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Carol laughed. “True, but I can still appreciate other good-looking men.”

“That’s true,” Kenna said with a laugh.

“And I think your tall, dark and sexy just arrived,” Carol said as she jerked her head to a spot behind Kenna. “Wow. With that tanned skin and dark looks, he really is exotic-looking.”

Kenna turned around to see Tor headed toward the reception desk. “Yeah, he is. Plus, he has a slight accent I can’t place.”

Carol nudged her in the side. “Hon, whatever you do, don’t let that one go. There aren’t too many like him around, especially ones who aren’t taken. If you’re not careful some other woman will snap him up.”

She watched Tor come closer. “Don’t worry. I plan to hold on to him. I just have to make it past this first date.”

“You’ll do fine. He’s about five minutes early, but you can go. I don’t mind covering until the next shift starts. Have fun.”

“Thanks, Carol,” Kenna said as she grabbed her purse. She then walked around the counter to meet Tor.

He was dressed in a dark-gray, button-down shirt tucked into black jeans. He looked sexy as hell. Kenna wanted to sink her hands into the sides of his thick, black hair and plunder his mouth as she rubbed up against his sinfully hard body. Her pussy clenched just from thinking about it. Maybe sleeping with Tor on the first date wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. It had been a while since a man had given her a good orgasm.

“Hey,” she said as she closed the distance between them. “You made it.”

Tor smiled, flashing straight, white teeth. “Of course. I wouldn’t stand you up. Are you ready for our date?”

“Yes. My manager let me leave a little early. So which restaurant do you want to eat at?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never eaten here before. You must be the expert since you work here. Which one do you suggest?”

“How about Tender Steak & Seafood? The steaks are to die for. I also called and made a reservation just in case you wanted to go there.”

“Okay. Sounds good. And nice thinking ahead to make a reservation. I never thought of doing it. Shall we go?”

Kenna nodded and fell into step beside Tor. He was so tall he made her feel short, even in the high heels she wore. Not that that was hard to do since she was on the short side, anyway. When they reached a group of people who blocked their way, he took her hand in his and steered her around them. He kept hold of her even after they’d passed the obstacle. A thrill shot through Kenna. God, she had to be hard up.

At the restaurant, Kenna gave her name for the reservation and they were taken to their table. Once they were seated, they opened the menus in front of them. She already knew what she wanted, but the food here was on the pricey side. And she didn’t want to order too much just in case Tor hadn’t expected to come to a place like this.

As if he’d known what she thought, Tor said, “Order whatever you want. Don’t worry about the prices. I have more than enough on me to cover the bill.”

If he insisted, she’d be more than happy to oblige. “All right. Then I’m going to have the raw oysters to start, then the porterhouse steak.”

Tor’s gaze met hers across the table. “I guess I’d better have the oysters as well. Them supposedly being an aphrodisiac and all, I don’t want to be left out if you’re eating some.”

He gave her a sexy look that had Kenna’s toes trying to curl inside her shoes. She hadn’t even thought about what oysters were known for. She just loved them and had them whenever the opportunity came up, which wasn’t very often since they were expensive. She swallowed and licked her suddenly dry lips. Tor’s gaze seemed to follow the movement of her tongue. A jolt of desire shot through her in response.

Their waiter came and took their orders, then left them alone again. Kenna was the first to break the silence that had fallen between them. “So, you never said if you were a guest here or not.”

Tor shook his head. “I’m not. I live in Las Vegas.”

“Do you come to the Luxor often? I don’t remember seeing you before.”

“No, I don’t. Actually, today is the first time I’ve come inside the hotel. I’ve driven by it many times, though.”

“Not into the casino scene?”

“No,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m not into gambling. I thought I’d finally see what the Luxor looked like from the inside.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. I have to thank you again for getting rid of that guy. Though he did call later and complain to my manager. He wanted me suspended without pay, and you and others like you never allowed inside the Luxor.”

Tor laughed. The deep baritone of it went straight through Kenna to her pussy. Seeing this date end with Tor and her in bed together looked better and better.

“He did?” Tor asked, still chuckling. “What did your manager say?”

“I’m sure she told him the exact same thing I did. She also thought he was an idiot. I love my job, interacting with all the different people who come to the hotel, but there can be some who I wish wouldn’t come around.”

“I guess.”

Tor and Kenna fell silent as the waiter brought them their appetizer of oysters. Kenna’s mouth watered just looking at them. She loved seafood. She picked up the wedge of lemon on her plate and squeezed the juice over the oysters. That done, she lifted the first one to her mouth and sucked it down, tipping the shell to get all of the liquid still on it. Once finished, she licked her lips and reached for the second. Before it met her lips, Kenna looked over at Tor. He hadn’t touched his first one yet. His gaze appeared glued on her.

“You’re not eating your oysters,” she said as she placed the one she held onto her plate. “Have you had them before?”

“Yes, I have, and I like them. I was just enjoying watching you savor yours.”

Kenna’s cheeks heated, and not from embarrassment at the thought of Tor watching her so intently. No, they warmed with arousal. The way he looked at her, appearing to focus solely on her, had her thinking about doing dirty things to him. Like run her tongue over every inch of his skin and taking his cock into her mouth to see just how far she could push him before he lost control. She squeezed her legs together under the table, trying to alleviate some of the ache that built deep inside her pussy. Yup, she’d gone too long without sex.

Feeling a bit naughty, Kenna picked up the second oyster again and brought it to her mouth. She slowly parted her lips and tipped her head back and allowed gravity to slide it inside. She swallowed it down with the juice, then licked her lips with a satisfied sigh. Tor made a quiet sound that almost sounded like a groan. Kenna smiled to herself. If he was going to get to her, she was going to get to him. It was only fair.

Tor pounded back his oysters in no time flat while Kenna took her time, eating each one as she had the second. Once she’d finished all six, the waiter appeared with their main course.

Kenna and Tor talked about everyday things, learning more about each other. Though she found he didn’t talk too much about himself and that she seemed to tell him more about her family and what her life had been like growing up than he did about his. What he said in regards to his childhood was very little and vague at best. One thing she did learn about Tor was that he was considered rich and worked most nights. At what, she wasn’t entirely sure since he sort of sidestepped the whole question about his actual career. Not that she really cared. If he didn’t want to talk about his work, that was his decision. It didn’t make him any less attractive to her.

“I guess since you have to work tonight, you’ll want to leave after we finish our meals,” she said, hoping that wouldn’t be the case.

“No.” Tor reached across the table and captured Kenna’s hand. “I don’t have to work until it’s dark. There is still time for me to get you alone somewhere and have you all to myself.”