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I think we should go see the Alien/Aliens double feature on Saturday.

Oh, that was me.


He laughed and Evan sent him a questioning glance.

“No, no, it’s fine. I just need to handle this.”

Evan shrugged and went back to the conversation.

Charmed, he tried to ignore the warmth in his belly. She’d reached out to him. He knew she was purposely holding back, trying to give him room, which only made him want her more. Her being impulsive and texting meant she missed him just as much as he did her.

All right. Will you hold me if I get scared?

Oh, that was me — Dominic

He paused, wondering if she laughed. Hoping she had as big a smile as he did.

Only if you try to touch my boob when you put your arm around me.

It was probably right then that he fell in love with her.

I think we both know that’s a given. I have a special relationship with your boobs.

He briefly considered asking her for a picture, but that was best left for when they were alone.

It wasn’t long before she wrote back. I miss you. Are you having fun?

Right then as he texted with her he was having more fun than he had the whole day.

I am now. Good dinner. I’ll bring you here when we visit. I miss you too. What are you up to?

He ordered another drink and waited for her to answer. Ray was talking about how gorgeous the beaches were in Maui in the background and Dominic imagined what it would be like to lay on the beach with her, alone and far away from the troubles of the world.

Spent the night at Nell’s last night and had so much fun I’m back again. We’ve ordered Chinese food, looked at lots of great vacation photos, going to watch a movie in a bit.

“Dom, we’re going to head out after this round.”

He looked up at his friends, all in various modes of getting ready to leave. Evan, the one who spoke, owned three businesses. A nightclub in Manhattan, a wine bar upstate and the upscale martini-cum-piano bar they were headed to.

He’d told Meriel a little about his first break into nightclub work because of his friend. Evan had been someone he’d looked to as an example of how to make a success of yourself. Evan, Ray, Dominic and Trey had gotten up to a lot of trouble together in their early twenties when Dominic had left Oregon and moved to L.A.

Trey was a witch too. Dominic discovered that when they’d been a little, um, light-fingered and they’d been able to break into a door with a quick flick of Trey’s fingers.

The four had sunk to various levels of lawlessness and one by one, they’d found a way out of the darkness. Evan first, when he bought a pub in Portland and nursed it back to life. He’d taken the profit from that sale and bought the first of his clubs on the East Coast.

It had been enough to convince Dominic that the path he was on was destined for jail. Or worse. Trey showed up on his doorstep, someone hot on his tail for some infraction or other and they’d said fuck it and went to New York.

Evan had hired them both. Trey went to business school and worked the bar at night and Dominic had learned to run a club.

Over three years he scrimped and saved and built up contacts and earned enough to buy the building he and Simon built Heart of Darkness in.

“Hang on a minute,” he said and then called her instead of texting.

“Hey, we’re getting ready to leave but I wanted to hear your voice.” The talk in the background silenced and Dominic knew they all eavesdropped.

“Why, hello there, Dominic.” He heard the smile in her voice. “It’s really nice to hear your voice. I suppose you look rather dapper just now.”

“Sweet witch, how did you know?” He did take a glance down at himself, flattered she’d noticed. And he happened to have a really nice suit on. He’d just picked it up the week before. He made a note to wear it when he took her out.

“See? You’re very charming.”

“Are you trying to convince me? I believe it.” He laughed. “You’re having a lovely time then? With your friend?”

“Yes, yes, I am. She and her husband would like us to have dinner this weekend. Or she says a lunch since you work at nights. William, that’s her husband, he’s selling half his interest in his club in Vegas and moving up here full-time. You’ll like him. He also has good taste in clothes.”

There was talking in the background and then Meriel laughed. That twinge of yearning at the sound startled him.

“Nell also says, you both have good taste in women.”

He wished he was there.

“I wish I was there with you right now.”

“You do say the best things. Makes my knees rubbery. Have fun with your friends and don’t let the maidens get too fresh or I’ll be forced to not only maim you, but perhaps make your nose five times larger and give you impotence.”

“You can’t do that!” He laughed, but he wasn’t too sure where she was concerned.

Her laugh made him smile even though he knew he’d be interrogated the moment he hung up.

“But you’ll always wonder now. My gift to you.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Any new developments in the Rhode Island situation?” He knew it was on the other side of the country from her. Knew it probably had nothing to do with her or threatened her just then. But he hated it anyway. Made him worry.

“Nothing I can talk about on the phone. But not much more than we already knew.”

“Well, regardless, take care of yourself. Keep an eye out.”

“I’m with Nell. She’s badass and will kick someone’s face to protect me. Oh! Food’s here and you have to go off and look handsome while I am here in sweats and a ratty T-shirt. Have something sufficiently glamorous in a glass for me.”

Next time he came back to New York it would be with her and he’d take her to the Met. She’d dress up, he knew after they’d gone to the opera. She’d had her hair done. Her cocktail dress was classic Calvin Klein beauty. It fit her. Clean lines to highlight her body. So beautiful. Regal.

He could probably shuffle his schedule and go home early.

“Sweet dreams, Dominic Bright. I miss you.”

“You too.”

He slipped the phone into his pocket, missing her more than he wanted to allow.

“Sweet witch?” Trey looked him over, one brow raised.

“I’m seeing someone. Seriously.”

“Come on, let’s go. You can pay for the cab and I’ll buy the next round,” Evan called out as they left the table. “You can tell us about this mystery woman on the way.”

Chapter 12

SHE did her work and cleared out by just a little after eight. Edwina showed up at nine exactly and she stayed until seven. So wedded to her schedule was she that Meriel was pretty sure she could avoid her mother for at least the next few days. Maybe the whole week if she played it right.

A court commissioner’s hearing, two land use committees, a strategy meeting with a few of the attorneys Meriel used for contract work when more came up than she could handle on her own, even a trip to DDES and she found herself free and heading back to her apartment by four thirty that afternoon.

Only, as she stood in the aisle of her favorite local grocery store, unease slithered through her. Someone was watching her. Broad daylight, the place filled with people and the edge of whatever danger lurked was still sharp.

Regular sight showed her nothing. No one out of the ordinary lurking around. No obvious signs of magick being used. Aside from general annoyance and traffic grump, there were no signs of extreme emotion from anyone in the immediate area.