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“Is everything all right? I’m three blocks away.”

“I look forward to the day when we don’t answer all our phone calls that way.”

“Me too.”

“My mother wants to transfer the leadership to me.”

“Well, sure, that’s been the plan, right?”

“Today. Now.” She explained to him about how it would make her stronger and that it would affect him too.

“Wow. This is … wow.”

“I know. What do you think?”

She heard him take a deep breath, knew he was thinking it over. If she could only have seen his face and his body language right then. She could read him so well, even after such a short time together, she’d have known how he felt.

But she didn’t have that and so she waited.

“I think you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. I’ll be home in five minutes. This is what’s supposed to happen.”

She wanted to believe that was true. It certainly felt true. And so she decided to ignore that little voice and believe.

When she came back out she and her mother cleared the tea and put everything away while they waited for Dominic.

He came in and walked directly to her. “What do I need to do?”

She explained the rite briefly before Edwina set the circle. Dominic wasn’t part of the rite, but he would receive the font. He’d be with her there when it hit.

Edwina held out her hands and Meriel took them. “I will offer you the seat and you must accept or deny it. It’s rather simple, as I said.”

Meriel had a sinking suspicion that it would also be painful.

Edwina set the circle and turned to face Meriel again, clasped hands again. The power between them hummed, like to like.

“Let the seat pass to the next in line, new holder of the font. May the ground at her feet always recognize her power.”

“I accept and pray the ground at my feet always recognizes the power of the clan.”

Edwina smiled. “It is your turn.” And pulled her hands away.

The ground at Meriel’s feet dropped away as vertigo hit. Around her it swirled. So much magick and energy she breathed it, it pumped through her veins. She turned to look at Dominic, who reached out and took her hand and the bond snapped into place, fighting to equalize all the input, trying to make sense and process all the power rushing through them both.

It hurt her teeth and the backs of her eyes and her skin heated as she began to sweat. Of course Dominic looked cool as a cucumber.

The roar of it, so much electricity, energy, intent all tied up into one massive whoosh of white noise.

Her back bowed and her skin felt as if it would burst.

And then it eased back as the bond regulated itself. She opened her eyes to find Dominic looking at her.


“No kidding. I feel like I feel every Thanksgiving when I have one too many pieces of pie.”

“Such a poet.” He laughed and pulled her in for a kiss.

“JUST for the record, superpowers aside, I do not like you being here.”

He knew in his heart and mind that Gloria Ochoa was a turned witch who meant to harm him and his woman. His clan and his family. And she was right there inside that building. Coiled like a snake.

Which is why he didn’t want Meriel anywhere near her. Something very bad might happen when they moved in to capture Gloria and he wanted Meriel away.

She leaned over and kissed him. “I love you. This’ll be over soon. And then we can get on with our lives.”

He let out a long sigh, reaching out and connecting his magick with hers. He surprised her. “I love you.”

She lit up, thrusting her magick back into him and they were suddenly so connected and strong. They’d fully opened their bond. “That never gets old,” she said lazily, pausing for a moment.

She charmed him with all her ferocity.

He held a hand out. “It’s time to go meet Nell.”

She took it and hugged him tight. “We’re stronger than she is and she can’t send anything into you. No matter what she says she can’t get past me.”

He grinned as they headed out. “Yeah, I know.”

MERIEL rode beside him as they drove to Nell’s. She was now the leader of Clan Owen. Their lives would change again as they got used to that. She could do it, he was totally sure.

Her magick seemed to shimmer against her skin.

He knew he’d do anything to protect her.

Chapter 29

THE dark was very quiet. Every single small shuffle or step felt as if it was deafeningly loud. They’d dropped off the cars a few blocks away and crept in behind the motel next door. Dominic’s blending spell would make sure no one saw them. And he was able to broadcast it in a new way courtesy of a spell Edwina had shown him at their last lesson.

They approached from the side and soon they’d split up to flank the warehouse. He shielded her from his body for as long as they could. Wishing, again, that she was home and very far away from this mess.

Meriel would go in as bait. They’d all agreed though Dominic had argued he was just as good. He’d been overruled and wanted to punch someone, but she’d talked him down.

He turned to her when they reached the spot where she’d split off from the rest of the group and approach the warehouse directly, in plain view.

“You will be careful. I mean it, Meriel. I love you.”

“I love you too. Watch your ass. I’m going to need rescuing soon.” She kissed him quickly and waited for the time they’d need to get into place before she came out into full view and began to approach the warehouse.

MERIEL knew she should have been afraid. But she wasn’t. It would be over soon and she’d walk away the winner.

“Hold it there,” someone called out from the shadows. She could see the sickness in him from where she stood, though she wasn’t sure if it was so visible because he was so stuck, or because she was so much stronger now that she held the seat.

“I am Clan Owen, come to send you from our land.” Somewhere out there in the dark, she knew Nell was grinning at that one. She’d made up the line and dared Meriel to use it. It sounded good so she did. “You are outlaw and in violation of Owen rules. You have five minutes to vacate or your lives are forfeit. That means I get to kill you if you don’t leave, just in case I wasn’t clear.”

“Bring her in and let’s get this over with.”

Not Gloria. This had to be the other turned witch. He was stronger, not as far gone as his partner.

She walked forward and through the doors but they remained opened, though two humans at her back tried in vain to close them.

“Just close them for her!” Gloria’s shrill voice sounded as she stomped into view.

Meriel took a long look and was not impressed. She turned to the male who’d had her brought in to start with. “Let me guess, that shot-out bitch over there with the big bags under her eyes and three inches of roots must be Gloria. I feel as if I should say something witty. But I’m too pissed off.”

Someone tried to drain her; she felt the tendrils of that dark sludge getting closer, but she reflected it back. “You have really bad manners. Now, time’s a-tickin’. You all need to be scurrying away.”

“Says who? The woman who actually showed up alone to a meeting with someone like Gloria?” One of the mages sneered.

She raised her hand and the human who’d been running at her was blown backward against the wall. “And just so you know, I get to defend myself against humans who try to harm me.” He got up, limping a little. “Now we don’t have to worry about any misunderstandings.”