He stalked away and motioned for one of the waiters. Richard groaned. “I can’t believe this.”
She smothered a giggle. “This is starting to remind me of an old Seinfeld episode.”
The waiter discreetly adjusted their table setting, and suddenly the red-head stood before them. Her lower lip jutted out in a slight sulk. “Logan, we really shouldn’t intrude. They probably want to be alone.”
Chandler decided the woman was not happy about the new seating arrangements. Logan waved one hand in the air. “Lisa, let me introduce Chandler and Richard. We work together. I probably just saved Richard from a lecture on nutrition. Chandler’s our yoga expert at the company, so she tries to convert everyone to good health. Richard’s normal obsession is for jumbo beef burgers.”
Chandler choked on her water and tried to keep a straight face. She caught a flash of anger pass over Richard’s features before he carefully concealed his emotions with a bland smile. Uneasiness flickered deep inside when she realized how quickly he could change his expressions. But he had every right to be annoyed with Logan. She firmly pushed away the doubts as everyone got settled.
Lisa ordered a salad and made a production out of moving around the lettuce leaves on her plate. Actually, Chandler was surprised at the adept way she kept dropping things off the table so Logan could get a healthy glimpse of cleavage. Not that it mattered. Chandler didn’t care about Logan’s long list of bimbos ranked by hair color. Not one bit. She was grateful her own escort wanted sparkling conversation rather than a perfect body. Chandler clung to the thought.
“Darling, how do you manage? After working long days, you actually show up for a class that does nothing but twist up your body. What a sacrifice you make for your employees,” Lisa cooed.
“I do my best,” Logan said.
Chandler rolled her eyes.
“I met a yoga teacher once.” Lisa’s eyes ran over her with a dismissing gesture. “She believed in saving the environment. Especially water. I guess that’s why she didn’t believe in bathing.”
Chandler smiled sweetly. “Yes, I have the same philosophy. Birthdays and holidays I treat myself to a bath.”
Her gaze met and locked with amused charcoal eyes. He raised his glass to her in silent salute, and Chandler mentally chided herself for making such a smart remark. Her actions indicated jealousy. But of course, she wasn’t.
Moments later, she realized the lovely Lisa actually believed her comment. The woman seemed a bit nervous and adjusted her chair.
The waiter appeared by their table. “May I get anyone an after dinner drink, coffee or dessert?”
Richard shook his head. “Sugar and caffeine. I’ll pass.”
Lisa agreed. “I’m so stuffed I feel like I’ll explode. I’ll pass, too.”
Chandler winced and glanced down at her clean plate. She’d managed to devour her appetizer, salad, dinner, and all her rice. She held back a sigh and opened her mouth to decline.
“We’ll have the brownie bomber sundae,” Logan said. One lid dropped in a naughty wink. “With two forks.”
At that moment, she knew she liked Logan Grant a bit too much.
“Let me walk you to the door.”
“Thanks.” She led Richard up the staircase and paused in front of her apartment. Her high heels sunk into the cream colored carpet as she turned to face him and offered a bright smile. The corridor was quiet, and the lights had been adjusted to the late hour. Their figures cast dim shadows against the wall.
“I had a good time tonight.” He gave a lopsided grin. “At least until the boss showed up.”
She laughed. “So did I.”
“I’d like to take you out again.” The grin faded and became replaced by a serious expression. He reached out and enfolded his hands within hers. “I think we have a lot in common, Chandler. It took me a long time to realize what’s important in life. For years, I thought power and money were my only options. Now I know I want a woman with the same values, who wants to grow with me on the same path. Does that make sense to you?”
Her gut twisted. She wondered if she was scared because she finally found a man who believed in the same things. He told her everything she wanted to hear.
Everything she wanted to hear…
She nodded. “It makes perfect sense.”
His lips touched hers. Tentative. Polite. A kiss from a man who respected a woman and wanted to take his time. Definitely not like—
She broke off the thought and kissed him back. When he finally raised his head, she caught a gleam of satisfaction in chestnut eyes, before being quickly masked. “Friday night?”
She smiled. “Sure. Friday night.”
He squeezed her hands and walked down the hallway. She heard the echo of footsteps on the stairway, and leaned against the door. Richard Thorne was a man who held the same principles. His embrace comforted, and made her feel safe. Surely, those feelings were everything she searched for? Surely, she wasn’t shallow enough to think a quick sexual attraction meant more than building a solid friendship with a man?
“At least you didn’t invite him in.”
She gasped and spun on her heel. Logan Grant stood at the end of the corridor. Still dressed in his evening clothes, every powerful muscle cloaked in elegant fabric, he cut an intimidating figure. His tie had been ripped off, and the first buttons of his shirt undone. Curly dark hair peeked from beneath the pristine white cloth. A muscle worked in his jaw as his silvery gaze drilled into her. His voice was a low growl of sound. Rough. Sexy. Her stomach slid and dipped to her toes. She made sure her face showed nothing.
“Why am I not surprised? Logan, don’t you think this could be considered stalking? We live in a modern age, remember? You can’t drag me to your cave just on a whim.”
The corner of his mouth kicked up in a grin. “I never stalked a woman in my life.”
“First time for everything.” Her eyes narrowed. “What do you want? Have you trained your women so well that your date is sitting in the car?”
He moved toward her like a predator and stopped a few inches away. The scent of musk aftershave and male teased her senses. “I took her home. Did you enjoy kissing him, Chandler?”
Her temper surged. “Did you enjoy kissing your red-head, Logan?” Immediately, she realized her mistake and almost bit her tongue with frustration. He’d watched her all through dinner with a possessive gleam in his eyes which annoyed her. The casual intimacy he treated his date with made her angry, too. Those emotions she could deal with. However, it was the way her body jumped at the mere sound of his voice, melted at his touch or look, which made her really crazy.
The amusement was back. “Lisa? I gave her a polite kiss on the cheek and dropped her at the door. Why? Does it matter?”
She shrugged. “No.” Then glanced around the empty corridor. “Look, it’s late. I’ve got an early class in the morning.” She turned to dismiss him, but his hand shot out to grasp her wrist. Her heart slammed in her chest. “Is there something else you wanted?”
“If I was sleeping with Lisa would you be jealous?”
Chandler gasped. “Of course not. It’s none of my business who you sleep with and I have no desire to know. I wouldn’t tell you who I was involved with.”
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you sleeping with somebody?” he demanded.