Just before he came, Tor felt a burning sensation in his gums. He ran his tongue over his eyeteeth to find they had dropped, become sharper, much as they did once he’d shifted into his half-human and half-jackal form. Along with that change came the almost overpowering need to bite Kenna where her shoulder and neck met. He stared at that spot, badly wanting to sink his teeth into it.
But then she sucked him almost to the back of her throat and Tor’s orgasm rushed up to meet him. He threw back his head and moaned, his hands in her hair as his cock pulsed, giving her everything he had. After it was over, he pulled her to her feet and picked her up. He kissed her and maneuvered them both so he sat on the couch with her across his lap, her head cradled on his shoulder. With his release, his teeth had gone back to normal and the urge to bite had left him.
Tor held her close as he fought to regain his breath. He now knew exactly what Anubis had meant about the change coming over Tor and the urge that went along with it when it came to Tor’s mate. There was no question in Tor’s mind that Kenna was his.
Chapter Four
Kenna liked exactly where she was, cuddled up with Tor while the two of them were completely naked. She breathed in the scent of his aftershave and one that was uniquely his own. She could get used to having his strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close.
She ran a hand along Tor’s well-muscled chest, stopping at the tattoo on the left side, right over his heart. It was ancient Egyptian in style and done in black. Inside a cartouche was a picture of Anubis with a jackal’s head. In one hand he held an ankh while in the other was a flail. Kenna traced it with a fingertip. Seeing it, and thinking about Tor’s dark good looks, tanned skin and slight accent, it made her wonder if he was Egyptian.
Lifting her head off his shoulder, Kenna sat up straight. “How much longer do we have before you have to leave for work?”
Tor brought her lips down to his for a thorough kiss before he pulled away. “Only enough time for us to finish our beers. And not enough for me to do what I want to do with you. We could have a quickie, but I want to take my time, savor every minute of it. We’ll have to continue this tomorrow.”
Kenna sighed with regret, but nodded. “It will have to be after I finish my shift again. But the next two days after that I’m off for the weekend.”
“I can take those days off as well. We’ll spend them together.”
She smiled. “I like that.” Kenna ran her hand over Tor’s chest again. “I guess we’d better get dressed. For me, sitting here like this with you, it’s only going to make me want you again. And since there isn’t any time for that, I’d rather have your delicious body covered before I get any ideas about getting you to change your mind about going into work.”
Tor chuckled. “I agree. I find you just as tempting.”
Kenna slid off his lap and took one last good look at him, running her gaze over his hard, muscled body and landing on his cock that appeared semi-hard. Oh, all the things she wanted to do to him. At least they were off to a good start. The oral sex had been the best she’d ever had. And pleasuring Tor had been just as good. She could foresee herself using the majority of the weekend to explore every inch of him, finding out what really turned his crank.
She gathered up her clothes before she pulled them on. Once they were both dressed, they sat on the couch with beers in hand to watch more of the movie that still played on the television. It was nice sitting there with Tor, the heat from his body sinking into hers as he held her against his side.
They finished their beers and Tor put the empty bottles on the coffee table before he turned to face her and swept her up into his arms once again. He kissed her with enough heat to have her body burning for his. Kenna almost begged him to stay, but stopped herself. She didn’t want to come across as too needy. They were still too new for that. He had to work, just as she had to the following morning.
Kenna walked Tor to the apartment door. “Do you want to meet here tomorrow after my shift?”
He nodded. “Sure. Then you can come to my place. I’ll make you dinner.”
She smiled. “I’d like that. I’ve never had a man cook for me before. Are you any good?”
Tor laughed and shook his head. “I promise you I’m an excellent cook. I like to eat, so I learned a long time ago how to make meals I’d enjoy.”
“Then I’ll look forward to it.”
With one last kiss that made her knees weak, Tor left. Kenna closed and locked the door behind him. Her social life had definitely taken a turn for the better. Nick would be proud of her.
Tor didn’t bother to go home to change his clothes before he went out on a night of hunting evildoers. He drove to a section of the city that he’d chosen earlier and parked his car. He found it was easier to hunt down his prey if he walked the streets. In a seedier section of Las Vegas, there was no shortage of mortals who committed evil acts.
It didn’t take long before he felt the familiar pull. Tor followed where it led, catching the unmistakable odor of evil tainting the air. He found his prey hunched over in a dark corner of an alley, counting money he’d taken out of the purse he held. Obviously, it wasn’t his.
The change took over Tor as he walked closer. He gritted his teeth as the pain that went along with the shift tore through him. Once it was complete, he growled, drawing the evildoer’s attention. The man took one look at Tor’s half-human and half-jackal furred form and bolted. Tor managed to easily catch him before he could get very far.
He flung his prey against a brick wall hard enough for the man to have the wind knocked out of him. Tor moved in and grabbed him by the throat as he looked the evildoer in the eyes, forcing his way into the man’s mind. What he saw there, feeling the pain and fear of all his prey’s victims, Tor knew without a doubt the man was guilty.
“Time to pay for all the crimes you committed,” Tor said in a voice that was gruff and deep.
Willing his gold dagger into his hand, Tor held his prey still. The man babbled, pleading for his life. Tor struck fast and true, slicing the blade across the man’s chest through to the skin. His prey uttered one last cry of alarm as he slowly faded out of sight.
Tor willed the dagger away and headed for the entrance to the alley. As he walked he shifted back to his human form. He could expect to experience that pain at least a couple more times before he called it quits for the night.
Before he reached the street side of the alley, Tor felt a pain inside his head unlike anything he’d felt in the past. It was even worse than what he experienced with a shift. He dropped to his knees gasping, holding his head as the sensation hit him full force, as if something burrowed its way inside his brain. His eyesight faded to black a couple of times. Tor was pretty sure he was on the verge of passing out when the pain suddenly stopped. He took stock of himself before he stood on legs that shook a little. He seemed okay, his head just throbbed a bit with what felt like a normal headache.
He’d gone two steps when a disembodied male voice said, “You’re mine now, warrior of Anubis.”
Tor stiffened. Thanks to the god of the underworld’s warning, he had a feeling he knew who the voice belonged to. “Show yourself, demon. Let’s put an end to this now. Unless you’re too afraid to face me.”
Laughter seemed to bounce off the alley’s brick walls. “All in due time.”
No matter how many times Tor bellowed for the demon, the creature didn’t respond. Tor continued on his way. If the demon had tried to use the spell that had been used on the other of Anubis’ warriors, it mustn’t have worked on Tor. He was still in his human form, not trapped in his other. Maybe this demon wasn’t as skilled with spells as the other had been.