucks under the table the maitre d' (Parisian, of course) had seated them by a window where the view out over Elliott Bay was positively breathtaking. They were dining up on the second floor of a building constructed on stilts so that it jutted out over the edge of a bluff. Before the sun had set "the mountains really had been out," as the people of Seattle say. But now all that could be seen were the lights of the boats bobbing out on the water beyond the candle flame reflected in the glass. They had just finished dessert and a third bottle of wine.

"I wonder what he did with them, Kathy?" Rick Scarlett asked. His words were slightly slurred. He had consumed most of the alcohol.

"With what?" the woman replied.

"With the severed heads."

"I have no idea. And I doubt we'll ever know."

"Yeah," Scarlett said. Then they both fell silent.

He motioned to a waiter and, when the man came over, ordered two Courvoisiers. As he turned back, once again — inadvertently — Scarlett looked the woman up and down. Spann was wearing a black dress cut low in the front and a simple string of pearls. Her hair was swept up on both sides of her head and pinned back. Scarlett's throat was dry by the time the cognac arrived.

"You know," Spann said slowly, swirling the liquid around in the snifter and glancing out through the window, "the thing I like most about the States is that the people are so overt. I mean sure there's a lot of shit in this country too, but the Americans are not afraid to bring it to the surface. I believe that takes guts: they're a lot more honest than we are."

"Perhaps," Scarlett said, and he looked down her cleavage.

Fifteen minutes later the bill arrived. Though Scarlett insisted on paying for the meal, Katherine Spann declined. "Not my style," she said. So they split it down the middle and then went outside.

Immediately the aromas of Pike Place Market assailed their senses of smelclass="underline" the meat, the fish, the spice shops, the bakeries and the delis. Lingering above all these was the pungent sea-salt air, blowing up Puget Sound and tugging at their clothes. Just outside the restaurant Rick Scarlett tripped and fell. Spann broke his catapult motion and said: "You've had too much to drink."

"No way," the man said, regaining balance. She looked at her watch.

"We better make for Sea-Tac," Katherine Spann said. "Let's hail a taxi or we're going to miss our plane."

Scarlett didn't move. Instead he grabbed her by the arm. They were standing at the top of a wooden staircase that led to the street below. Stretched out before them was the black of Elliott Bay.

"I guess this must really be something for you, eh?"

"What do you mean?" Spann said. "Do you always talk in riddles?"

"I mean what with you being a woman, and making Corporal and all. That's quite an achievement. You're one of the first."

The woman shook her head as if in disappointment. "Rick," she said quietly, "I'm the same age as you. I've been a cop just as long as you have. And you made Corporal too. What does being a woman have to do with this promotion?"

Scarlett shrugged his shoulders. "You know what I mean."

"No, Rick. I don't."

"Look, Kathy. My father was a member of this Force back on the prairies. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be in the RCMP. That's how I come to be here."

"So? I come to be here because…"

"Because of feminism and the liberation of women. It's written all over you."

"Oh, is that so?"

"You bet. You thrive on besting men within a domain that has been traditionally male. For you it's a challenge, and I admire that."

"Is that how you see it?"

"Yes, and so should you. If you don't recognize that, you're just being blind."

"And just who am I talking to? Is this Rick Scarlett speaking? Or is it two bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape?"

"I'm not drunk."

"I think you are."

"Come on, Kathy, admit it. Be honest with yourself. Deep down inside you're just like the rest of us. You want power. And you like to get ahead. There's nothing wrong with that."