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In the kitchen, thirst overwhelmed Hawk. Patrolling was different; it required more energy and his muscles ached. He was stopped from downing another litre of water by the sudden appearance of Raven at the kitchen door. They had taken the half thing to the oversized shed.

‘Hawk, it’s asking for you,’ Raven called pulling a face. At Hawk’s confused look, he shrugged.

‘Apparently you know her.’ Raven muttered. The emphasis on her, made him jolt. He felt the rest of the group’s mood shift from where they had been lounging.

‘Wake Andrea,’ He commanded. ‘But keep it discreet.’ Raven nodded and Hawk pulled open the kitchen door quietly. Instinct told him it was not the time to alert the others until he knew what he was talking about. Whoever it was, if they knew him, it might be a trick. Anger replaced his tiredness with anxiousness. For him, the half thing represented the cause, the effect being Nevaeh, and he hesitated at the locked door. He knew he had to calm down and normally was able to control his emotions, but this was personal. If he went into the room now, he knew the instinct to kill it would overwhelm him.

In the room, he couldn’t disguise his contempt at the sight of this whimpering half being that hid under the blanket. The weeping only angered him further; he wanted answers.

‘You know me?’ His voice is cold and emotionless. A tail thumps under the blanket and he heard it hold its breath.

‘I was told you know me, show yourself or I will – by ripping you apart.’ He repeated, trying to suppress the image of Seth, and Nettles dangling by their necks. Whatever this thing was, he needed it alive – for now. He watched it twist round on itself under the blanket, one eye peeping through a rip.

‘Well?’ he crossed his arms fighting with himself. One bloody hand pulled part of the blanket down, and he caught sight of a mouth.

‘Hawk, help me…’ He felt the blood drain from his face at the disfigurement. It moved again, and his stomach heaved at the sight of the half totem body and the stench that filtered through. The flesh had rejected the joining. It was bruised, and blistered like it had been burnt together. He had heard but never seen anything like this before. Totems only reject what wasn’t their natural choice; this totem had been stolen. He noted the tail and colour of the fur – it wasn’t a wolf but a fox and the way the silver streak ran down its spine towards the tail seemed familiar. He nodded to Raven who surprised it by plucking the blanket from its head. A small and frightened sob filtered through from under the tangle of dark hair. Raven grabbed a torch, focusing it on the whimpering creature.

‘There’s no point hiding. You said you know me – but I don’t know you…’ he stopped, watching as it half sat up and shook its hair back, dark eyes wincing against the brightness.


He whirled round at Andrea’s voice, she was standing behind them. Dark eyes blinked furiously from her to him.

‘I’m so sorry Hawk and Andrea, I just wanted to experience it, and she let me. Anna seemed so nice, too nice. I didn’t know who she was, I promise, I didn’t understand. Andrea help me.’ The part that was Amber held a bloody hand out.

‘Please, you have to believe me. I wasn’t going to hurt her,’ she added when no-one approached her. Hawk thought of Nevaeh then and realised with horror that Anna must know where she is. He turned to Andrea, mouthing her name. ‘She’s safe, don’t worry. I’ve doubled the watch.’ Andrea hissed turning back to Amber. Her mind raced as she thought about how difficult it had been to get hold of her lately. The betrayal felt like ice water, and she instinctively moved forward, next to Hawk.

‘Of course they will know about this and everything else won’t they Amber? All part of your little plan was it? How long have you been betraying us, you little bitch?’ Her totem was already gathering itself in readiness, and no one tried to stop her as her body elongated, bands of red scales forming rings over her torso.

‘What are you going to do?’ Amber whimpered dragging the blanket around her while backing into the corner.

‘Feed,’ Andrea spat, flicking her tongue at her.

‘Andrea – No!’

Raven and Hawk stood in front of her. The betrayal of a soon-to-be initiate was too much for Andrea to bear. Hawk, frantically messaged the part of Andrea that was left, her snake brain already taking over.

Amber burst into floods of tears hiding under the blanket, her t-shirt ripped and bloody.

‘She’s useful and might be our only chance of helping Seth and Nettles.’ Hawk shouted at her.

At the mention of two missing group members, Andrea’s body stilled.

‘Amber, there is a chance if you help us, that we might be able to get you back to normal. You must tell us everything, if not -’ he shrugged, nodding back at Andrea. She had stretched into herself, coiling and swaying above them.

‘Make a decision Amber, or I might not be able to save you. She’s been on patrol, and is very hungry.’ His voice was softer then and Amber pulled herself towards the comfort of his voice.

‘I’ll tell you everything, please don’t eat me.’ She pleaded keeping one terrified eye on Andrea who hovered dangerously close, her fangs dripping venom. She was in strike position and remained that way, until Hawk had found out all he needed to know. His disgust at what Anna had become and done, raged in him. He knew there was only one way to stop Anna and that was by killing her.

By the following evening, most of the group had left the area to await their instructions for attack. Hawk had decided to keep the previous night’s events away from the group – for now. The less people knew, the less risk of Anna infiltrating them. Raven had dragged along the miserable half creature back to where they had found her. They had tried to keep her comfortable, but he knew she didn’t have long. The image of Amber repulsed him, but if his plan worked, she would have the chance to pay back her betrayal.

More than ever, Nevaeh had to wake up. He made his way to the hospital one last time, hoping he could reach her.



Wow - the sky is so blue and the light is becoming brighter, it makes me so sleepy, and I can feel my eyelids become heavy. I have to close them. Sorry Hawk, I’m so tired. The warm wind is soothing as it brushes over my body. I feel like its whispering my name, like the voice from before. Only now I can hear other voices, voices from my life – Mum is talking to me now and I keep my eyes closed, feeling her touch on my arms.

Rest honey, you’re safe, I’m not going to leave you.’

I curl up in her words. I do feel safe, and I can smell Dad’s aftershave even though he’s not speaking. He’s sad too, and I wish I could help him but I can’t. I think of my sister then, and remember how sad he was when she was born. They’d nearly lost her because the chord was wrapped round her neck and she spent weeks in the incubator. Can you imagine how scared they were?

The breeze has become cooler, and I’m shivering - does that mean I’m going back again?’

Nevaeh…can you hear me?

It’s a male voice. Are you another angel?

The chill was wrapping itself around me, and I feel as if something from here is watching me again, breathing darkness and screaming shadows. I don’t want them to reach me. They’re whispering, and I can hear a woman’s voice. She sounds angry.