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He needed her so much she often saw the strain in how he held back. It filled her up in the best kind of way, this man.

This man she wanted as much as he wanted her in return. She managed to break free and fall to her knees, looking up at him while she unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out.

Dominic groaned at the sight of her there, so raw and carnal, on her knees, a hand on his cock as she licked her lips.

It was he who had to lean against the wall for a change as he placed his palms against the door and looked down at her. At this beauty who’d come into his life without warning and had turned everything he knew upside down.

He groaned when she took him into her mouth and then was lost to her and the way she knew what he needed and how he needed it. There was no ugliness between them and what was around them they’d overcome.

So close, she took him so close with the heat and wet of her mouth. He had other plans though, so he had to force himself to pull her back as he got so very close to the edge. “Couch. Bend over it. Panties down.”

Her eyes widened and a flush rose up her neck. He couldn’t resist such a response and cupped the back of her neck to take her mouth again.

Her hum of satisfaction was sweet and spicy all at once. But her squeal of surprise when he got them to the couch and spun her, bending her forward, shot through his system like a pinball. When she made those sounds, when she gave herself over to him and his pleasure the way she did, it undid him.

His usually chic and elegant woman was bent over a couch. Bare-assed. Her normally tidy hairdo had come loose, freed to tousle around her face.

Her beautiful face he caught glimpses of as he began to thrust. The curve of her cheek, or the pink of her lip caught against her teeth.

This was no long, sensual lovemaking session. He needed her with an intense greed. Needed to reconnect with her on this level. His system screamed for more, faster, harder, more more more. And when he reached around her body to touch her clit and drive her toward climax, she squirmed back against him in entreaty.

And he gave her what she wanted. And took what he needed as they both hurtled into climax.

This was part of what they were together. Meriel made his blood sing, made his magick rise, made him hard and short of breath.

This was everything.

MERIEL got into the office later that afternoon feeling remarkably relaxed despite three hours’ sleep, a harrowing experience with a turned witch and a lot of anger and heartache aimed in their general direction.

And yet she was totally certain that she and Dominic would be all right.

Her mother tapped on Meriel’s door an hour or so after she’d arrived. “I trust you’re well?”

She nodded. “Dominic is good. He’s hanging out with Tom, who showed up on our doorstep about half an hour before I came here. Thank you. For last night. I appreciate that you came over and that you looked over our wards too. And I’m sorry for letting you down. I didn’t do my job.”

Edwina came in and closed the door before sitting down. “What is it you mean?”

“I should have known and been prepared for that possession. It was an amateur mistake. You expect better from me.”

“I didn’t think of it either. It’s far outside the norm. You didn’t anticipate some sort of arcane dark arts. You’re not perfect.” Edwina raised a shoulder. “You’ve shown true leadership during this whole thing. You brought the issue of these mages to me. You brought the issue of sharing information between other groups of witches. You sensed a need and moved to fill it even before things became so much clearer. That’s leadership, Meriel. I won’t hear you denigrate my judgment. And as my judgment finds you worthy, you must do the same.”

She sat back and pulled a flick of lint from her skirt and dared Meriel to argue.

Edwina started to speak several times and then would fall silent again. Finally she took a deep breath. “I may not have been the best mother in the world, but what she did to him yesterday — what she’s done her whole life is not acceptable. We will take care of this because he’s our witch, and your man. But, I’d like to counsel you to let Dominic take the lead when it comes to dispatching her. He needs to do this to exorcise any doubts he might have that she could still get in.”

Meriel twisted her bracelets as she thought on it. Her mother was right. Dominic was a guy used to handling his own business and Gloria wanted to destroy that.

“He’s already told me this. But thank you for saying it. Aside from putting this ghost to rest, he’s a tough guy. This is his arena more than it’s mine.” She trusted his skills and she’d be there in the background if he needed the help or if there was some unforeseen problem. But it would be his to deal with.

“Good. Nell briefed me on the call as well. Vile, vile woman. I heard the recording. Thank you for your defense of my skills.” Her mother smiled.

“Well, really, did she think I’d let my boyfriend’s mom talk bad about you?”

Edwina stood. “Yes. Well. If she comes at me and Dominic isn’t around, it will be my great pleasure to underline everything you said. This is our clan and you’re doing all you’re supposed to and more to protect it. I believe that. The quorum believes that. Your witches believe that. When you take over, you’ll do it with everyone knowing how powerful and capable you are.”

She opened the door. “Keep me apprised. By the way, you are forbidden to hare off after this woman if she contacts you. She’s got mages with her and these humans too. You can best her magic, but a bullet can kill you either way. Don’t risk yourself. You have more important things in your future.”

Well. Okay then.

TOM answered the phone at the house when she called to check in on Dominic.

She smiled though it was a phone call and he couldn’t see it anyway. “Hey there. You settling in all right?”

“Yes, thanks. I’m making dinner. Pot roast okay with you?”

“Is that a trick question?”

He laughed. “Good to know you like it. If you’re looking for Dominic, he went over to Heart of Darkness to handle deliveries.”

She frowned. “He was all right to do that?”

“He’s a strong man, Meriel. A strong witch. He needs to do this. He’s been attacked twice in his business. That’s his ground. He has to claim it.”


“All right. I have to run. I just wanted to check in. Do you need me to bring anything home? Does Ernie need food?” Tom brought the cat with him.

“Nah, we’re good. I brought some along. I don’t know how long I’ll be here. It’s just … my gut said to come and after that call about Dominic last night, I knew it’s what I needed to do.”

She breathed out. “I’m going to be a happy camper when this is over and I can go back to my normal level of insanity. I’ll see you in a while.”

* * *

DOMINIC walked all over Heart of Darkness. Both floors of the human club, up and over the catwalk. Down and through the back. Behind the bar. Under tables, over the stage. Down the back hall and through his office and Simon’s. The walk-in coolers and the supply room. Even through the kitchen and out back on the loading dock and the lot back there.

Everything was exactly the way it should have been. The place was locked down tight against any magick but his, Meriel’s and Nell’s. Nell had done some sort of limiting spell for other kinds of magick; apparently it was whatever this club in Las Vegas had done and from what Dominic could see, it would work just fine. Nell had explained it was the same sort of spell Arel and the people from Rodas used in their cells to keep the witches and mages they had in custody from using any magick or magic at all. Not to escape or try to harm anyone. A sort of nullification spell. She’d promised to show him how to use it when all this mess had ended.