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David suddenly clamped his hands on her ass and held tight. His cock was getting ready to explode again, to spray its thick payload deep inside her humping, swimming body. “Now ain't that a pretty picture,” Len said. Dorothy bolted up and looked back. David released her ass and felt the growing pleasure in his balls and cock instantly die. It was true-they had heard right. Standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with cocky, sly grins on their faces, were Vic and Len. “Tst, tst, tst,” Len mumbled. “Here we trusted you for one hour and what happens? Can't give anyone a break these days. Soon as you do you learn the most terrible things about them. Things like a sister and brother fucking, doing unnatural acts with their bodies.” “You bastard!” Dorothy shrieked. “Get out!

Leave us alone! You son-of-a-bitch!” She swung around and David's long cock slid from her juice-dripping pussy. Len laughed. “Listen to the Foul words come from the sweet girl. The girl who commits incest!

You got a lot of room to talk you slut-bitch!” David sprang from the bed and lunged with blind fury at the disgusting throat of Len.

But Len was prepared. His hard fist caught David square in the naked belly and sent him reeling to the floor. Dorothy leapt up and ran to his aid. “Leave him alone! Please! I'll do anything you want! Just don't hurt David!” she cried while cradling his head. A thin trickle of blood leaked from the corner of David's mouth. He spit and tried to get up but Len stepped close and with a venomous snarl said, “One move out of you and I'll kick your damned head in!” He lifted his leg and the thick-heeled cowboy boot in front of David's face made him sink back down. “What do you want?” David asked.

“That's more like it,” Len said. “I want you two to get back on that bed and finish what you were doing. You still got five minutes left.” “What?” David asked with increasing anger. “Get on that bed and finish fucking her or I'll ram this boot right up your ass!” Dorothy grabbed David's arm and said, “Come on, David. We better do what he says.” “What?” David protested. “With them in the room? Like hell I'll…” Len's boot caught him on the side of the face and David was knocked back to the floor. His face felt like a train had hit it, he tasted blood. He knew Len was serious, deadly serious. “Come on, David,” Dorothy urged in a wavering voice. She helped him back to the bed. “You get on your back, wise-guy!” Len ordered. “And miss big-tits can mount back up on you just like before.

And we better see some good fucking! You got four minutes left to show us your jism dripping out of her cunt!” “You goddam bastard!”

David hissed. “Waste all the time you want swearing at me, tough-man,” Len said with a calm voice. “But for every minute over the next four that it takes for you to cream her cunt will mean five nice cracks across her ass with my belt!” “Please! Please do as he says!” Dorothy begged. “He means it, he's a sadistic fiend!”

David closed his eyes and felt her warm body grinding against him. “Forget they're there, pretend we're alone,” she whispered in his ear. “Pretend we're in New York, away from all this, living in our apartment and making love all day.” He forced himself to listen to her soothing voice and felt his cock responding to the frantic grinding of her anxious vagina. She was dreadfully afraid, and so was he. David didn't want to be the cause of that crud's slashing her with his belt. He concentrated on nothing but her soft voice and her soft cunt lips stroking his cock. It grew and quickly became erect.

Dorothy drove her frantic body down onto the stiffness and exhaled. It was up and in, now it had less than two minutes to ejaculate, to cream her or leave her empty and under the cracking leather of the belt.

“See, Vic? See how much they like screwing each other. The way he jams that oversized cock up inside her hungry hole? You see what I mean?” “Yesh,” answered Vic. “She's nothing but a cheap slut and a whore. Any girl who acts like that ain't worth the powder to blow her up with.” “Right. But look at that nice ass and those big, luscious tits. There ain't one damned thing wrong with her body. And it's her body I'm interested in, not her morals. Understand?” Vic nodded again. The vision of her frantically humping pussy sliding up and down David's thrusting, probing cock was exciting him to no end.

He loved the way they worked together, an unbroken rhythm, a dance with constant, merging motions. Deep inside he felt a tinge of remorse, a jealousy, a desire to have the perfect tempo they were so deftly exhibiting. “You got one minute!” Len announced.

“God, please, please, please…” Dorothy moaned softly into her brother's ear. “Swing back and forth,” David mumbled. “Fast.”

Dorothy's lips fell into immediate action, they jerked to the left, then the right. David's inserted cock was shoved forcefully to each side, her sucking internal walls hugged firmly to one, then the other, side of his long rod. “That's it,” he whispered. Then his hips pounded up with a power no one expected, not Len not Vic, not even Dorothy. She grimaced with pain at first, then she sighed, her gash felt a newer, greater sensation as the cock head deftly scrubbed each side of her pounding cunt. It was an extremely exciting dash through the delicate tissue linings, a stroke which threw them into instant rebellion. Her quick, eager response only served to increase David's excitement. His cock was being stroked in an area which received less friction during more formal sex, he could feel his arousal growing, his testicles churning their heavy load. He kept jabbing into her and she never stopped the side-to-side clips of her talented slit. “Fifteen seconds!” Len announced. “Now or her ass will be black and blue!” David lunged up with a full-hearted heave and felt the jism thunder along the ecstasy-ridden length of his cock. It splashed into the welcoming twists of her box and Dorothy cried out with delight. “You did it! I feel it! It feels so wonderful, so good, so warm!” She collapsed forward onto his heaving body and a powerful orgasm enveloped her body. She gasped and jerked with abandon around the spilling tool, cream gushed from her foreskins and drooled like liquid silver down across the rocking sac of pumping testicles below. “He did it,” Vic said with a touch of admiration. “He creamed in her just in time.” “That's 'cause he can't hold it,” Len mumbled. “They call that a premature ejaculation.”

Vic's forehead wrinkled and he looked over at Len. “Where'd you learn that?” “I read books, stupid. Now drag her off him and down to her own room. I'm so horny from watching that I feel like poking her myself.” “Me too,” Vic said. Len slapped him on the shoulder. “See? I told you if you'd change your attitude everything would be different!” Vic grabbed Dorothy by the arm and started to lift her away from the hugging grasp of David when Len shouted, “Hey! Wait a minute!” He went to the bed and pushed David's pillow to the side. The envelope stuffed with money was there. Len picked it up and looked inside, a whistle escaped his lips. “Well, I'll be go-to-hell. Our little stepbrother has been holding out more than his hot-fucking sister on us. There must be over a thousand dollars in here!” “Huh?” Vic asked while trying to see over Len's broad shoulder. Len pulled his wallet from his jeans and quickly shoved the fat envelope inside. He could hardly fold the wallet but somehow managed to shove it back into the pocket away from Vic's gaze.

“We can count this later,” he snapped. “Right now we got her to take care of!” “You damned thief!” David cursed. “If I get the chance to get my hands on you I'll…” Len slapped him across the face and snorted. “You won't get the chance you little prick, so shut up!”

“You'll regret this!” Dorothy cried as Vic jerked her to her feet. “Bullshit! You two assholes ain't got a leg to stand on!

All we gotta do is let the word out and you'll be driven out of this town on a rail! People around here don't go for incest! Shit, no one does! So if you say one fucking word we'll open up and see to it that you're both exposed!” Len yelled. Then he jerked his thumb at the open door and ordered, “Get her downstairs, Vic. On the bed!” As Vic shoved Dorothy from the room David made one last fitful lunge at Len.