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In way of an answer, Tor kissed her, thrusting his tongue between her lips. His cock hardened inside her once again. He pumped in little thrusts until he was fully engorged. Kenna lifted her hips, matching the pace he set.

This time their lovemaking didn’t last very long. All too soon they both were coming, moaning into each other’s mouths as they came. Once it was over, Tor rolled to his back, taking Kenna with him. She sprawled on top of him like a contented kitten as he ran his hand up and down her back.

Now that they knew how they felt about each other, and he’d gotten Kenna’s agreement to move in with him, Tor had to take the next step and tell her about him being a warrior of Anubis. And that she was his mate. If his luck held, she’d be able to take everything he told her and accept him and what he’d done to her to make her truly his.

* * *

Tor and she must have fallen asleep for a short while after the last time they’d made love, because Kenna woke up still lying on top of him with her head pillowed on his chest. It rose and fell with his even breaths. She looked at his face and saw his eyes were closed. God, Tor was handsome. And from the conversation they’d had, he was hers.

If someone had come up to her last week and told her she’d fall in love with a rich, tall, dark and very muscular man and move into his fancy mansion with him all in a matter of days, Kenna would have thought that person nuts. But here she was, head over heels for the very first time in her life. Nick would have a heyday with it.

Now that her thoughts were no longer distracted, centered on the pleasure Tor gave her, Kenna found herself thinking about her new ability to heal in an instant. She had no idea if it was a temporary thing, or whether she’d have it for the rest of her life. And it wasn’t as if it was something she could go to the doctor and get checked out for. The idea of getting experimented on wasn’t what she’d ever want to experience.

The only person she could think of telling was Tor, mostly because she’d be living with him and there was a very high chance of him noticing she didn’t heal like everyone else. It would be hard to live under the same roof and keep that a secret.

Kenna felt eyes watching her and looked up to see Tor had awakened. She inched up his body and gave him a quick kiss. “How about we get dressed and go downstairs to find something to eat? I’m a bit hungry. Then I want to talk to you about something.”

His brows furrowed. “All right. Nothing too serious, I hope.”

“It’s hard to say. It depends on how you react to it.” She rolled off Tor and slid from the bed. “I’m going to use the bathroom.”

She walked into the en suite and closed the door behind her. Kenna used the toilet, then washed her hands. She caught her reflection in the mirror above the sink. Was she making a mistake telling Tor? She hoped not.

Back out in the main room, Kenna saw Tor standing at the end of the bed with his back toward her. He was just pulling his jeans on over his hips. She sighed to herself. The man had a great ass. He also was someone who didn’t like underwear. He hadn’t worn any on the days she’d been with him. Not that she complained about it. It was a turn on to think she just had to open his pants and his cock would be there with nothing else keeping her from it.

Kenna closed the distance between them and placed a kiss on Tor’s wide back. He turned his head to look over his shoulder at her. “What would you like to eat?”

She walked around to his side and picked up some of her clothes. Tor turned so he faced her. “I don’t know,” she said. “Nothing big. Since you cooked for me yesterday, I hoped you’d let me cook for you in your fancy kitchen.”

“It’s your kitchen now as well. You agreeing to live with me makes it so.”

She smiled. “I guess it does. Then while we’re down there I should see what you have in the fridge and pantry to make sure all the ingredients I’ll need to make us dinner are there.”

“Well, I did some shopping earlier today and stocked up. What are you thinking of making?”

Kenna finished getting dressed. “I haven’t quite decided. I’ll wait until I see what you have.”

“Since you’re going to be the chef for tonight, why don’t you go downstairs and look around in the fridge? I’m just going to use the bathroom and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

“All right.”

She left the bedroom as Tor headed for the en suite. Kenna had just reached the foyer when the doorbell rang. She looked up the stairs, but knew Tor wouldn’t be able to get down here that fast. Since she was already halfway there, Kenna decided she’d answer the door.

Pulling it open, she found a large man who looked as if he’d seen better days standing on the other side. “Hi,” she said, giving him a leery look.

He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her farther into the foyer as he kicked the door shut. “Hi back. He said you were a pretty thing. I’m going to enjoy this.”

Kenna screamed as the man roughly pushed her against the wall and groped her. She tried to fight back, but he was stronger than she. The sound of a loud growl had her looking toward the stairs. What she saw had her heart leaping up into her throat, and a rush of memories she hadn’t remembered slamming back into her head.

Chapter Seven

Tor felt the pull of evil at the same time he heard Kenna’s scream coming from the lower level. Having finished in the bathroom, he ran out of the bedroom to the top of the stairs. Seeing a strange man holding Kenna by the throat, tugging at her clothes, sent Tor into a rage. How dare the evildoer touch his mate?

The stench of evil filled Tor’s nose as he rushed down the stairs. For the first time he looked forward to the pain of a shift as the change took him over. By the time he reached the foyer he was in his half-human and half-jackal form. He set his sights on his prey and rushed him, pulling him away from Kenna. The man ended up slamming into the front door headfirst.

Tor grabbed the evildoer again. This time the mortal decided to fight. He swung a punch at Tor, which Tor easily deflected. Tor pushed his prey back against the door harder than was necessary before he brutally tore into the man’s mind. He saw all the mortal’s evil deeds. One memory in particular had Tor growling in outrage. It was one of the demon who hunted him having a conversation with the evildoer. It was the demon who had sent the man to Tor’s house to attack Kenna. The creature hadn’t revealed himself, but kept to the shadows so Tor had no idea what he looked like, but he recognized the voice.

Somehow the demon had to be watching Tor to have learned about Kenna and where Tor lived to be able to send the evildoer here. It was time he and the demon had a face-to-face. Tor wouldn’t let the creature use his mate against him.

With a snarl, Tor growled, “Guilty. Time to pay for all your evil deeds.”

Tor willed his gold dagger into his hand and shoved it into the man’s stomach. The evildoer bellowed in pain before he slowly lost solidity until he completely disappeared.

The sound of a whimper had Tor turning around as he willed the dagger away. Kenna stood with her back pressed against the wall, her face set in a mask of horror and fear. She looked at him the same way she had before he’d wiped her memory of him.

He sucked in a sharp breath at the pain that tore through his body as he shifted back to his human form. He went to take a step toward Kenna, but she held up her hands as if to ward him off, tears spilling down her cheeks. Tor stayed where he was.

“It’s all right,” he said in a quiet and even tone. “You’re safe, Kenna.”