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‘It’s no use, she’s in shock.’

She didn’t have time to register the fierce growl or flash of movement from behind her. All she heard was a loud slap and watched as Amber rolled over into a heap. Nettles swung round to Seth who held his arms up.

‘What? We had to do something.’

A small sob filtered through to them, and they both swung around to find Amber looking up at them in horror, holding her cheek.

‘Well the theory works then,’ Seth muttered.

‘What theory?’ Nettles mumbled, still staring at Amber.

‘A good slap brings people back.’

Before she could answer Seth pushed her forward, making Nettles look at him in anger.

‘Now ask her, and if she doesn’t answer…’ he held up his hand.

‘Seth.’ Nettles stood in the spot she'd been pushed, turning her head slightly to one side.

‘What are you waiting for Nettles? If you don’t do something, I will. That cow’s not going to get away with this, I promise you.’

‘Seth, shut up and listen, what do you hear?’

Seth sighed loudly, he didn’t like being so isolated and the silence was eerie, almost threatening. He noticed then how close they were to the fortress. Everyone else had left but them, and he felt a rising frustration.

‘Jeezus Nettles, let’s just get out of here. Just because, it’s quiet, doesn’t mean we’re not in danger. You think those things can’t see us? They can see all over the friggin’ world. Let’s get out of here while we still can.’

Nettles gave him a sharp look.

‘Listen you idiot – what do you hear?’ He stared patiently at her before holding his hands up in resignation.

‘Nothing, I give up, what’s the big deal anyway; let’s just get out of here.’ Nettles stepped towards him, whispering in his ear.

‘It’s too quiet because the alarm has been turned off. Who turned the alarm off Seth?’



The power in me is growing, and it’s magical. I feel as if I can see every creature that roams the planet. Hawk, if you can hear me, he’s teaching me about the place we live in. Do you remember telling me that I was here for a reason? I’m beginning to understand now. I wish I could show you what I’m learning. I can be anything I want. I just have to think it. I know now what my totem is Hawk - Earth. The whole Earth is my totem and his.



Seth flanked Amber and pushed her forward through the thick undergrowth. He kept glancing around nervously, certain they were being followed, cursing the wasted time. Why they even had to bring her, he had no idea – fat waste of space, he thought grimly. Every time she flagged, he smacked her from the back. Out of the three of them, Amber struggled the most. They were used to the forests, used to joining and most importantly used to exercise, he thought miserably.

The shadows from the trees even made him shiver; all he wanted to do was go home. He watched her struggling to climb and hatred fuelled him forward. If he could kill her and get away with it, he would.

Amber slipped. A rock bit into her knee and as the pain registered, she felt another forceful push from behind digging it further in.

‘What the hell is your problem?’ she snapped pulling out a small stone splinter. She pressed her finger on her now bleeding knee as pain, anger, everything she had ever felt seemed to burst open with it. Seth leaned forward.

‘My problem? You’re the problem you stupid cow.’

‘Poor liddle Amber, look at my bleeding knee. I just want to be like you when I grow up Anna. I wuv you.’ He mocked putting one hand on his heart. She stared up at him tearfully, her bottom lip jutting out.

‘It wasn’t like that – I explained to you what happened. Anyway, you wouldn’t be free if I hadn’t helped you. I could have died thanks to your stinking totem.’ she blurted, instantly regretting it. There was a loud intake of breath from both Nettles and Seth, and she paled.

‘You bitch!’ Seth snarled. Animal instinct pushed through, and she reeled backwards readying herself. Nettles punched her way between them, her face had turned puce.

‘Really Amber? You really want to do this now?’ Nettles asked while holding Seth back.

Amber mumbled an apology, but Seth was far from calm. Hatred almost boiled in his eyes, and that was when it actually hit her. No matter what she did now, she would never be accepted back into the group.

‘I’m sorry,’ Amber blubbered. Nettles looked at her like she was an insect and cold fear washed over her. She glanced at Seth. He was in pounce position, and the way his fists were clenching and unclenching, she wondered if she would ever make it home.’

‘I’m really sorry,' she whispered again, fighting the rise of hysteria.

‘Give me one valid reason why we should believe you?’

Amber wrung her hands, looking up at both of them.

‘All I know is that I’m sorry. I know that it’s over for me in the group, but please let me go home. I promise, you’ll never hear from me again.’

‘Changing area then?’ Seth sneered. Amber blinked, she hadn’t thought of that. They all went to the same school, but then her Mum always wanted to move. She’d had a brilliant job offer but turned it down because of her. Now, she wished she hadn’t.

‘Yes, we’ll move.’ Her voice was resigned.

Seth screwed up his eyes, and she felt the first rays of hope when she saw his fists unclench. Tears rolled down her cheeks then, and she swallowed hard to stop herself from sobbing.

‘Ha, See? There she goes again with the damn crying. Can’t you see through her Nettles? She doesn’t give a damn about us, never has. All she cares about is herself.’

Nettles turned to him planting her two feet a little wider.

‘I’m quite aware of what she did – I was there too y’know.’

Seth pushed his hands through his overlong Mohican, looking at her as if he has been stabbed in the heart. Amber cringed, she’d been around arguments long enough to tell when one was about to kick off.

‘Then how can you stand it, to be this close to her? She stinks of them.’ When she didn’t answer, he stepped closer, one foot in front of the other.

‘Or have I got you all wrong too babe? After all, it wasn’t your totem that was trashed was it?’

The slap resounded through the forest, and a few birds flapped loudly from the top of the trees. The expression in her eyes was of cold fury. Amber scrambled backwards, feeling the hard ridge of the incline on her back, looking at them dismally. He was right, it was her fault, all of it, and now she was making the biggest lovebirds in the group turn on each other.

‘Stop please! Whatever has happened or not happened and whatever I did, don’t fight.’ she said as they turned to face her. Seth still had his hand on his cheek and seemed in shock.

‘You have always been soul mates. No matter what happens, I know you both love each other. Take it out on me. I’m the traitor here. Seth you can hit me if you like, I deserve it. Just don’t take it out on her. Life’s too short.’

Her voice broke then, and she looked down at her hands submissively, squealing when she felt a hand touch the top of her head. She twisted away.

‘Amber, no-one is going to hurt you, believe it or not.’

‘Babe…’ Nettles, turned round to face Seth. The rest was in whispers as they both moved a little further down. Gestures and whispers followed and increased growling. She turned away, concentrating on her knee; it was the best attempt at privacy she could give them. Although she did peer at them from beneath her fringe, the familiar pangs of jealousy edging their way forward. This side of her life was empty, and it was only her angel that made her feel complete. While she dabbed, she recreated the image of him smiling at her. She liked the way he smiled, and every time he did that, she gave him a little more of herself. The growling between the two of them was starting to make her uncomfortable and she heaved herself further up the ridge grabbing clumps of grass and wishing she could turn back time, and change everything.