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“Okay, baby, roll over and open up them legs of yours. I'm gonna let you feel a real man's cock! A cock you won't forget for a long time.” Dorothy knew she was finished. Her arms were strapped back so hard they ached, she couldn't budge them. But she didn't move. His hands grabbed her ankles again, she kicked, but it was useless. He twisted her legs until she rolled over like a helpless, crying baby.

“You make one kick with them beautiful legs and I'll tie them up so tight around your neck you'll be able to kiss your own asshole,” he said. A sudden, chilling shiver ran through her body as she stared at his menacing pecker, at his stocky, hard build. She was no match for him, he could snap her like a pretzel if he wanted. He sat on the bed next to her, his hands moved back to the attractive tits and started to knead once again into their loveliness. “Yeah, step-sis, I sure wish I had your tits for pillows. Shit, I'd never get out of bed… I'd lay there sucking all day and all night.” “You crude bastard,” she cursed. He loved it. “Say what you want, cunt. Swear and cuss and call me anything you want… but I know what you are. I sure do. You're a brother-fucking slut! Did you suck your brother's cock? Huh? Did you suck him off as well as fuck him?”

He was squeezing her tits with force now, squashing them into red, aching mounds of pulsating meat. He came down hungrily and took each nipple neatly into his mouth to suck and bite. Dorothy closed her eyes and grimaced, they were growing again, getting hot and stiff, feeling like they could explode at any minute… her very sensitive nipples. She was beside herself with anger as she shuddered with pleasure and her breathing rate increased. But he was biting her so much, making them feel so hot! Her body wrenched, but this time not to get away, this time it was to lunge the heated tits up to his chewing mouth and sweat-covered face. As soon as her body did that his hand moved across the flat belly down to the blond, waving hair.

Dorothy fought to keep her legs together but he was able to force a finger down inside the sweetness of her thighs and touch against the warm, delicate tissues of her cunt lips. “No… please…” she begged. The hand pushed hard until it was lodged in her crotch, the fingers didn't stop moving once. They poked, pinched, stabbed at her gentle skin until she could hold back no longer. The middle finger of his hand stroked up and down the red length of her slit until an unwanted trickle of wet juice came out. As soon as Len felt the moisture he gave her nipple the hardest bite yet. He clamped it between his rear teeth like a piece of beef jerky and squeezed. The sweet teat pounded with passion, it seemed to explode with fire in his mouth… and the legs opened up like the sides of swinging doors.

The finger stabbed deep and fast. It felt the walled-in wet beyond the loose-fleshed lips and smeared it down and out. She was now running like a spring brook, the hot liquids poured from her pent-up twat as he worked his finger deep inside to tantalize and inflame the inner walls. “Nooooo…” she moaned. He laughed softly and worked a second finger into the crack. Her legs opened to receive the larger fill. She was had and he knew it. Len pulled away from her well-worked tits and moved to the foot of the bed. With his strong hands he pushed the long, lithe legs wide apart and stared down at the delicious slice of burning meat in her crotch. “You got some cunt, baby. It's a real good looking pussy. In fact you ain't got nothing that ain't great!” He dropped between the legs until his face was within inches of the draining gash. First he brought a hand up to each side of the cunt and separated the lips far apart. He stared into a pink-walled tunnel of imploring tissue. The wisping blond crown of hair sat high on a hill overlooking the tempting cave.

Len brought his thick-lipped mouth down to her cavity and thrust his tongue deep inside. He could feel her reaction to him, feel her heated thighs shiver, her guts catch with fire, her ass tighten with lust. Yes, she was had. He lapped his tongue up against her clitoris time after time… eventually her hips gave a sharp jerk, then swayed to the side and lifted up to his face for more. “You like it?

Huh? You like the way my tongue feels in your hot twat?” he asked.

Dorothy was silent. She wanted to scream, to cry, to vomit and kill him… but her body was helplessly inflamed by his insistent mouth. The best she could do was stay quiet, not fight, not give him the obvious pleasure he got from hurting her. Tears finally welled in her eyes as he crawled higher on her strapped, aching body. He stopped again to taste the heated strawberries on her swollen, red breasts. Using his hands to squash them together into a distorted mass with the nipples very close together made Len smile, then plunge his licking tongue down on them. When he lifted away the tits were drenched with his saliva, they glowed like dew-covered melons in the morning sun. “Now I'm gonna fuck you, sister. I'm gonna fill your cunt with cock and I know you'll just go crazy.” “No… please don't,” she meekly whimpered. He laughed. “Hah! Listen to her!

She's grinding her hot fucking cunt up like it had ants in it and still she pretends like she don't want cock!” She could feel the hard knob-headed cock pressing against the burning skins of her cunt, working back and forth in the pools of slick moisture, patiently searching for the opening which would swallow it with hot suction in the heaving, twisting throes of her hips. “Yeah,” he sighed as the skins folded back and the warm, soft inner flesh slid against the tip of the cock. He applied pressure and felt her twat encircling the root, felt it peel open like a hot potato to welcome the stretching fill of his pulsating, screaming cock. Len jammed his hips down hard and forced his powerful shaft forcefully into the delicate hole.

Dorothy's eyes closed with pain and she grimaced. “Uuuuuuuugh!” she moaned. He smiled. He had hurt her, she was crying because his cock was so big. Len lifted his hips and withdrew the thrilled pole from her shocked twat. Then he pounded back down with even greater force and she cried out again. “Whatsa matter, baby? Too much cock for that little pussy of yours? I figured it would be loose and easy after all the fucking it's done with your brother and boyfriend!” “You bastard!” she screeched. The cock pounded into her again, and again, and again. His hips worked like a machine and his cock was a nonstop battering-ram slamming in and out of her cunt like a well-greased piston. She bit her lip, opened her legs as wide as possible, tried to adjust her position to the one of least pain. Len took it all as a move of happiness, a heated attempt to fuck him back.

His hands forced under her back and down to squeeze into the flesh of her asscheeks as if they were handles. He quit talking, his lips were closed, he was lost in a world of absolute pleasure that he had never dreamed could exist. His whole body was reeling with the excitement of being inside such a beautiful, fine, well-built female.

The pain eased and Dorothy gasped for air under his heavy, working weight. She knew what she had to do. He was in her, now it was her job to get him out as soon as possible. She ground her hips up with a twist against his cock. He pushed back and she pulled away, then she heaved hungrily back up to him while working her pussy up and down his cock several times. Her agility and coordination were no match for him. On each clumsy stroke of his cock she was able to twist and pull her tight cunt back and forth, to excite the cock no end, to drive it into insanity and suck the juice from its crying, pounding head. A low moan of happy pleasure came from her throat as she whipped up and down under him… as she told herself over and over to forget who it was, forget how it had happened, forget everything and just enjoy the feel of stiff, pumping cock. His mouth was open and he now gasped for air. Dorothy's body kept twisting, heaving, swaying under him to tantalize and suck at his cock without let-up. She no longer cared who he was, it was a cock… a cock to be fucked and she was doing everything she knew to satisfy it. “Oh! Oh…” she sighed. A burning heat was building inside her, she could feel the tingling pressure, the swelling rise of hot passions. Her twat was crying with hot liquid, the cock was now feeling tremendous. She flexed her ass and drove up high and hard to take it all, to swallow it inside the swirling, steaming, running walls of pussy. “Yes!