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“I’m not babbling. I’m just—” Kenna took a deep breath, then said more slowly, “I’m fine.”

“All right.” He still wasn’t convinced that she was. Something bothered her. “What would you—” Kenna cut off his words by throwing herself into his arms and covering his mouth with her own. He wrapped his arms around her waist and returned her kiss.

Against his lips, she said huskily, “Take me upstairs and make love to me. I need you inside me.”

He groaned as he lifted her off her feet and turned toward the stairs. He’d planned to wait a bit before they got to lovemaking, but he was on board with getting to the good stuff sooner rather than later.

Taking the stairs two at a time, he practically ran to the upper level. All the while he kissed Kenna passionately. She put her legs around his waist and her pussy rubbed against his cock with each step he took. By the time he’d reached the top he was fully erect, aching to sink inside her.

The short trek down the hallway to his bedroom ramped him up even more. Only with Kenna, with his mate, did he feel desperate, wanting to sink his cock into her moist heat. As if he wouldn’t survive another minute if he didn’t. And she seemed to need him just as badly. She clung to his shoulders, kissing him so hard their teeth knocked together. Tor had a feeling it would always be like this between them.

Setting her on her feet inside his room, Tor pulled away from Kenna’s mouth and lifted her shirt up and over her head. His gaze dropped to her breasts and he sucked in a sharp breath at what he saw. Her bra was dark pink and so sheer it left nothing to the imagination. Her nipples were taut, just begging for him to suck on them.

That would have to wait. First, he wanted to see if she wore a matching pair of panties. Tor dropped his hands to the top of Kenna’s jeans and undid them. He yanked them down her legs to pool at her ankles. She stepped out and kicked them away with a flick of her foot. Yup, her panties matched the bra. His cock twitched at the sight of her pussy encased in the sheer, shimmering material.

“You’re beautiful,” he said in a low, raspy voice. “I’m going to take my time stripping you out of that sexy bra and panties.”

“You mean thong.”

Kenna turned and Tor groaned. She was indeed wearing a thong instead of panties. She went to face him once more, but he stopped her by placing his hands on her hips. He nudged her hair away from the side of her neck and nuzzled her there with his lips as he ran a hand along the skimpy waistband of her thong. Tor followed it down the crack of her ass before he skimmed his fingers over the twin globes of flesh not covered by the sheer material.

Tor caressed up her sides, reaching around Kenna’s front and cupped her breasts. He tugged the nipples as he ground his cock against her ass. Kenna lifted her hands to cover his and rocked back into him. The smell of her arousal perfumed the air, making him want to taste the wetness that had to be soaking into her thong.

He turned her in his arms. Tor yanked off his shirt, then pulled Kenna against him. He claimed her lips in a heated kiss, unhooking her bra at the same time. She sucked on his tongue, pushing the straps down her arms, and let it drop to the floor.

Kenna’s taut nipples brushed against Tor’s chest. He released her mouth and licked and kissed his way down to the tight buds. He flicked one with the tip of his tongue, then swirled it around the nipple before he sucked it inside his mouth. Kenna’s nails dug into his biceps as she held on to him and let out a throaty moan. He shifted to the other one and suckled on it, her moans increasing in volume.

Leaving her breasts, Tor continued his downward travel. He kissed along her ribs and stomach, ending up on his knees. He slipped a finger under the front of Kenna’s thong and dipped it between her legs. The digit came away wet. Meeting and holding her gaze with his own, he slowly brought his finger to his mouth and licked it clean. Kenna’s eyes dilated and her breathing grew more rapid.

Tor’s arousal beat at him. He dragged his gaze from Kenna’s and hooked the waistband of her thong with his fingers and pulled it down her legs and off. He used a hand to push her thighs farther apart, then went in for the taste he craved.

He licked her pussy, gathering all the wetness there before he swallowed it down. Wanting more, he stiffened his tongue and speared it into Kenna. The grip she had on his shoulders increased as her legs shook with slight tremors. She moaned long and loud.

He pleasured her until he could no longer ignore his need to be inside her. Tor smoothly came to his feet and undid his jeans. He shucked them off, then wrapped his hand around his erection and pumped his fist up and down his full length. Kenna’s gaze followed his movements.

“Turn around, bend over and put your hands on the bed,” Tor said huskily.

Kenna didn’t hesitate. She did exactly what he’d told her to do. He shifted to stand behind her and took hold of her hips. He positioned her and rubbed his cock against her wet pussy until he was liberally coated with her juices. She was more than ready for him to take her.

He lined up the head of his shaft with her slick opening and pushed inside. Rocking against her, he worked himself deeper until she’d taken all of him. He groaned, loving the way her inner walls closed around him, holding him tight. She fit him like a glove. There was no better sensation than being inside his mate.

Tor took Kenna in long, hard strokes, sinking balls-deep each time. She pushed back to meet him, squeezing her inner muscles tightly around his cock. His shaft grew even harder. He pistoned his hips, feeling an orgasm build.

Pulling out of her, Tor urged Kenna all the way onto the bed, then turned her so she was on her back. He covered her body with his, sinking his cock back inside her pussy. He lifted his upper body on his hands as he continued to thrust into her. He set a fast pace, angling his hips so his shaft rubbed the spot she needed him to send her into climax.

In and out he pumped. His balls rose closer to his body as the point of no return edged nearer. Kenna let out a whimpered moan, her hands clutching his biceps as her pussy rhythmically squeezed his cock as she came. It was all he needed to follow her into release. He growled, filling her with his cum as his shaft pulsed deep inside her.

Once she’d wrung everything out of him, Tor collapsed on top of Kenna. She put her arms around his back and held him close.

He lifted himself onto his bent arms and kissed her tenderly. “I love you,” he said, panting to catch his breath.

“What?” she asked softly.

Tor latched his gaze on to hers. “I love you.” He did. He could never see himself with another woman. She was it for him, and always would be. It had taken him thousands of years to find her. He wouldn’t let his woman go.

Kenna brought his mouth down to hers and kissed him passionately. She pulled away and smiled. “I love you too. And just so you know, I’m not the type of woman to instantly fall in love with a man just because he slept with me.” She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I thought I was falling for you too hard and too fast. I guess I didn’t need to worry.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I mean it with all my heart. So when do you want to start moving your stuff here?”

“You want to live together?”

“Of course. I don’t plan on ever letting you go. You’re mine, as I’m yours. What’s the point in waiting?”

Kenna stared up at him, then laughed. Tor scowled. It was a bit of a blow to his ego after he’d professed his undying love for her. He’d wanted to tell her exactly how he felt before he revealed what she was to him. And when she’d said she loved him as well, he hoped she’d want everything he wanted—them being together, always.

She stopped laughing, and said, “I’m not laughing at you. Really. I’m laughing at myself, because I’m going to do something so totally out of character for me. I didn’t think I had it in me, either.” She paused, her face becoming serious. “Yes, Tor, I’ll move in with you. How does tomorrow sound?”