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The two brothers raised their heads up to get a better angle of vision through the crack in the door and saw David's extremely long, totally soaked cock sliding in and out of a sucking, jerking pussy.

They also saw David's finger was completely lodged in the asshole of the girl. She was beautiful, stunning, wrenching her hips and big tits up to him like a wild animal. But they couldn't see her face, his head was in the way. David's body rolled from the shoulders to the hips as he plowed his massive meat into the bouncing girl. Vic and Len both swallowed, this was the last thing in the world they'd ever expect to see David doing. “Who is it? Who's he fucking?” whispered Vic. “Shhhh…” whispered Len with anger. “Keep your goddam mouth shut.” Vic stepped from below Len and stood fully up where he could get the highest view down on the bed. He couldn't believe how the two bodies worked so well together, how the long legs of the girl wrapped so happily around David's legs, how her hand kept plying that finger into the asshole, how the large breasts kept swaying with such firm meatiness, one moment in view, the next obscured by David's heaving chest. Finally Vic saw her hair and gasped. It can't be! he screamed to himself. That's impossible!

Len saw the light blond hair too and sucked his breath in. His cock was stiff in his pants, pounding with excitement. It had to be, it just had to be Dorothy! David lowered his face down to her shoulder and gave it a nip with his sharp white teeth. She giggled and squirmed her teeming breasts up fully into him: Vic and Len heard the happy outcry and saw her flushed, ecstatic face as she bit back at his warm, perspiring shoulder. The brothers were astonished. They couldn't believe (heir eyes. She was fucking her brother. That little sissy was actually putting his cock into the nicest, choicest, best-built piece of ass in the whole town. His own sister! He was fucking his sister! And, they hated to admit it, fucking her like an expert! They looked into each other's shocked face. Len tried to speak but couldn't. Then Vic tried and Len pulled the door shut.

“What you closing it for?” asked Vic. “I wanna see this.”

“Shhhhhhhh…” warned Len. “Don't let 'em hear you.” “Shit, they won't hear nothing the way they're going at it. I wanna see!”

But Len had other plans. He pulled Vic down the stairs and held him while whispering, “You know what they're doing?” Vic looked at him like he was nuts. “Shit, yes! I know what they're doing, they're fucking!” “But they're brother and sister. They're blood brother and blood sister!” “I know that too, Len. Now let go of me so I can go watch them fuck!” “No, you don't understand.

They're committing incest!” “I don't give a shit what it is,” answered Vic. “I'm gonna go back up there and watch her big tits and full cunt and bare ass and long legs…” He pushed Len away and started back up the stairs. “Go ahead, Vic. Go on up there and screw everything up. Go get your kicks looking and wreck your chances of having those big tits in your mouth, that bare ass and cunt filled with your cock, those legs wrapped around yours.” Vic stopped cold in his tracks and looked back. “What you got in mind?” Len grinned. “Man, we've got it made, brother. We're going to have us more ass this week than you ever dreamed possible.” “How?” Len motioned for Vic to follow him into the living room. Vic looked hungrily up the stairs at the door to the attic bedroom, hesitated, then turned and followed his brother. David's hips were a blur of motion as he pounded his cock into Dorothy with the greatest speed yet. She was climaxing again, gasping in total abandon, mashing her tits against him, shoving her full twat up forcefully to receive each pleasure-giving thrust of the cock she had watched grow from a child's to a man's. Her ass, and his finger in her asshole, were streaked and covered with her spilling wetness. She prayed it would never stop, never end, that everything would always feel as good as it did right now. David felt his internal fires raging like a burning furnace ready to blast with pressure. From deep in his guts the pressure built, slowly at first, then faster, until he knew his cock was ready to present his sister with the creaming of her life, the most full box of jism she'd ever know. He jammed himself down with power and clamped his hips against hers. She came fully up to him, knowing he was going to climax, opening and begging to receive his payload. David jammed his finger deep inside her quivering ass as the first wrenching stream of steaming-hot cream erupted along his imbedded cock. It sprayed like a powerful fire hose inside the sucking hole. Dorothy's throat went dry, she sighed. “Ohhhhhhhh… yes,” she moaned. “Fill me up with your hot seed.” It came in several back-wrenching gushes to coat and lather her insides with white, sticky cream. David's cock kept plowing in, kept spewing sperm, kept draining jism into the trembling, burning walls of her glorying box.

Dorothy grabbed his ass tightly as a final wave of orgasm washed through her. “I'm soooo happy. I feel so wonderful,” she groaned with half-closed eyes. The cock pumped her pussy so full of boiling jism it leaked up to the lips and streamed out like an overflowing pitcher of fresh buttermilk. The frothed, bubbled semen streamed down the cheeks of her ass in thick, slow-moving trickles of white. It all converged into one major puddle in the crease of her upturned ass to surround David's still working finger. Her now-loose asshole was like a drain as the finger pushed gobs of the thick paste inside to also coat her other opening. “All I want to do for the rest of my whole life,” she softly said while kissing his face and eyes, “is fuck you and fuck you and fuck you.”


It was a quiet day. Dorothy cleaned the house and went into town to shop for groceries. When she got back David was through with his flute practice and used the car to run to the music store and buy new material. Fifteen minutes after he left Dorothy heard the pickup truck pull into the driveway. It was Vic and Len. “You're home early,” she said as they came through the kitchen dragging pieces of wood, nails, a hammer and assorted hardware. “Yeah,” said Len.

“We got some repairs to do on the house. Figured to get 'em done before pop gets back.” “Oh? That's nice.” “Sure is,” cracked Vic. “Don't make a mess,” she called after them. “I just cleaned the whole house.” “Don't you fret your pretty little head, sister dear!” Len yelled back. She was puzzled. They were actually doing work voluntarily? Something was strange but she didn't want to poke her nose into anything that might cause trouble. She started dinner as the sounds of sawing, nailing, drilling and occasional curses came from the other side of the house. They were finished and had everything put away by the time David was back. “What did you fix?”

Dorothy asked the two whispering brothers. Len winked. “It's a surprise. We'll show you after dinner.” “Well, dinner's ready, we can eat now,” she said. “Good,” said David. “I'm starved. I'll put my music away and be right down.” “No!” stammered Len. “You can't go to that side of the house until after dinner. That's where our surprise is. You don't want to ruin our surprise now do you?”

“Huh? I just want to put away my music.” Vic stepped forward. “You don't seem to understand, Davee-boy,” he drawled.

“There's no peeking at our work until everyone's had a nice meal.”