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J.T.'s gaze slid to Caitlan, a half grin turning up the corners of his mouth. "I'm sure Debbie won't," he murmured.

Caitlan shifted on her feet, suddenly uncomfortable with his lazy observation. "If this is a family thing, I don't really need to go-"

"Debbie would skin me alive if I left you at home." He leaned back in his chair, his countenance relaxed. "We go over to her place every Sunday. I think she feels sorry for me, because it's the only day Paula doesn't cook supper."

"Dad can't cook," Laura said out of the side of her mouth.

"Hey, I thought you liked my grilled cheese sandwiches." J.T. feigned a hurt look. "I'm kind of partial to them myself."

Laura rolled her eyes dramatically. "Dad, you can't live on grilled cheese sandwiches alone. You need a wife; that way you wouldn't have to depend on Paula or Aunt Debbie."

J.T. shook a finger Laura's way. "And you need a swat to your bottom."

The words were tossed teasingly, but Caitlan noted the barely perceptible shift in J.T.'s easy mood. His jaw hardened, and the sparkle in his eyes faded. He kept his emotions tightly leashed, careful not to take his own personal grudge about a wife out on his daughter.

Sitting up, J.T. picked up his pencil and flipped open a folder. "Now get going before I make good on my threat."

"You're too much of a softy, Dad. I'll see ya after school." Laura blew her father a kiss from across the room, then headed for the door. "Come on, Caitlan; time's a wastin'."

Caitlan couldn't help delivering a parting remark to J.T., sugar-coating it with a grin. "Considering I have a full schedule ahead of me today, I'd better get a move on, huh?"

As she slipped out the door behind Laura, she heard J.T. say, "I ought to swat your butt."

Smiling to herself, Caitlan walked beside Laura as they cut across to the barn. The day promised to be beautiful. A slight, chilled breeze blew, but the sky was clear for as far as the eye could see. The ranch hands had long since gone, leaving the area peaceful and serene for the time being.

Laura looked at Caitlan, concern creasing her delicate brows. "Dad doesn't usually stick around the house. I hope he's feeling okay."

"I'm sure he's fine." Caitlan rubbed Laura's back in a gesture meant to soothe her worries.

"He mentioned this morning at breakfast that he had some paperwork to catch up on." Caitlan was grateful J.T. had decided to stay indoors. Having him so close made her job easier. She knew where he was and didn't have to worry about defying him, and angering him even more, by following him around the ranch while he worked. How would she explain the need to be by his side all day long? The longer he stayed around the house, the better.

Laura grabbed Caitlan's arm. "Will you keep an eye on him while I'm at school, just to be sure he's reallyokay?" she asked, her tone a shade away from a plea.

Caitlan patted her hand reassuringly. "Consider it done."

"Good." Laura smiled, her step suddenly light and buoyant. "You might want to have lunch with him, just to be sure he takes a break."

Caitlan lifted a brow, seeing through Laura's scheme. "Don't push your luck, sweetie. Your father barely puts up with me as it is. He knows where the kitchen is if he gets hungry."

"He likes you."

Caitlan shook her head. "Trust me. We've been over this before, Laura. Your father just tolerates me, and I don't think he'd appreciate you trying to play cupid." He'd made his feelings about relationships and involvements crystal clear last night.

"Someone has to do it." Laura tossed her head, her mahogany mane of hair tumbling around her shoulders. "Give my dad a chance; he'll come around. I know he's a little stubborn and grouchy sometimes, but he can be really sweet, too."

Sweet wasn't a word she'd use to describe J.T. Sexy, tough, arrogant, and maybe a little humorous sometimes. Sweet? Never. "I'm all wrong for your father, and nothing good could come out of this. I'll be gone in a few days."

"You might find you like it here." Laura flashed her a smile and skipped ahead.

Caitlan liked it here-too much. She liked J.T., way too much, despite his resolve to keep her at arm's length and his sometimes gruff manner. There had been glimpses of a tender man, but he'd never allowed that side of his personality to fully develop with her. He always withdrew just in time, leaving her grasping for the promise of something more.

Shaking those thoughts from her mind, she followed Laura into the large red structure. Inside, the barn was cool and dim. Dust motes danced in a beam of sunlight filtering through a window in the loft.

"They're over here," Laura said, motioning to the far end of the barn.

At Laura's outburst, a huge black horse snorted and kicked the side of his stall. Caitlan stopped and peered through the pen's slats at the spooked animal as he tossed his head and bared his teeth. Caitlan moved closer, trying to make eye contact with the horse.

"Stay away from him," Laura said, a bit of fear in her voice.

"He's a beautiful stallion," Caitlan said in a soft voice, so as not to scare the horse any more than he already was. "What's his name?"

"King's Ransom, and he's mean and dangerous." Laura glanced at King warily and shuddered. "Dad would freak if he knew we were even this close to his stall."

"King," Caitlan whispered, and the stallion immediately settled down. Ears twitching, he searched for the source of the gently coaxing voice.

"Caitlan, leave him alone. He's worthless." Laura tugged on her sweater. "Come on, I only have a few minutes before I've gotta catch the bus and I want you to see the kittens."

Reluctantly, Caitlan left King, promising to return when she could be alone with him for a few minutes. The vibrations of terror she'd sensed from the horse concerned her.

In the corner of the barn, in a large box lined with shredded newspaper, five kittens stumbled about on shaky legs and mewled for their mother, their cries sharp and insistent.

Laughing at the expressive kittens, Caitlan knelt by the box. "They must be hungry." She reached in and picked up a smoky gray striped one.

Laura knelt beside Caitlan, looking over the kittens with pride. "The momma kitty, Missy, will be here any minute. She's very protective of her kittens."

Rubbing noses with the gray, Caitlan chuckled as he licked the tip of her nose. "They're adorable."

"The one you're holding I named Brutus."

The kitten squirmed and twisted in Caitlan's grasp, trying to escape. "He's a strong one, isn't he?" She put him back with the rest of the litter and stroked the head of another kitten.

"That one I named Sunshine, and that's Pumpkin, and this one is Bandit," Laura said, pointing to each one in turn.

"What about this one?" Caitlan picked up the little feline getting trampled by its rambunctious siblings.

"I haven't figured out a name for her yet." Laura frowned as she thought. "She's the runt. Why don't you name her?"

Caitlan held the kitten up for inspection, her heart giving a little tug at the sweet, furry face with deep blue eyes staring back at her. The kitten let out a howl of protest and Caitlan laughed, placing her back in the box. "How about Sassy?"

"Yeah, I like that." Laura nodded. "Sassy it is."

Missy, the mother cat, nudged her way past Caitlan and jumped into her domain. After finding all five of her kittens safe, she cast a baleful look Caitlan's way, then promptly stretched out.

Each kitten clamored greedily for a nipple, sucking noisily.

Laura sighed. "I guess I'd better get going."

Straightening, Caitlan brushed the hay off her knees. "Yes. I don't want to be the one responsible for making you miss the school bus. Your father would just love that."

Once Laura was gone Caitlan went back inside the house and helped Paula make cherry tarts for that evening's dessert. They talked and joked, and Caitlan found she enjoyed the older woman's company immensely.