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‘Ma – ehti.’ She whispered. ‘Right and truth.’

Garren and Gabe beamed.


Blue mist

Seth and Nettles blinked in the darkness. They were still joined, but their human selves had become disconnected. They wobbled when they stood up, their muscles trembling. Seth stumbled sideways, his silver hair becoming rigid when he touched the edge of his cage. The frequency had a mouldy smell to it, and he whined moving away and urinating in the corner. Memories of grass, dirt and pain filled the fox side of his brain.

His mate circled him, tucking her tail between her legs, sniffing for any sign of the humans that did this to them.

As they felt the blood start to pump through their limbs, they automatically shook themselves apart, their human minds foggier than their animals.

Seth…what’s happening? Where are we? Nettles whined.

I don’t know...but man, I had the worst dream ever, and my head is killing me. He groaned putting his paw against the edge of the white pulsating floor before yelping.

What the hell? I just got electrocuted. Nettles barked, before sniffing his face.

I’m scared…my parents will be worried - do you think the others will know where we are? She whimpered.

Seth’s mind returned to their last moments before they passed out.

Don’t worry, I sent a message to Hawk. Nettles licked him gratefully, hope making her pulse quicken. She felt drained, and the urge to be free was stronger than ever. Another thought crossed her mind and her ears flattened. Seth’s animal instincts reacted to her heightened sense of fear and he mirrored her pose, his brushing the cold metal surface of the cage.

Seth, I’m tired, we shouldn’t still be joined, we need to free ourselves, have you tried?

Nettles shook her body then, her brown hair standing on end like Seth’s. It was normally quite easy to free herself from her totem, you just will it. But nothing was happening.

‘There’s no use trying, the frequency in there is high enough to keep you joined. Better get used to it.’ An accented male voice interrupted. Seth and Nettles froze, both growling in their throats at the hazy shape beyond their line of sight. The energy that surrounded them made it difficult to see anything outside properly.

‘Aww…can’t speak? Fox got your tongue?’ The unfamiliar male voice chuckled. Nettles tucked in her tail – her whining increasing.

‘Hey don’t worry, you might be saved if the exchange happens, for now just think of yourselves as our little energy bulbs.’ The voice was filtering and Seth threw himself against the energy field before bouncing back up just as quickly. The pain was immense, and he curled up on the floor whimpering.

You bastard, you almost killed him Nettles screamed, but all that came out was a high pitched barking.

‘Don’t get too worried, your new leader will be arriving soon, and you’ll soon figure out your purpose. I’ve heard she’s excellent with animals.’

Nettles pulled her mouth back, baring her teeth at the mention of the woman. The laughing made her rage, and she threw herself at the wall of light, howling in pain as she too ricocheted backwards, every inch of her body pulsating.

I will kill you…when I’m free. I will kill Nettles vowed.

‘Now then little ones, that’s against totem law isn’t it?’ Nettles’ ears twitched. The gravelly voice was familiar and she wished her eyesight would clear. The name Anna brushed at the sides of her consciousness and the thought was immediately picked up. ‘Well done, I’ve underestimated you, little one. Don’t worry, I’ve sent word to your group, and if they agree, then you’ll be free. Perhaps by then, you might prefer to join me.

Nettles recoiled as if she’d been stung.



Hawk, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I think I’m dreaming now. Can you dream when you’re dead? Someone is whispering my name, and they’re talking in a strange underwater voice. I can’t see properly, and everything looks white and fuzzy. I’m floating Hawk, help me, I’m floating.

I’ve lost you...

Hawk! I’m not lost silly, just dreaming.’ My voice doesn’t sound right either, it echoes, maybe ‘cos I’m so high up. Where are you?

Nevaeh…if you can hear me…wake up everyone needs you…I need you.’

Wake up? How?’

I'm drifting downwards. I wish you could see this, feel this. There is a warm wind on my face, and I’m hovering above a vast field it seems clearer than when I dreamt it. Now I can actually smell the wild flowers, and they’re every colour imaginable – it seems to go on forever like a tapestry. I wonder if the temple is there? I feel like I’m in heaven, maybe it is heaven. The urge to run through it and grab handfuls is overwhelming. I’m so close that if I push my bare foot downwards, pointing my toe, I can almost feel it. There’s a tickling sensation travelling up my legs like fingers. I feel so energised, I just want t curl my toes into the soft soil - why can’t I?

In my dreams, I ran through these fields to the temple. I really want to do that again. I feel so frustrated - maybe I’m not totally dead. I want to stay here and make angels in the long grass. I just wish my parents could see this and Jo-Jo. I bet she’s lying on her bed listening to music – I miss her.

Jo-Jo lay on her bed listening to her i-pod as a way of hiding from her Mother. She wasn’t used to the attention she was getting; Mum had always been such a workaholic, and now she was doing the overkill protective mother thing, and it made her uncomfortable. It was bad enough that her best friend was in a coma, but now she had to deal with her mother constantly asking if she was alright. Why can’t she leave her alone? She had phoned Nevaeh’s parents most nights, and tonight was no different. Her Mum was living at the hospital while her Dad looked after the baby.

Guilt was her constant companion lately, which even spread towards Nevaeh’s family. She’d been jealous of them; they were so close, compared to hers. Her parents had been divorced since she was two and she hardly heard from him. He had his own family and step-children; while she was a constant reminder of his past.

Jo-Jo’s eyes turn towards the photo frame of them both in their rollerblades, her eyes misting up again. Nevaeh, never asked anything from her. Why was she so stupid? She could have any guy she wanted and yet she went for the one guy her shy best friend wanted. She remembered her dreams of him and blushed. Every morning she felt more frantic, wanting him for herself. Nevaeh suddenly became the competition, not her friend but the girl in her way of getting the guy.