“The food of France does nothing so wonderful. It taste so good that every day God send a saint down to Paris to bring him his dinner, but what does he know?”
They continued the bragging contest into the kitchen. But Alvin stopped off in the small parlor, where Verily sat comfortably with a book on his lap. He glanced at Alvin and then back down at the book.
“Oh, you're back,” said Verily. “I assumed you had been killed and Arthur sold into slavery.” He turned a page. “Next time, perhaps.” He said it with no expression at all. Mike was right. Alvin had never seen Verily Cooper so mad.
“I'm sorry,” Alvin said.
“All right then,” said Verily, setting down the book and rising to his feet. “Let's go.” Verily walked toward the door.
“This late in the afternoon?” asked Alvin as he passed.
Verily stopped and looked at Alvin in feigned surprise. “Afternoon? So late? I had no idea.”
“I said I'm sorry,” said Alvin.
“I'm not like Peggy,” said Verily. “I can't see your heartfire off in the distance and assure myself that everything's all right. I just sit here waiting.”
“I can't believe this,” said Alvin. “You sound like a wife.”
“I sound angry,” said Verily. “I think it's interesting that in your mind this translates as 'sounding like a wife.'”
“Now you sound like a lawyer,” said Alvin.
“But you still sound like someone who thinks his life is so much more important than anyone else's that he can worry and inconvenience other people and all will be made right if he just says 'I'm sorry.'”
Alvin was stunned. “How can you say that? You know that's not how I feel.”
“That's not what you say. But it's how you act.”
“Sure, yes, maybe I do act like that. I'm on this journey trying to find out what this knack I have is for. I was told once that I'm supposed to build a Crystal City only I don't know what it is or how it's made. So I'm flailing around, changing my mind from day to day and week to week because I don't even know where to begin. Some Tennizy town calling itself Crystal City? Or maybe New England, because one of the wisest people I know tells me that's where I'll learn how to create a city?”
“This is not about whether or not you follow my suggestion,” said Verily.
“I know what it's about,” said Alvin. “Your knack is as remarkable as mine. On top of that you're an educated man. So why are you wandering all over America, following a half-educated journeyman blacksmith who doesn't know where he's going?”
“That is precisely the question I've spent this whole day asking.”
“Well, answer it,” said Alvin. “Because if you want to be the center of your own life, then get on with it. Go away. The longer you follow me around the more you're going to get caught up in my life, and pretty soon all you'll be is the fellow who helped Alvin Smith build him a Crystal City.”
“That's if you succeed in building it.”
“Now we're to it, ain't we, Very?” said Alvin. “It's worth it to tag along with me iffen I end up building the damn city. But what if I never figure it out? Then what's your life about?”
Verily turned his back on Alvin, but he didn't leave the room. He walked to the window. “Now I see,” he said.
“See what?”
“I sat here getting angrier and angrier, and I thought it was because you were delaying our journey and hadn't sent word, and I talked myself into resenting the high-handed way you make decisions, but that was nonsense, because I'm free to leave any time. I'm with you by my own choice, and that includes being patient while you figure things out. So why was I angry?”
“Being angry isn't always for a reason that makes sense.”
“Do you imagine you have to tell a lawyer that?” Verily laughed grimly. “I see now that I was really angry because I'm not in control of my own life. I've handed it over to you.”
“Not to me,” said Alvin.
“You're the one leading this expedition.”
“You think just because you're not in charge of your own life right now, I must be in charge?” Alvin sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. “I didn't give myself this knack. I didn't set the Unmaker to trying to kill me a dozen times over while I was growing up. I didn't cause myself to be born where this torch girl could see my future and use my birth caul to save my life every one of those times. I didn't choose to get all caught up with Tenskwa-Tawa, either– I was kidnapped by a bunch of Reds as was in cahoots with Harrison. And when I do make a choice it's liable to blow up in my face. I figured out how to save Arthur from the Finders but what did it cost him? He can't do the voices anymore, not even the true voices of the birds. I'd give anything to put him back to rights, the way he was. And this golden plow, this living plow I found in the fire, that was the worst mistake of all, cause I don't know how to use it or what it's for. But I feel like it's got to make sense. There's got to be some purpose behind it. Some plan. Only I can't see what it's supposed to be. Not the future, not the present, not the past. And Margaret's no help neither, cause she sees too many futures and all she cares about is whether I'm dead, as if there's some future in which I don't die. Verily, you feel like you're getting led around on a string, but at least you can look at the other end of the string and see who's holding it.”
“You,” said Verily.
“And you can take it back if you want. You can go your own way. But me, Verily, who's holding my string? And how can I get away?”
Verily sank to his knees in front of Alvin and put his hands on Alvin's shoulders, then pulled him into an embrace. “You need a friend, and I'm nothing but a nag, Alvin.”
“You're the friend I need, Verily, as long as you want to be,” said Alvin.
They held each other for a long moment, both of them rejoicing in the closeness, and both relieved that they hadn't lost it in the flaring of tempers of two strong-willed men.
“So we stay another night?” asked Verily.
“If Mistress Louder hasn't changed the sheets,” said Alvin.
“She hasn't,” said Verily. “She said she wouldn't till she saw you ride off.”
“So she knew I wouldn't get away today?”
“She wished,” said Verily. “You know she's set her cap for you.”
“Don't be silly. She's twenty years older than me at least, and I'm a married man.”
“Cupid shoots his arrows where they'll cause the most mischief,” said Verily.
“She mothers me,” said Alvin. “That's all it is.”
“To you it feels like mothering,” said Verily, “but to her it feels like wifing.”
“Then let's get out of here tonight.”
“The harm's already done,” said Verily, “and she's not going to do anything about it, so why not stay tonight in a familiar bed?”
“And eat familiar food,” said Alvin.
“Which I smell right now,” said Verily.
“It's not even suppertime,” said Alvin.
“How often a woman's love comes out as cookies.”
“One more night in Mistress Louder's house,” said Alvin.
“You'll always come back here when you're in Philadelphia,” said Verily.
“Why, you think I can't turn away from a good meal and a soft bed?”
“I think you can't bear the thought of breaking her heart.”
“I thought I was blind to other people's needs and desires.”
Verily grinned. “I believe that the person who said that was in a bit of a snit. A rational person would never speak of you that way.”
“So we leave for New England in the morning?” said Alvin.
“Unless Arthur Stuart has another errand for us.”
“And Verily Cooper, attorney-at-law, comes along with us?”
“You never know when you might need someone to talk you out of jail.”
“No more jails for me,” said Alvin. “Next time somebody locks me up, I'll be out before they turn around.”
“Don't you think it's ironic that you have no idea what you're supposed to do,” said Verily, “and yet so many people have gone to so much trouble to prevent you from doing it?”