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Yes! It's good! I feel it!” she cried as a climax took her by surprise. She smiled and rolled her head from side to side to beat his face with her long hair. It was a quick, short-lived orgasm but nonetheless it was pleasure. She wrenched up and at the same time wrapped his thick hairy legs with hers. “Fuck me! Fuck me real good with your wonderful cock!” she whispered in his ears while biting his neck. Len was beyond understanding, his body had never witnessed such a response. He was absolutely transformed as the ripping insides of his cock started to beat with jerking pressure. The white sperm issued from the expanded head of his cock in three full, back-wrenching explosions. He grabbed fiercely at her ass and went into a rigid, groaning push-up posture over her as his cock belched molten steel inside the cunt which loved him so well. His temples pounded unbelievably, his chest ached for air, his cock felt a million sizes larger than ever before as Dorothy's limber body swam and danced with ecstasy under him. Len finally collapsed on top of her. His cock was drained, so was all his strength. He was motionless and heavy for a long time as he regained his breath. Dorothy could feel his expended cock retract, shrink, draw away in rest. She said nothing and didn't move as he slowly rolled away from her and reached for his pants. He dressed slowly and quietly. Then he stood, zipped his pants and turned around. “See? It was okay, wasn't it?” he asked.

She closed her eyes. She wanted to throw up right on his feet… but she didn't. She smiled and nodded. As hard as she tried she couldn't say anything, that was asking too much. “Roll over,” he said. She found her voice. “Why?” “So I can take that belt off you. I don't think you'll fight much anymore. I think you like it too much to do that.” Without laughing in his face she rolled onto her belly. His hands took turns stroking across her ass before he undid the belt. Then the hands went back to each soft cheek and squeezed the smooth roundness. Dorothy didn't move, she let him have his feels, his hands were being tender at least. “I sure love your ass, Dorothy,” he said. “Almost as much as your tits. But we'll get to these things later, right now I better let Vic take his turn.”

“What?” she asked. “I know,” he said. “But a deal's a deal.

He helped me out in this deal and we promised to share you. He won't be bad… if he treats you bad just let me know.” “Can't I rest first?” she asked. Len shrugged. “That's up to him. But if you fight him as hard as you did me he'll have every right to get just as tough as I did. He might even tie you up too. So take it from me, sis, just relax and let him do his thing. He won't last long.” She closed her eyes, inhaled, nodded. Then she felt a towel on her back.

“Might as well use this to clean yourself out. I'm sure he won't appreciate the mess I left behind.” Len left the room and Dorothy sat up. She rubbed her sore arms and the aching spot on her jawbone where he had slapped her. She had been raped. But it was nothing like she had feared it could be. She was alive and in one piece, she had even experienced a slight orgasm from it. Her legs opened up and she scooped the towel down between them to catch the thick stream of jism trickling from her pussy lips. She wrapped the towel around a finger and worked it inside her hole to wipe as much Of the gunk out as possible… then she realized Vic was due and she was dry.

Dorothy quickly ran to her dresser and opened the top drawer.

From a small jar she scooped just enough petroleum jelly to lubricate her pussy slightly. Just enough to relieve the ache and grease the walls. She went back to the bed and sat waiting for the bedroom door to open.


David was furious. He heard the cries of his sister, heard the battle going on below the stairs of his attic bedroom. And he was helpless, there wasn't a thing he could do but scream out at Vic and Len to leave her alone. He got jeers in return, and the sick laughter of his two stepbrothers rang in his ears to make David even angrier. He wrenched violently at the thick boards covering the bedroom window. It was useless. He threw his full weight against the locked bedroom door but it wouldn't budge. Finally he sat on the bed rubbing his shoulder, trying furiously to think of a way to escape the room and save his sister. The noises of struggle ceased and David pressed his ear against the door. Then he called out, “Hey?” The taunting voice of Vic came back. “Whatta ya want, you gotta problem?

Huh?” David let Vic's giggles die off, then asked, “Why do you two think you can get away with this?” Vic snorted, stopped giggling. “Len's got that all figured out. He says you won't dare open your mouth.” David walked across his prison. He had no tools, nothing to use as a bar or iron against the blocked window. A wrench, an axe, anything to help him tear into the wood and dig his way out.

He sat back on the bed and felt the tension swelling in his guts.

Dorothy would put up a good fight but she was no match for them. And she was on her own. When Len emerged from her bedroom Vic jumped up. “All done?” he excitedly asked. Len nodded. “Yeah.” “How was it? Is she a good fuck?” “You'll find out, brother. As soon as she rests up you can take your turn just like we decided,” said Len. “Rest? Bullshit! She can rest after I'm through! I'm going in and get my piece of tail!” Vic protested. Len frowned. “Aw, come on, Vic, don't be such a crude asshole. She's just a woman after all, she can't go fucking like she was_ on a conveyor belt. Give her a while to recover from the great screwing I just gave her.” “That good?” Vic's eyes were wide open, he licked his lips and waited for an answer. “You'll see. But let her catch her breath and she'll only be that much better.” “How long? How many minutes does she need?”

“Give her an hour, I really wore her out,” said Len.

“Bullshit!” hollered Vic. “She's not getting no hour! I'm not waiting that long! Fuck no, she can have fifteen minutes and that's it!” “For Christ's sake, Vic…” “I don't want to hear any more about it!” Vic vehemently said. “She's gonna fuck in 15 minutes whether she likes it or not! That's it!” “She probably won't, either.” “Won't what? “Like it!” Len answered.

“Aw, fuck you! She'll love it! What the hell makes you act so damned smart? Just cause you fucked her once you're suddenly an expert on what she likes?” “I made her happy,” Len smugly said. Vic spit. “She doesn't know what happy is yet. Just wait until she feels my big cock sliding in and out of her juicy little cunt!” Len shook his head with disgust. “Shit, Vic, sometimes you're a real asshole.” Vic fumed as he watched Len slowly walk into the living room and turn on the television. He leaned against the hallway wall and watched the minutes tick by on his watch. His lips worked furiously together as he thought about his brother's comments, his worldlier-than-thou attitude. What'd she do? Really go for him? What did she do to make Len all of a sudden seem to defend her, seem to be so damned concerned about her welfare? Dorothy found the pink nightie in her closet, it was an old thing, something she hadn't worn in years. But It still fit. As she viewed herself in the mirror she saw how her nipples showed so easily through the diaphanous material, how the tight panties hugged her at the crotch and seemed to outline each hair, each fold of flesh. She turned around and looked back at her reflection. The skimpy panties were tugged up into the crack of her ass, large gobs of pure white meat hung below the stretched elastic leg bands. When she walked, and most of all when she bent over, the round buns seemed intent on working out of her undies.

She brushed her hair until it hung in silken waves across her shoulders and applied a touch of cologne. Then she very lightly made her face up, eyeliner, lipstick, a hint of rouge. Anything she could think of to make herself more alluring she did. Not to please Vic but to guarantee a quick turn-on and just as quick climax. Dorothy could stand Vic even less than Len; the sooner he was gone the better.