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Jeremy smiles and closes his eyes and I take two, three steps forward to crouch beside him with the knife. He flinches away and I grab him by the hair. His eyes are wide open, now.

I’m not going to cut you, I say.

Okay, he says.

Did you fuck her?

He hesitates. No.

I don’t care if you fucked her. That’s her business.

The hair, he says. Please, man. Let go of the hair.

Jeremy, I say. You may have fucked Jude today, or been fucked by her.

Listen, man.

You may fuck her in the future. It doesn’t matter. But you are a guest in this room, a visitor. You are an employee of this hotel and I don’t like it when you smile at me.

Okay, he says.

Pick a body part, any body part.


I changed my mind. I’m going to cut you after all.

Then silence. I wonder if Jude is listening to this sorry episode of male theater. My knees are trembling and I will have to stand up soon.

The arm, says Jeremy. The left arm, if you don’t mind.

You want me to cut your left arm?

He grunts at me, his face red. This is enough for me. I don’t feel better, exactly. I feel different and now I let go of his hair and he falls away from the knife. I stand up slowly, legs still trembling.

You’re not going to cut me?

Not today.

Jeremy grins. I think a knife scar might look cool, actually.

Yeah, I say. Put your shoes on.

I want to stay.

Whatever. I just don’t want to look at your naked fucking feet.

The bathroom door is not locked. I knock softly, then push it open. Jude wears snug leopard pants and a black T-shirt too big for her. That’s my shirt. She is leaning into the mirror as if to kiss it. She is doing something to her eyes, her eyelashes.

She is barefoot, like Jeremy.

You’re wearing my shirt, I say.

I hope you don’t mind, she says.

No. I don’t mind.

Are you okay, honey? she says. You’re stuttering.

What’s happening here, Jude.

Be specific, please.

I slip Miller’s ruby ring from my finger and drop it into the sink. Bright and clattering red against hard white porcelain then disappearing down the open drain.

Jude frowns. I hope he didn’t want that back, she says.

Fuck him. The guy’s a freak.

He’s a wealthy freak, she says.

I light a cigarette and Jude extends her left hand. She wants to share. I ignore her for a moment. Then pass her the cigarette.

He wants to make a snuff film, I say.

Yeah, she says. He’s just a tiny bit nuts.

No shit.

Jude shrugs. He’s sitting on a pile of money.

That’s nice.

What’s the problem?

Where the fuck should I start?

Do you have to swear constantly?

Are you fucking kidding?

Please, she says. I’m so tired of that word.

Fuck fuck fuck, I say. Fucking fuck. When did you get so fucking sensitive?

Are you finished?

Listen to me, please. I just spent four very scary hours with the man. If we make this film with him, somebody is going to die.

Maybe, she says. Maybe not. The most interesting art is a little dangerous.

Oh, please. Don’t give me that shit.

Her voice goes cold. Take a good look at my face and tell me about danger.

I’m sorry.

And don’t sulk, she says. It’s not attractive.

Look, I say. By definition, you can’t make a snuff film without a victim.

She shrugs. Some victims are predestined.

I suppose you’re too clever to get waxed, I say.

Jude smiles and blows smoke at her reflection.

What about me? I say. I’m not so clever.

Phineas is only stupid when he’s drunk, she says.

Maybe, I say. But I tend to drink a lot, when I’m with you.

Jude shrugs. I will keep an eye on you, then.

That’s comforting.

Jude finishes reconstructing her eyes and turns to look at me. What do you think? she says.

I stare at her. I can’t tell the difference.

Jude sighs. What do you think about the film, she says.

I have my doubts about the concept, I say. The genre seems… played.

Listen, she says. Miller is going to give us a million dollars and deliver us MacDonald Cody on a silver plate. I don’t care if he wants to shoot a remake of Old Yeller with fucking Muppets.

Travis? I say. Where you going with that gun in your hand?

Jude smiles. That poor boy.

Did you ever see that snuff film flick with Nicolas Cage?

Yawn, she says. And I love Nicolas Cage. I would watch him eat soup. But after two hours of him looking worried and morally compromised…I was ready to scream.

What kind of soup?

Jude stares at me. Campbell’s tomato.

Long silence. I watch her in the mirror. I flush the toilet, restless.

This bathroom needs a sofa, I say.

Miller called, she says. Just now. He said you were quite taken with Molly.

I chew at my lip. Yeah.

Well, she says. You wouldn’t want her to be the victim, would you.

Oh, you bitch. That’s why you wanted me to follow him home.


Jude sits on the edge of the tub and turns on the hot water.

Okay. Let’s talk about Jeremy, then.

Who? she says.

The half-naked boy watching TV in our bed.

Oh, she says. Jeremy wants to make movies when he grows up, just like everyone else on this sad fucking planet. He’s very clever with a camera. And we need someone behind the camera.

How old is Jeremy?

The room slowly fills with steam. Jude pulls the black shirt over her head. Leopard print bra and yellow skin. Today, she is a cat.

Jeremy? Twenty-two, she says. Adorable, isn’t he?

Umm, yes. Why is he here?

He quit his day job, she says. I told him he could stay here until we begin the shoot.

That was nice of you.

Phineas. Are you jealous?

I don’t get jealous. Shit, two hours ago I wanted to fuck Molly.

Jude rolls her eyes. Why does this bother you, then?

I don’t like surprises. I want some privacy with you. I don’t want a stranger in the cocoon.

Please. The cocoon is an illusion.

Where will he sleep?

I don’t know, she says. There are two beds.

And three of us.

Jude turns off the water and the silence is sudden. Dripping.

Yes, she says. There are three of us. I like him and I imagine you like him. Maybe you would like to explore some of your multicultural urges.

The steam is thick and I can barely see her now.

I don’t think Jeremy is interested in me, I say. I took a knife to him just now.

Jude is a ghost, gray and faceless in the steam. I imagine she drops the leopard rags to the floor and slips slowly, carefully into the burning water with a sigh and moan.

Try, she says. Try to be friendly.

How long have you and Miller been cooking this thing up?

Jude shrugs. A week or so.

Give me some back story.

Simple, she says. I arrived on his door one day, looking to kill him. He offered up the Finch brothers, but I already had them. He said he would give me Cody, if I played nice. And only if I did this film with him. He already had Jeremy and Molly in the fold.

I need air, I say.

Whatever, baby.

I come out of the bathroom and crash around for a minute, ignoring Jeremy. The sound of pay-per-view porn from the television.

Jude sinks underwater in my head, her flesh slippery.

What do I want?

I want anonymous flesh and unconsciousness. I want to cut my head off and use it as a strawberry planter. I scrape together a skinny line of coke from the ashy remains on the blue plate.

Unspeakable dialogue and electronic music. Heavy breathing and I tell myself to be friendly.

Get out, I say.

What? says Jeremy.

Get the fuck out, boy. I need to talk to my girl.


LONG SHADOW OF A NAKED WOMAN becoming man with green skin. The velvet surrounds us, keeps us. Two bodies in the dark. The only light comes from television and bathroom in fever pitch of dream and mirrors. Otherwise dark. I separate from her in dreams and go belowground to hunt blind silverfish, bony creatures that are more frog than fish but taste of spider. Other travelers pass me in the dark and I offer to trade my silverfish if they can answer a riddle.