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However, there were no practical alternatives present. I could do nothing but stand. Which I did. Finally the king extended his hand from behind the lioness, who at that time was striding back and forth over him. He pointed to the door, calling, “Please shut it, Mr. Henderson.” And he added, “Open door makes her very uneasy.”

So I asked him, “Is it okay to move?” My throat sounded badly rusted.

“Very slow,” he said, “but do not worry, as she does what I tell her, precisely.”

I stole to the door, stepping backward, and when I had reached it in very slow motion I wanted to continue through it and sit down outside to wait. But under no circumstances, come hell or high water, could I afford to weaken my connection with the king. Therefore I leaned against the door and closed it with my weight, sighing inwardly as I sank against it. I was all broken up. I couldn’t take crisis after crisis, like this.

“Now move forward, Henderson-Sungo,” he said. “So far it is admirable. Just a little quicker, only not abrupt. You will be better on closer approach. Lion is far-sighted. Her eyes are meant for viewing at a distance. Come closer.”

I approached, cursing under my breath, him and his lion both, trembling and watching the tip of her tail as it swiped back and forth as regular as a metronome. In the middle of the floor I had no more support in all of Gods world than a stone.

“More, more. Nearer,” he said, and gestured with two fingers. “She will get used to you.”

“If I don’t die of it,” I said.

“Oh, no, Henderson, she will have an influence upon you as she has had upon me.”

When I was within reach he pulled me to him, meanwhile thrusting away the face of the animal with his left hand. With great difficulty I clambered up beside him. Then I wiped my face. Needlessly, for owing to the fever it was entirely dry. Atti paced to the end of the platform and swung back. The king fended her off from the back of my head which bristled like a sea urchin when she approached. She sniffed at my back. The king was smiling and thought we were getting on famously. I cried a little. Then she went away and the king said, “Do not be so exceedingly troubled, Henderson-Sungo.”

“Oh, Your Highness, I can’t help myself. It’s what I feel. It’s not only that I’m scared of her, and I’m scared all right, but it isn’t that alone. It’s the richness of the mixture. That’s what’s getting me. The richness of the mixture. And what I can’t understand is why, when fear has taken me on and licked me so many times, I still am not able to stand it.” And I went on sobbing, but not too loud, as I didn’t want to provoke anything.

“Try, better, to appreciate the beauty of this animal,” he said. “Do not think I am attempting to submit you to any ordeal for ordeal’s sake. Do you think it is a nerve test? Wash your brain? Honor bright, such is not the case. If I were not positive of my control I would not lead you into such a situation. That would truly be scandalous.” He had his hand with the garnet ring on the beast’s neck, and he said, “If you will remain where you are, I will give you the fullest confidence.”

He jumped down from the platform, and the abruptness of this gave me a bad shock. I felt a burst of terror go off in my chest. The lioness leaped as soon as he did and the two of them together walked to the center of the den. He stopped and gave her an order. She sat. He spoke and she stretched out on her back, opening her mouth, and then he crouched and pushed his arm into her jaws, bearing down against the wrinkled lips while her tail as she sprawled made a big arc on the stone, sweeping it with utmost power. Withdrawing the arm he made her stand again, and then he crept underneath her and put his legs about her back; his white-slippered feet crossed upon her haunches and his arms about her neck. Face to face she carried him up and down while he talked to her. She snarled, but not at him, seemingly. Together they went clear around the den and back to the platform, where she stood making her soft ripping noise and wrinkling her lips back. He hung on in his purple trousers, looking up at me. Till then I had only thought that I had seen the strangeness of the world. Obviously I had never even begun to see a thing! As he hung from her, smiling upside down into my face, with his high-swelled lips, I realized I had never even had a clue. Brother, this was what you call mastery-genius, that’s all. The animal herself was aware of it. On her own animal level it was clear beyond any need of interpretation that she loved the guy. Loved him! With animal love. I loved him too. Who could have helped it?

I said, “That beats anything I ever saw.”

He dropped from the animal and pushed her aside with his knee, then vaulted to the platform again. At the same moment Atti also returned and shook the trestle.

“Now is your opinion different, Mr. Henderson?”

“King, it’s different. It’s as different as can be.”

“However, I note,” he said, “you still are in fear.”

I tried to say I wasn’t but my face began to work and I couldn’t get those words out. Then I began to cough, with my fist placed, thumb in, before my mouth, and my eyes watered. I finally said, “It’s a reflex.”

The animal was pacing by and the king irresistibly took me by the wrist and pressed my hand on her flank. Slowly her fur passed under my fingertips and the nails became like five burning tapers. The bones of the hand became in-candescent. After this a frightful shock passed right up the arm into the chest.

“Now you have touched her, and what do you think?”