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Back at the cabin, Andrea, Claudine and Caro made beds for those recovering. The Ecos had tried to bring back most of the frozen group. Their pain was etched on their faces. Elula, one of the leaders, told him that they last saw Amber with two others. Judging by their description, it was Seth and Nettles. Hawk frowned, wondering why it was taking so long to find them and sensed them a message. The flow of mumbled conversation that echoed around the cabin started to quieten down as some disappeared. Only Hawk remained quiet, unmoving, near the window watching the sheets of rain. His face was guarded, and Andrea tapped his shoulder.

‘Hey, what’s up…we won, right? And I’m sure we’ll see Seth and Nettles fairly soon. They’re slower because of Amber.’ Nettles looked at her watch, mentally giving them another hour. If not, then she would send out another search party. She noticed Hawk shaking his head, looking at her like she was stupid. She felt her rage rise again; she had had enough of this guy putting her down.

‘What?’ she snapped.

‘Andrea, they didn’t even put up a fight. Anna wasn’t even there. How did we win? It’s like they knew we were coming.’

Andrea grimaced shaking her head in confusion.

‘How could they?’ she asked.

He raised his eyebrows. ‘Think about it Andrea.’ He watched as Andrea did the calculations, her face paling.


He nodded slowly.

‘Perhaps. Only perhaps.’

The silence was thick with tension.

‘She couldn’t, she wouldn’t!’ Andrea exploded, calling on her totem. Hawk grabbed her, pulling her behind a clustered group of Ecos. This time she couldn’t stop the hot, angry tears that stained her face. She was still reeling from the betrayal and anger. It was her fault for not reading the signs properly.

‘Forget about her and think about who! Who did Anna want in exchange for Seth and Nettles?’

Andrea’s eyes widened.



Here and there

I feel so powerful; the magic is feeding my very core. His earth name is Mika, and he has been teaching me to tap into Gaia herself. The ancient power feels so right. My body is stronger than ever, and I have no desire to return to the weak person I once was. I don’t feel any pain or sadness anymore, but I can see the plague that darkens the planet. I am part of Gaia now, fusing with her energy. With him, I dip into the past, and the ancient covenant made with man. Humans have broken that covenant, and it is up to us to restore and build. He wants to join with me but first I have to go back to my body. I don’t want to – I want to stay here and be with him always. Did you know there’s a veil between here and there? He showed me only once, and I felt so connected to what lay behind. I thought of the woman then, my true mother, but Mika said that she sacrificed herself for me and that she was on the earthly plane now. If I went behind the curtain, I would never come back, never see him again. The thought of losing him is too much to bear. I can’t lose him, we are one and he alone gives my life meaning. I’m sorry Hawk, but I have to help, they are my people.



Lightning carved up the sky over Tidwell, puncturing the dark underbelly of the clouds that night. The rain gushed at first, almost eagerly, spilling its contents on unsuspecting humans who raced for cover. They were starting to get used to this. It had been happening for over a month, but tonight most of them were at the summer show house. Tidwell had a mini Globe Theatre and they bundled together, watching from the doorways.

Everyone seemed to be rooted, distracted from the blue ribbon of light that pulsated below them. Deep cracks had already appeared beneath the surface. The strange energy crackled, fragmenting the air, disorientating and confusing everyone, including Hawk and Andrea.

‘Careful!’ Hawk shouted as Andrea narrowly missed an oncoming car. The wind battered the small Peugeot and the old windscreen wipers struggled against the wall of water that poured over them. She’d only had her licence for a month and already the car she shared with her mother was drowning in the middle of Tidwell High Street. A police car wobbled past, its shrill siren and headlights dying as it sunk into a large pool of muddy water further down. Opposite, a late night lorry jack-knifed; cutting off the route they were taking to the hospital. Cars were trying to turn around creating a knot that would take hours to unravel.

‘What are we going to do?’ Andrea shouts - her eyes glued to the road.


Hawk stared at the wall of water that poured down from the hills above them, creating a landslide of mud and rocks. She pulled the car over, and they ran as fast as their legs could take them. Other people joined them, pointing at the water, until a line of scrambling residents led all the way from the street. The humming underground continued to grow pushing apart the earth like moles until finally it reached the surface. Hawk felt his heart racing, and although the hospital might only be a few miles away, right now, for him, it might as well have been on the moon. He had to find a place to join with his totem. It was his only way of getting past the water. He looked around for Andrea. She was further down - the crowd had overtaken her. He knew she wouldn’t dare change in front of everyone and sensed her message. He couldn’t wait; he had to get to the hospital. The pit of his stomach felt knotted and he damned himself for being so complacent. Anna had been planning this all along, to detract them from her true purpose, to get Nevaeh. The timing puzzled him; surely she knew where she was? Why didn’t she take her weeks ago? Why go to all the effort of grabbing Seth and Nettles? A nearby derelict church stood out like an island. Inside was silent, and he felt as if he were in the eye of the storm. This was the moment he was at his most vulnerable. He didn’t see the ancient brick steeple shudder or the blue ribbon of light cut, as easily as butter, through the ancient foundation.

Jay and Paul squealed at the clap of thunder, hugging each other; even Jo-Jo jumped in alarm.

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this or that she believed that vampire.’ Paul whispered before squealing a second time.

‘I know, it has to be the weirdest crap I’ve ever heard. It’s like something from one of those movies. Does Jo-Jo really believe that there’s an evil witch who wants to kidnap Nevaeh? I mean look at her.’ Paul pointed at the lifeless body next to them.

‘She’s not exactly going anywhere.’

Jay giggled, slapping Paul on the shoulder, and Jo-Jo glared at them. ‘Are you two going to stand there like a couple of princesses, or are you going to help me?’

They both stood to attention. Jo-Jo was known for her temper, and they flushed guiltily.

Jo-Jo rolled her eyes, doubting her decision. Even though she promised Amber, Jay and Paul were the only two she had told. But even she knew that there was no way she was going to be able to do this alone. She hadn’t even thought of the heart machine or the fact that Nevaeh had stickers all over her. What she did know was that unhooking her, if only for a second would register at the front desk unless they were all taking a coffee break. Two o’clock in the morning was dead hour; she knew that from Nevaeh’s Mum. For once, she was glad she had paid attention and prayed that Amber was safe. She hadn’t gone into detail about this person called Anna and didn’t want to scare the hell out of Jay and Paul who were self confessed cowards. ‘You don’t have to push so hard y’know. Jeez she’s heavy. Can you put on weight with hospital food?’ Jay wheezed as they pushed Nevaeh’s bed to another room.