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The door opened and Vic peeked in. Dorothy was at her dressing table and turned to smile at him. He grinned, sheepishly stepped into the room and closed the door. She could see the hard lump in his pants, he was already half-erect, having become excited while waiting outside for her to “rest.” “Rested?” Vic stupidly asked.

Dorothy stood up and felt his eager eyes watching the gentle sway of her visible breasts, she turned and crossed the room. He gulped.

The fleshy hills of her ass rose up and down to fill his vision with their soft pliancy. The pink panties tucked in her crack, and globs of billowed ass hung nude before his burning eyes and dry mouth.

“Yes, I'm rested,” she said. “Oh.” He was dumbstruck. The one thing Vic hadn't figured on was her looking so appealing, so womanly, so beautiful. He figured she'd be fighting, trying to resist, cursing and hollering as he tore into her body. But now it was different, now he had to take her like a man takes his wife. “Are you ready?” she asked. “Yeah… I guess so,” he stammered.

“What's the matter, Vic? Don't you want to fuck me? Isn't that why you've locked David up? Isn't that what you and Len had planned?

To rape me?” “Uh… Well… Shit, Dorothy, this isn't rape.”

“It isn't?” she asked with a touch of temper. “Then just what do you call it?” “Uh… Uh… but you're all fancied up, you're in that nightie with your tits showing and everything. That's not rape… that's you being… making…” “Being what?” she asked. “Aw, fuck if I know!” he blurted. “It's just not what I expected.”

“Then why don't you get the hell out of here and leave me alone!” she snapped. Vic liked her anger, he felt better. “Sure! That's just what you want, huh? Get rid of me by playing willing! Well, screw that, you cunt! I'm gonna fuck you!” “You couldn't fuck your way out of a paper bag!” Dorothy yelled back. His face turned red and he made a lunge toward her. “Oh yeah? Just let me get my hands on those tits and my cock up your hole! Then you'll see who can fuck around here!” She jumped to the side and Vic watched her luscious, sloping breasts wobble like molded gelatin. He grabbed her arm and pulled Dorothy close to his perspiring body. She laughed at him as his face crushed down against her neck, as his mouth and tongue wet her flesh while working upward to engulf her ear. He was shaking and she could feel it, he was very excited, she knew Vic wouldn't take much time. She brought her lips around to his and jammed her hot, swirling tongue deep into his mouth. Vic hesitated then plunged his tongue back into hers. Dorothy pushed her swollen tits into him until they were flat against his chest… then she pressed her warm, soft hips and lower belly against the lump in his pants. His breath was a howling wind as he felt the tender touch of her cooking crotch massaging against his screaming cock. His hands moved down fast to cup her ass, to wiggle fingers inside the elastic leg bands of the panties and feel tender, cool, abundant piles of grinding backside. “Oh, Vic,” she sighed. “Please take up where Len left off. Please finish the job he started.” “Huh? You mean Len didn't… didn't… make you satisfied?” Vic asked. “He tried,” she answered. “But I know you can do it, I just know it.” Her hands worked up under his shirt and softly stroked the powerfully muscled front of his barrellike chest. He was heaving for each breath, his lips were dry, his cock was painfully hard as it felt her constant grinding and subtle, insistent warmth begging at it. She pulled away from him and went to the bed while he watched. In one smooth maneuver Dorothy whipped the nightie from her shoulders and stood before him with nothing on but the scandalous briefs hugging her crotch so tight. Then she cupped her breasts and pushed them together as though she were offering them to him. The enlarged, red nipples gleamed before his staring eyes. “Come on, Vic. Come lie down with me and suck my breasts real hard. Chew them while I go crazy.” The head of his cock felt like a lit stick of dynamite. The tits were so damned beautiful! Big, luscious, mounds of white flesh with caps so red they looked like they were on fire. And she was begging him to suck them!

Vic stumbled at her and they fell onto the bed. His hungry mouth devoured each tit like it was whipped cream on top of a sundae. He sucked each nipple deep inside and bit. Bit the delicate cherry and tasted the extreme sweetness of her hot, lifting flesh. It's working, Dorothy told herself. As repulsive as he is at least I'm in control of what happens. She liked it that way; to fight would be stupid, to control would be the only way she might find a way out of the situation. Her hand slowly moved down his body toward the stiff lump. When she touched it his whole body shook. His cock was hot and highly excited, the slight press of her fingers was enough to send his hips into a rage of thrusting happiness. In seconds she had the pants open and the hard length of his purple-headed shaft in her hand.

Vic was on his back, panting, eyes half closed, like a large dog having his stomach stroked. Dorothy almost smiled, he was as easy to handle as a big dumb dog too. She pushed his pants down to his shoes and let him kick everything off while she removed the shirt from his massive shoulders. Vic was well built, much less bullish than Len, at least he had that in his favor. She ran her hands up and down the full length of his body, softly stroking him toward greater and greater heights of arousal. Then she used one hand to slip the panties from her buttocks and down her own long legs. She noticed that the petroleum jelly had been unnecessary, she was wet, very wet. Her little seduction of Vic had also aroused her juices. He was on his back spread-eagle as she worked her tight hand up and down his throbbing root. The impulse to bend down and give it a good sucking came to her but she dismissed it. No, he was close enough now, a blow job might ruin it. She had to admit she did want to feel some cock in her, feel the hard fill of this red stick. She lay right on top of him with his cock nestled between her thighs. He sighed and wrapped his bearlike arms around her shoulders. Dorothy moved every part of her anatomy, her legs, her arms, her breasts and thighs against his burning body and felt him heave his hips up in a blind stab to enter the juicy slit dripping between her legs. In a graceful movement Dorothy separated her legs to each side of his hips and squirmed her lubricated cunt down at the tip of the thrusting cock. She felt it stab hard at her tenderness, felt the lips of her twat collapse against an off-center shove of cock head. She adjusted and pushed down on the pole until it began to edge into her cunt and separate the foreskins into a wide circle of hugging reception. “Yes… Yes, Vic. Put it in me… Put it deep in me and make me feel good…” she sighed in his ear. He couldn't talk, his lips pressed tight together on the tip of his tongue as he felt the powerful sensations starting to ripple down the length of his entering cock. She was working her hips in short, circular motions to keep the cock sliding inside, to gulp it in like a starving man at a banquet. It felt tremendous. Vic had never dreamed he would ever fuck anyone so beautiful as Dorothy. In his mind she was better than any movie star or fashion model or sex symbol. She was the best-looking girl in the whole school, in the whole town, the whole state for that matter! And here she was fucking him like an eager, hot-pants whore! Fucking him!

He jammed his hips up and felt the head of his cock sink deep into her gurgling, washing crack. She was taking the whole thing, coming back down on him to make sure it was all crammed in there!

Fucking him while he relaxed on his back and watched the big tits bubble back and forth. That's what he did. He just lay there and watched her tits and smiling face while she whipped her limber hips up and down on the uplifted stiffness of his steaming cock. He rested his hands on her ass and stroked the velvet softness as they hit up and down over him. She was fucking him and he was just lying there providing the stick, just relaxing and watching her beautiful anatomy bounce and jerk and jostle. Dorothy was proud of herself. She had him in a position of total safety. He couldn't get nasty like Len had, he was flat on his back and the most he could do would be to jam his hips up hard to stab her with his cock… and she didn't mind that.