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Chapter Five

Tor ran cold water in the sink and splashed some on his face. His hands shook as he reached for a towel to dry off. His head still ached, but not nearly as bad as it had just before he’d lost all control. And it wasn’t because of the passion that had flared so hot between him and Kenna.

Right in the middle of making love to her, the headache had become intense and cutting. Tor swore he heard the sound of the demon laughing inside his head just as Tor seemed to lose control of his body. It was as if someone else had taken over. He’d felt like an observer, feeling everything that happened, but wasn’t in the driver’s seat.

He’d fought it, but it had been futile. Even when he’d felt his eyeteeth drop and the urge to bite Kenna rose, he’d fought. Whoever, or whatever, had control of him had made him roughly act on the impulse that rode him. Once he’d bitten hard enough to break the skin, he’d regained the ability to control his actions. He’d pulled away from Kenna and watched with shock as the deep bite mark he’d given her healed within seconds, not leaving anything behind.

Tor healed like that. He’d also felt something he could only describe as a bond form between him and Kenna right after he’d bitten her. He had the suspicion that she was now as immortal as he was. He also now understood why Anubis wanted Tor to bring his mate into his world before he acted on the powerful urge to sink his teeth into her. And because of whatever had used him like a puppet, Tor had broken his promise to the god of the underworld.

He jumped when he heard a knock at the bathroom door and Kenna asking if he was okay in there. Of course she’d think something wasn’t right since he’d practically bolted in here without a word after having great sex with her. Tor stood straighter and sighed. He’d have to talk to Anubis, but he couldn’t do that while Kenna was in the house.

Tor opened the door and put on what he hoped was a smile that didn’t look like a grimace. “I’m fine. Sorry.” He looked at where her neck and shoulder met. “For everything.”

She returned his smile and reached up to caress his cheek. “I’m not into the kinky stuff, but I don’t mind you losing control and using your teeth on me.”

If only she knew how out of control he’d been she wouldn’t tell him that. “I’m usually not a biter. So I doubt it will happen again.”

“Stop worrying.” Kenna bent her head to the side. “See? Not even a mark.” She straightened and took his hand in hers and slowly walked backward, taking him with her. “Come back to bed. I know you have to work tonight, but there’s still time for round two.”

Tor had actually planned to take the night off, but now he needed the excuse to take Kenna back to her place early. Having a chat with Anubis was number one on his list of things to do. He gathered her close and claimed her lips in a searing kiss. He reluctantly lifted his head, more than enjoying the feel of Kenna naked and willing in his arms.

“I do have to work. And I just remembered I have to start a little earlier than normal. So to make it up to you, how about we spend the entire weekend together as we’d planned, but you sleep over here, or we can stay at your apartment, starting tomorrow?”

Kenna gazed at his chest, circling Anubis’ mark with a fingertip. “All right.” She looked at him. “But we stay here. Your place is a hell of a lot nicer and bigger than mine. And instead of you having to pick me up, I’ll drive myself over tomorrow, say after lunch? That way you’ll have enough time to catch up on your sleep since you’ll be working all night.”

“Deal,” he said and swooped in for a quick kiss.

Tor wanted Kenna again, but was a little concerned if he’d lose the ability to control what he did once more. The headache was now gone. He just didn’t want to risk it. He’d already done enough damage for one night by biting her.

They both dressed and soon were outside in his car as he drove Kenna to her apartment. With this new invisible bond in place between them, Tor found it hard to let her go. He had to force himself to stop kissing her, holding her back from getting out of the car. He waited until she was safely inside the building before he headed back to his house.

Once he arrived, he headed up one of the curved staircases and to the bedroom Anubis’ temple occupied. He stood before the small altar, and called, “Anubis, I want a word with you.”

What do you need, Tor?

“First of all, I had an encounter with a demon last night, but the bastard refused to show himself.”

Did he force the change on you?

“No. I thought all he’d tried to do was give me a really bad headache. I’m not so certain of that anymore. And I’ve found my mate.”


“When I was intimate with her my eyeteeth dropped and I had the urge to bite her.”

Which you held back from doing, correct?

“The first time, yes. Today, no. In the middle of being with Kenna, the headache came rushing back and I lost control of my body.”

What do you mean by that?

“I mean it was as if I were someone’s puppet and he made me do whatever he wanted. I was aware of everything that happened, felt everything too, but I couldn’t stop what my body did.” Tor paused before he continued. “I bit her. I felt a bond form between us.”

Have you told Kenna what you are yet?

“No. I wanted to speak with you first. I think my loss of control was the demon fucking with me. I heard his laughter in my head just before it happened. Could this be another spell?”

It would sound like it. Let me check to see if you’re still under the influence of it. Anubis went silent, but Tor felt the god’s presence moving around in his head. Then a minute later, Anubis said, It was a spell. Not a long-lasting one, though. It probably only works as long as the demon makes use of your body. Once he relinquishes control, the spell ends.

Terrific. That’s all Tor needed. To lose control whenever a demon decided to have some fun with him. “Is there a way I can lure that demon out into the open? I’m not going to want this hanging over my head for long.”

Demons aren’t known for their patience. I doubt you’ll have long to wait before he tries a physical attack. He’ll grow bored with his games soon.

“That may be the case, but he can do a lot of damage before that happens. You want me to ease Kenna into my world. How can I do that if the demon takes control of me again and reveals my true nature to her? He could force me to shift before I get the chance to tell her everything.”

Since you’ve already claimed her as your mate, there’s no need to take it slow. I suggest you tell her very soon. She’s going to notice there is something different about her since she’s now immortal.

“I thought she was when the bite mark healed in seconds. Did you give her immortality as you did me?”

No, you did. With your bite, Kenna is no longer mortal. Her life force is now tied to yours. You die, so does she. It was the only way I could make the women meant for my warriors their true mates. I can only grant immortality to a mortal if he or she is dying on a battlefield and is willing to vow to serve me for eternity.

Tor shuddered at the thought of Kenna having to go through that. He wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Millennia later, he still sometimes woke up struggling to breathe, having dreamt of how he’d fought to stay alive, not ready to go into the afterlife, before Anubis had come to him on that battlefield in Egypt Tor had fought on.