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This was a lot better-a little sugar catches a lot of flies. She leaned forward slightly to force the base of his cock against her clitoris. It felt good rubbing along there, inflaming her juice-running cunt with firelike impulses of pleasure. She was sure she'd get at least one good climax out of this, at least one moment of pleasure to make up for their disgusting use of force to fuck her. She decided then and there that the only way to handle the situation would be to get everything she could out of it and hope for revenge later.

“Ohhhhhh,” she sighed. “You feel so good.” “Yeah? You like it, huh?” he eagerly asked. “Yes!” she happily answered. “I love it!” Vic gave his hips an upward heave to slam his stiff cock deep into her twisting cunt. Dorothy made a happy grimace and came down hard to feel the brutal cock head crash through her hugging tunnel of tight cunt. Her breasts rocked violently above his sweating face and he tried to lift his head to meet them. Dorothy leaned forward enough for his hungry lips to touch her nipples, just touch them. As though he were at a public fountain, Vic sucked out to draw the jostling red tips inside. Finally she thrust them at his face and buried him happily in her mounds of soft, wiggling tit. She felt good, warm, in control and confident. She lifted with a steady, rolling rhythm and felt his cock plow in and out. It was a hot shaft, burning, throbbing inside her. Then the vibrations started deep in her cunt, the signals of muscular release. She made a few faster grinds on the cock, then let loose. Her hips blurred, the tits blasted freely against Vic's licking mouth, the heat of his cock was igniting her cunt into a series of jerking, spasmodic grips and releases. She went faster. Her round buns were slamming down to clap with meaty sounds on his thighs as the cock pumped in and out of her constantly moving cunt like a high-powered piston. The pussy walls were fluttering, gasping, sucking at the stiff tool with greater and greater possession. It was working, she was climaxing in a planned, prepared manner. “Ummmmmm,” she moaned as the pleasant ripples of release started to swell in her cunt and climb up each vertebra of her spine to burst throughout the humping torso. “Oh, baby,” Vic sighed. “You are really going to town, I mean you are putting out!”

She grinned and sucked in air. Yes, it was coming on stronger, the elusive orgasm was solidifying, it was getting better and better with each pounding drop of her hips. She lifted high and came down to completely imbed the stick inside her. Jolts of extreme joy blasted through her cunt and body. “Yes!” she cried. “Yes! It's sooooo good!” His hands dug hungrily into the meat of her ass and squeezed fiercely. She could feel his fingers touching her anus and the panicked grip of sweaty palms as he held on tight to keep his equilibrium. Vic's body was reacting to her exuberance, his cock was thundering with ultimate power. “Me too!” he cried. “I'm gonna shoot my wad right inside your fucking cunt!” “Go! Go!” she cried. “Yeah!” His body heaved up as though struck from underneath by a tractor. The hips rose up high and Dorothy sat perched on top with her cunt exploding around the pumping pecker. The first blast of the cock was a forceful, pussy-filling eruption of thick white paste. The hips dropped down, then bucked back up as the second pump of jism shot inside her. On the third pump the cream of the first two was already spilling back down the side of her twat to coat his cock, smear her lips, drool free and cover the scrotum with streaks of frothed white. As soon as his wad was shot Vic's hips dropped down and he lay motionless on his back. Dorothy kept working, kept grinding away at the receding pecker to feel each dying inch of stiffness. The churning noise of dripping flesh sticking and sucking together filled their ears. The majority of his sperm drained down to fully coat his balls and splatter across the hair of his thighs. Vic was oblivious to it all, he was exhausted. But Dorothy kept grinding, she wanted to work his cock into full recession, wanted to fuck the thing until it shrank so small it wouldn't want to come back.

She had enjoyed her orgasm well enough, but she knew there were better ones to be had from men who knew what they were doing and what she liked. This was nothing more than exercise, practice, masturbation.

She finally stopped and stared down at the closed eyes and smug grin on Vic's poorly shaved face. What an ass, she told herself. What a jerk to think he and his stupid brother will ever get away with this. Just wait until I have my chance at revenge, they'll wish they had never touched me. “Hey, baby, how was I?” Vic dumbly asked.

Dorothy's face beamed with pleasure. “Very good,” she lied.

“Oh yeah? Better than Len?” She knew the two brothers were very competitive with each other, always trying to outdo one another.

Hut she wasn't quite sure if she should sow seeds of discontent between them. She wanted time to consider the results so she answered, “I'm not telling, Vic. I don't think I should.” He looked up with a puzzled face. “Why not? I won't tell him what you say.” She smiled and shook her head. “No, I Won't tell.” His hand came up to her hair and wrapped around a large section of curls. He pulled her down until her face was next to his and sneered. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer you bitch! Who was better? Me or Len?”

“You're hurting me!” she cried. “I'll rip you fucking hair right out of your crummy scalp you slut! Now tell me! Who fucked you the best?” “Please! Why are you doing this?” Dorothy groaned. Her head was splitting with pain, he was pulling very hard. “Because you think you're so goddamned smart, that's why! Making like you dig getting raped by me and Len! Pretending to cooperate while all along you're just waiting for a chance to stab both of us in the back!”

“No!” He jerked the hair hard and she cried out, “Ahhhh!”

“You phony fucking cunt! Who the shit do you think you're fooling? Len and I figured you'd pull this fake shit on us! We just went along because it was easier than beating you unconscious! A lot more fun too!” “My God, you're hurting me! Please stop!”

“And you just better keep faking it too! We don't want any fighting or trying to get away! We just want you to fuck us like a hot bunny whenever we say so! Get it?” he yelled in her very close ear.

“Yes! Anything! Anything!” Then he whispered. “Okay, slut, now tell me who was the best fuck. Me or Len?” “You were,” Dorothy groaned. “You lying?” “No… No, honest. You were the best.”

“Yeah?” he said with a grin while releasing her hair. “I was the best, huh? Good.” Then he quickly looked at her. “Why? Why was I so good?” Dorothy held her head at the scalp, the pain was slowly going away. She sniffed. “Because you're better, that's all,” she answered with a sob. “Come on! Tell me more than that? Why was I better? Was my cock bigger or what?” “No,” she quietly answered.

“You're both the same size. But you have better rhythm, you matched my rhythm with yours and we worked better together.” He made a wide smile. “Oh yeah? Rhythm? I do it better cause I got rhythm?”

“Yes,” she said. Dorothy's hands were wet with perspiration as she clamped them together to hold her anger inside. This pompous jerk had the rhythm of a collapsing barn but if it kept his mitts off her she'd compare him to the Royal Ballet. He seemed to like her appraisal and smiled smugly while dressing. “You won't say anything to Len, will you?” she asked. All Dorothy needed now was for Len to come in and want to prove he was better than Vic. “Naw, I don't want to make him feel bad.” “Did you mean those nasty things you said?” she asked with as meek a voice as possible. “About you putting us on?” “Yes.” “Sure. But it's okay with me if you want to fake it. Shit, I could give a damn as long as you don't think I'm stupid enough to believe it.” “But I did climax, I did have an orgasm,” she answered. “Honest?” She nodded. “Yes, I really did.” “How about with Len? Did you orgasm with him?”