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His heart rate sped up even more as Kenna changed from drawing circles to running her hand up and down his thigh. With each pass up, she came closer and closer to his dick. Tor found it hard to just sit there and let her do what she did to him, but he liked it at the same time. He wanted her to touch him. Wanted her hands all over him, touching and stroking.

His breath punched out of him and he stiffened in anticipation as Kenna’s fingers came within a hairsbreadth from touching the tip of his cock. Then she made contact. Tor heard a quiet, breathy sigh escape her, and she used the tip of a finger to run over the full length of him.

That small sound along with her light touch pushed him to the point where he couldn’t sit there any longer without acting on his arousal. Tor turned his head to see Kenna looked at him. With a groan, he lowered his lips to hers. He kept it gentle at first, but when she kissed him back and nipped his lower lip, he claimed her mouth fully.

Somehow, he managed to put his beer on the table, then hers, all the while kissing Kenna as if his life depended on it. With both hands now free, Tor angled her toward him and shifted them both so they lay stretched out on the couch with him on top of her.

She opened her thighs wide to cradle his hips. Tor’s cock came in direct contact with her pussy. Even through their pants she felt good. He ground against her as he fed from her mouth, pushing his tongue between her lips, thoroughly tasting her. Kenna lifted her hands and threaded her fingers through the sides of his hair. She held him exactly where she wanted him, kissing him with a fervor that ramped up his libido.

Tor reached between them and palmed her breast. Her taut nipple brushed against his palm. Kenna moaned and arched her back, pressing herself tighter into his grip. He wanted to suck on the tight bud.

He lifted his head and stared into Kenna’s blue-green eyes. “If you want me to stop, tell me now, because I want more of you and might not be able to do so later.”

“Don’t stop,” she said in a breathy voice. “I want this. I want you.”

His cock throbbed at her words. All the blood in his body seemed to be centered there. Tor took hold of the bottom of Kenna’s t-shirt and dragged it up and over her head. He tossed it away as he stared down at her pink-lace-covered breasts. The twin mounds were more than a handful, her rosy nipples barely visible through the almost sheer material. They were gorgeous and he couldn’t wait to have them in his mouth.

He pushed his hands under her and found the clasp on her bra. He undid it and pulled his hands out so he could push the straps down her arms. Once they were free, he tossed the undergarment in the same direction as her t-shirt had gone. Tor bent his head and laved a nipple with the flat of his tongue. Kenna moaned, her fingers sinking into his hair again.

Tor brushed his lips across the tight bud before he sucked it into his mouth. Kenna’s nails dug into his scalp as she held him to her, her hips lifting to rock her pussy against his erection. He ached to free himself, but he wanted to explore Kenna’s body first.

He switched to her other breast and paid it the same attention as he had to the first. Kenna’s moans grew louder, her breath coming in gasps. As he continued to suck on her nipple, he trailed a hand down to the waistband of her yoga pants. He shifted so he was on his side and pushed the material down past her hips. Kenna wiggled as she helped him take the pants all the way off.

Tor released her nipple and gazed at her body. She was perfectly made with curves in all the right places. He ran a hand down her ribs to her belly, which quivered under his touch. Continuing his downward trail, he reached the top of her panties, which matched the bra. He ran his finger along the waistband before he dragged his hand down the front of her panties until he reached between her legs. It was his turn to moan when he felt the wetness there. She was wet enough to soak through the material.

He lifted his head to look at Kenna. “If I take these off you, I’m going to taste you. Lick you until I get my fill.”

“God, yes,” she said. “Do it. Make me come with your mouth.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. With a couple of jerks the lacy bit of material was pulled off and Kenna was completely naked. Wanting some skin-to-skin contact, Tor quickly undid his button-down shirt with one hand. Kenna helped pull it off. He then settled on top of her once again.

After taking her lips until she tugged at his hair, Tor slowly kissed a trail down the side of her neck to her collarbone. He shifted lower on her body and gave each nipple a suck on his way down. The smell of her arousal filled his head, making him feel almost drunk. Down farther he went, swirling his tongue inside her bellybutton before dragging it to her hip.

He shifted even farther down the couch, wedging his shoulders between Kenna’s spread thighs. He looked at her pussy. It was pink and swollen, glistening with her juices. Tor lowered his mouth and licked her from bottom to top, swirling his tongue around her clit. Kenna lifted her hips, offering more of herself.

More she wanted, more she’d get. He licked and sucked, lapping up her wetness. She tasted as good as she smelled. He feasted until she ground herself against his mouth, her moans echoing in the room. Tonguing her clit, he pushed one finger inside her pussy, moving it in and out. He soon pushed a second, then a third, into her. Her inner walls clamped around them as she matched his strokes.

Tor sucked on her clit and pumped his fingers faster. From the sounds she made, he figured she had to be close to climaxing. When she did, he continued to pleasure her, pushing her orgasm to go on and on. Once it ended, Kenna went limp under him.

“That was spectacular,” she said, still breathing hard. “Now it’s my turn to return the favor. Stand.”

He rolled off the couch and stood in one smooth movement. Kenna sat up and took hold of his belt loops to pull him closer. Tor looked down at her as she undid the button and zipper on his jeans. His cock jerked with each brush of her fingers. She parted the material and freed his shaft. He bit back a groan when she licked her lips as she stared at him.

She pulled his pants down past his hips and along his legs. Tor stepped out of them and kicked them aside. If she kept hungrily staring at his dick, he was liable to embarrass himself and come before she even touched him.

Kenna wrapped her hand around his cock and slowly pumped it up and down. “You’re going to feel so good inside me. But first I want to have you filling my mouth.”

Tor fisted his hands at his sides to stop himself from taking hold of Kenna, pulling her under him on the floor and sinking his shaft between her legs. When she talked dirty, it just cranked him up even more.

She leaned forward and licked him like a lollipop until her tongue had swept across every inch of his cock. But then she opened her mouth and sucked him inside. Tor groaned and looked down to watch his shaft sliding in and out between her lips. She sucked on him hard. He rocked his hips, unable to hold himself still any longer. It felt too damn good.

Kenna kept her hand wrapped around the base of his cock while she pleasured him. Her other dropped and fondled his balls, giving them a gentle tug. Tor lost himself to the sensations swamping him. His whole being centered on the feel of her sucking him in and out. His shaft grew harder and his balls rose closer to his body as he felt the point of no return creeping ever nearer.

“Kenna, you’re going to make me come,” he half growled.

She only pulled back long enough to say, “I want you to. Give it to me.”

This time he couldn’t hold back the animalistic-sounding growl that punched out of him as she once again wrapped her lips around his cock. She sucked harder, stroking what she couldn’t take with her hand. He couldn’t keep his release at bay any longer.