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Once she was away from the parking lot all the anxiety Kenna felt disappeared. It didn’t make any sense. She wasn’t the type of woman who was frightened easily. So this unfounded fear wasn’t her norm. Maybe she was coming down with something. That could be the only explanation. And she’d do as Nick suggested and have some wine. Maybe a glass or two or three.

She dropped Nick off at the front of his apartment building, telling him she’d see him at work the next day. Kenna drove to her place, deciding she’d definitely have to call it an early night. Hopefully getting a full night’s sleep would have her feeling more like herself.

Chapter Two

Tor had managed to stay away for two whole days, but his luck ran out on the third. He seemed irresistibly drawn to the mortal, to Kenna. After wiping her memory a couple of nights ago he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. The last two mornings he’d woken up with his cock in his hand, stroking himself and on the verge of coming because he’d dreamed it was Kenna touching him, pleasuring him. He couldn’t get her out of his head.

But today, he could no longer ignore his need to see her outside his dreams. He was driving himself crazy. He had to put himself out of his misery, even if he just looked at her once from a distance. Then he should be able to walk away. He hoped.

Knowing there was no point in trying to talk himself out of it, Tor got into his car and drove out of the MacDonald Highlands community where he lived and headed for the Strip and the Luxor hotel. It was late morning, and from reading her memories, he knew Kenna would be at work. That late shift hadn’t been her normal one.

Tor parked his car and headed into the hotel. He walked through the entrance and took a deep breath to see if he could filter Kenna’s scent from the myriad ones around him. He’d memorized it from the other night. But he didn’t have any luck. There were too many mortals.

That didn’t stop Tor from heading in the direction where the reception desk would be. He wasn’t going to get too close. Just far enough to have an unobstructed view of Kenna, and maybe catch a whiff of her scent. He’d look his fill, then leave.

As Tor drew nearer to where Kenna worked, he slowed, staying in the midst of the mortals who went about their business. He stared in the direction of the reception desk and spotted Kenna, busy talking to a patron of the hotel. His whole body seemed to come to attention, including his cock. Being this close to her made him crave her even more than he already had.

He ran his gaze over Kenna, drinking her in. The sound of the man she spoke to raising his voice had Tor headed over to the reception desk before he could stop himself. He didn’t like the man’s tone. He had no right to talk to Kenna that way.

Tor stepped up beside the man in time to hear him say, “Since you’re totally useless, I’d like to speak to your manager.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Kenna responded. “It’s the hotel’s policy not to give out that kind of information about our guests.”

“I don’t give a shit if it is. Let me speak to someone who has more authority than you.”

Tor turned to face the man. “I think you need to be a little more respectful. She already told you it’s against the hotel’s policy. Take that for your answer and leave.”

The man rounded on him. “Who the hell do you think you are? You’re obviously not hotel security.”

“No, but I could be the man to throw you out of here on your ass.” Tor leaned closer to the mortal and glared into his eyes. “Leave.”

The man must have seen something in Tor’s eyes. His demeanor swiftly changed from aggression to scared shitless. He mumbled what sounded like an apology to Kenna, then walked away at a fast clip. Tor followed him with his gaze until he disappeared from sight.

“Thanks,” Kenna said. “I had a feeling he wasn’t going to let it go.”

Tor turned to face her. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I was around to help.”

Kenna couldn’t tear her gaze off the man who stood on the other side of the counter. He was totally gorgeous, looked as if he belonged in a fashion magazine. He also was the type of man she was attracted to with his short, black hair, standing at least six-foot-six in height with a well-muscled body. And it didn’t help that his brown-eyed gaze seemed to eat her up as he stared at her. Of course her body reacted. An ache throbbed deep inside her pussy. Her nipples grew taut beneath her blouse. She had to resist the urge to cross her arms over her breasts to hide them.

“Was there anything I can help you with?” she asked.

His gaze met hers. “You can tell me your name.”

His deep voice seemed to go right through her to her pussy. He had the tiniest of accents, but she couldn’t place what it was. “I’m Kenna,” she said, a little too breathy for her liking. She pointed at her name tag, which he obviously hadn’t looked at.

“Hello, Kenna. I’m Tor.” He reached across the counter with his hand open.

Kenna placed hers in his. A jolt of desire shot through her as he closed his fingers around hers and shook her hand. Her heart raced. Maybe Nick had been right. She did need to get laid, especially if she was this turned-on from a simple handshake.

“Hi,” she said stupidly.

Tor brushed his thumb along the inside of her wrist as he released her. “Maybe once you get off work we can continue this conversation.”

Kenna blinked. Had he just asked her out? “I don’t get off until five.”

“I’ll come back then. We can have something to eat at one of the restaurants here.”

“Sure. I’d love to.”

“Until then, Kenna.”

She sighed to herself when Tor turned around and walked away, getting her first look at his muscular ass in his tight-fitting jeans. It looked hard enough to bounce a quarter off it. She practically licked her lips, thinking how good it would feel to fondle his butt.

“I think you have some drool at the corner of your mouth.”

Kenna reluctantly tore her gaze off Tor’s retreating back and looked at Nick who stood at the counter. “No, I don’t.”

“Well, you might as well have, given the way you were ogling that guy’s backside.”

“At least I might have a chance to see more of it. Tor just asked me out for dinner after work.”

Nick gazed in the direction Tor had gone, then looked back at Kenna. “Holy crap, you worked fast. I said you needed a man, but I didn’t think you’d actually taken me seriously.”

She smiled. “It wasn’t as if I’d planned it. A patron gave me a bit of a hard time and Tor happened to show up to put the guy in his place. We then got to talking and he asked me out. There was no way I would turn him down.”

“That’s my girl. Now just make sure you get laid tonight and you’ll be all set.”

Kenna rolled her eyes. “I never said I’d hop in the sack with him on the first date.”

“Why the hell not? You’re attracted to him. He obviously is to you as well or he wouldn’t have asked you out. Go have some fun.”

“I’ll see how the date goes first before I make a decision about sleeping with him. Who knows, Tor could be a jerk and I’ll want to ditch him after the meal.”

Nick shook his head. “That wouldn’t stop me.”