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Len seemed to welcome it, he laughed and jammed his knee into David's fully exposed crotch. David collapsed onto the floor and held tight to his revolting guts. “There! That ought to make your big cock feel good!” Len laughed. He locked the room up and quickly went downstairs. The thick wallet made a jutting lump in his rear pocket but for the moment his thoughts were only on satisfying the lust in his loins. The excitement of watching Dorothy and David's well-matched intercourse had been too much to bear. A second lump was in his jeans, the long, hard lump of an erect, throbbing cock.

David felt he was going to vomit. His insides were thrashing like a washing machine, a heave came to his throat and he crawled to the closet door. It was painful for him to reach up and turn the knob but he managed. He grabbed for the wastebasket, dragged it to his face, waited for the recently eaten dinner to come up. But it didn't.

The simple exercise of moving to the door had been enough to ease the blasting pain in his guts. He tried to stand up and had to balance himself on the dresser. But it did help. Finally he strolled slowly around the room, stretched, felt the knot in his bowels and testicles at last release. He went to the wastebasket and spit the blood from his mouth. He was in one piece at least, he had that to be thankful for. But not much else. The whimpers of Dorothy as she struggled with the two monsters were filtering up to his room. In an uncontrollable flash of anger he lashed out and slammed his fist against the wall. The stabs of pain running along his forearm were quick to sober his senses. David kicked the wastebasket back into the open closet. That's when it hit him. The closet! He looked inside and up. The ceiling was flat, level. Everywhere else in the attic room had slanted ceilings to conform with the roof of the house. But an artificial ceiling was at the top of the closet, something he had been too stupid to think of before now. He pulled a chair into the closet and stood on it. A slight upward push was enough to dislodge the simple piece of painted plywood someone had slipped between the closet beams as a top to the closet. David jumped from the chair and ran to his clothes. As he dressed he tried to devise some plan of action, some way to get Dorothy away from them and still manage to escape. “All right, get onto the bed and on your hands and knees,” Len ordered Dorothy. “I want your ass jutting out and your sweet mouth open!” She was experiencing the greatest fear yet. Len was livid with anger and Vic seemed to be totally changed. Vic cleared his throat and added, “You heard him! Do as he says!” His hand slapped across the full meat of her bare ass and sent stinging pains up her back. She jumped around and gasped. Vic leered at her and started to undo his pants. As she obediently climbed onto the bed the brothers stripped naked. Each cock was endowed with great stiffness and redness. They were like to menacing daggers before her eyes. Tears started to roll from her; she gasped and realized there was going to be no pleasure for her this time, none at all.

“On your hands and knees!” Len yelled. She got into the position and waited. “Jut your ass back real nice now so Vic can plug his cock up your asshole,” Len said. “He don't want to dirty his pecker with your brother's jism.” “Oh, please, please no…” she moaned. Vic's hands pushed down on the small of her back and she felt her rounded ass spiking back at him. Next she felt the hot head of his cock playing against each cheek of her ass, sliding up and down the crack, toying, teasing, brushing her helpless and fully exposed anus. Len jumped onto the bed and knelt before her head. “Lift up that crying face and wrap your mouth around my dick!” She raised her face and stared at his blood-engorged cock. After a swallow she found the courage to lick out at it, to taste the salty meat, to press her lips onto it. Len's hands came down to the back of her head and tore into her hair. “Swallow my cock inside your mouth!” She opened up and he jammed his long, hard stick forcefully into the softness of her mouth and throat. It was such a mean push that she gagged, the cock choked the breath right out of her and she was helpless to do anything about it. “Now suck it real good or you'll smother!” She drew her lips tight around the imbedded shaft and gave it a long, pulling suck. As she eased back she was able to breath through her nose, the air filled her grateful lungs. “That's it, cunt, suck it up real good.” “Auuuuuugh!” she screamed as the seething pain of Vic's large cock head ripping into her anus blasted through her unexpecting body. He shoved with pure might and viciousness.

The cock speared into her without stop, stretched her delicately tissued rectum with such force that the pains ran down her legs and up to her cock-filled neck. “Now listen to me,” Len said. “You draw back on my pecker, back just far enough to keep the head in your lips.

Then when Vic shoves into you I want you to stay where you are, when he pulls out you go down on me, get it?” She understood. As soon as she drew off Len's thick rod Vic crammed himself inside her with a meat-slapping vengeance. She forced herself not to move or scream. As Vic pulled his cock from the depths of her rectum she pushed down to fill her throat with the throbbing shaft of Len's hot spike.

“That's it,” Len moaned. “You got talent, baby, real talent. Too bad you waste it on that sissy upstairs.” Vic shoved in and she pulled off Len. As Len withdrew she plunged her face back down on the cock. At every moment she had a prick running inside her, one stabbing her rectum into a painful series of electric shocks, the other battering her throat like a sledge hammer. David was dressed and grabbed every bit of paper he could find in his bedroom and dumped it into the wastebasket. Then he took one thing and tucked it under his belt-his flute. All his sheet music was in the wastebasket and with remorse he dropped the match onto it. The flames licked at the pages, smoke wisped from the stuffed basket. David jumped onto the chair and struggled his way up through the opening above. Then he pushed the plywood top back over the closet to make sure the smoke didn't flow into the beamed, dry part of the attic he was now in. With a jump down to the ceiling beams below David was free of his room. He knew exactly where to go-he had a plan. Above the garage was another small attic door, one used to shove pieces of lumber and rubbish out of sight for above-head storage. David dropped into the garage and brushed his long blond hair from his eyes. Just as he had figured, the door into the kitchen was unlocked. He was now inside the house and the moans of his poor sister could be heard coming from her bedroom. David swallowed the impulse to find a weapon and attack the two bastards-that was foolish and he knew the chances of his defeating them both, even with a weapon, were slim. He quietly moved into the hallway but didn't go to Dorothy's bedroom. He slipped into Vic and Len's messy room. Then he waited.

Vic's cock was being sucked from a million different directions by Dorothy's shuddering, trembling asshole. When he pushed in real deep he loved the way her buttocks flattened against his thighs, bulged their cool softness against his sweaty hips. He giggled over his foolishness, his letting her get under his skin. But now he was under her skin, way under, and it felt terrific! Len's cock was saturated with her saliva and each time she drew her crushing lips along the length it made him tingle with absolute pleasure. She sure could suck a mean cock, he told himself. This girl's mouth Right to be bronzed and hung up in some museum. “How ya doing?” Len asked Vic.

'Great,” Vic said. “Real great.” “I'll say. And we still got the rest of the week with her,” Len said. “Man, I'm gonna make up for lost time. You think we can take turns with her all night? You know, sleep with her and fuck her whenever we feel like it?” “Brother, tonight she's yours. You can go first without even flipping a coin.”

“Thanks, Len,” Vic said, as he jammed his pulsating shaft hard and deep. Dorothy groaned with pain, she was getting no pleasure at all. It was too much. Her painful, over-fucked body was numb everywhere, except for the frequent stings of her stretching rectum and raw, punished throat. “Hey?” Vic suddenly called out. “Do you smell smoke?” “Huh?” Len lifted his head up from the fog of bliss and made a heavy sniff. His eyes widened. “Yeah! Go see what it is!