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Magda came nearer and nearer; until Eva could feel the tip of the cock brushing against her naked belly.

Partly in genuine fear, partly in simulated panic, she backed away on the bed, shaking her head piteously. "Oh, don't!" she cried. "Please, don't! I couldn't stand it! I couldn't! Have pity on me! Don't force me to take it!"

But Magda had not the slightest intention of allowing her victim to escape. She seized Eva firmly around her waist and flung her backwards onto the bed, carefully lowering her own body on top of her mistress.

The cold of the phallus' underside made Eva shiver. It pressed with relentless power into her bare flesh, threatening her with its rubber potency. Magda forced her legs between Eva's thighs, straddling the girl and plumping the full weight of her body down to pin the hapless female beneath her.

Eva was making half-hearted efforts to escape, her pretended awe and terror of Magda's dildo being part of the exciting game. Easily, Magda thwarted her, pinioning the girl firmly and unmovable and then bearing her lips onto Eva's in a crushing, openmouthed kiss.

Magda's tongue worked remorselessly between her mistress's trembling lips and she deliberately drove it as far and as deep into Eva's sweet-tasting mouth as possible. The two girls' red and shapely lips pressed intimately and daringly together, and Magda's right hand came up between their practically nude bodies to fondle Eva's breast. She coaxed the miniature nipple into as hard an erection as it could manage, then began to scratch into the bud with her thumbnail; backwards and forwards across the babyish bud, feeling herself growing more and more excited with each touch.

A flow of secretion was beginning to stain the cord which passed between her thighs, and Magda knew that the time was ripe for her to insert the hard dildo into Eva's cunt.

She fumbled with her left hand at it, getting hold of the dildo around its rubber tip and twisting it until it was placed at the entrance to Eva's slit. She felt the girl tense as the point of the "prick" touched her sensitive cunt-lips. But before Eva could wriggle herself and knock it out of the way, Magda strained her pelvis forwards and upwards, at the same time inserting the dildo a little further into the woman's liquid and sensitive pussy.

Ignoring the continual convulsions which Eva was making, Magda pushed her "cock" deeper and deeper between the fully stretched lips.

Unbending in its permanent, eternal erection, the dildo was driven ruthlessly up and up, finally penetrating Eva almost to its hilt. Then Magda rested for a moment, removing her hand from its guiding hold on the cock" and sliding it up the girl's body until it lay on Eva's shoulder.

She rubbed the girl's round flesh in a soothing massage, still using her other hand to fondle the pliable orb of her mistress's breast.

Eva slowly positioned her hands around the girl-fucker's back, running her fingers possessively over Magda's buttocks and starting to stroke and knead the jutting white cheeks as if they were made of the firmest dough. She did everything she possibly could to the unprotesting globes. She dragged them as far away from each other as she could stretch them; squashed them tightly together and rubbed them up and down (making the wobbly things clench firmly into the stout cord which kept the dildo in its rigid position). And pinched fingerfuls of the soft flesh between forefingers and thumbs, and being spurred to a harder squeezing by Magda's involuntary "ohs" and "ouches".

Tiring of this amusement, Eva flattened her hands against Magda's buttocks and pressed the orbs as hard 'as she could, making the girl's abdomen strain even more closely against her own. And, of course, forcing the dildo an extra inch or two into her cunt.

Eva's forefinger decided to push its way underneath the taut cord which ran under Magda's ass. She tugged the string slightly away from the girl's deep buttocks crease and got the finger under it, searching up and down the moist indentation until her inquisitive digit found Magda's well-concealed anus. The cord pressed tightly into the back of her finger as she released it, trapping the thing.

Eva began to squeeze her long, sharp nail into the rear hole itself, having to diddle her finger around and around before she was able to gain even the slightest entrance. Finally, she succeeded in getting it in Magda's ass, right up to the second joint.

While she engaged herself on an exciting anus frigging (exciting for both of them!), Magda was starting to flick her with the outsized dildo. The girl held it steady with one hand and, grinding her hips in a very fair imitation of the male animal, drove the fucking machine in and out of Eva's totally blocked cunt.

The hard shaft with the rubber-tipped 11ead was thrust in and out of the girl's tormented cunt. It sent pulses of breathtaking ecstasy through her body, making Eva shudder violently from head to toe.

She searched with her lips for Magda's mouth again, darting her tongue feverishly against the girl's in a lesbian kiss of unashamed passion. Magda could feel her mistress getting nearer and nearer to her orgasm. The girl was quivering with a complete lack of control; straining her tits against Magda's breasts in an absolute frenzy: her fingernails tearing at the flesh of her maid's ass.

Magda had her hand trapped between her own breast and Eva's. She was pinching the woman's minute nipples as if trying in vain to get them to grow thicker and longer. She could feel her own nipples pressing hotly against the back of her fingers, fiery and thick and full of red juice.

Magda fumbled with her fingers at the base of the dildo, adjusting the mechanism which would send a warm stream of lotion jetting from the hole at its crown. She waited until Eva seemed to be on the very brink of her climax, then released her passions.

Eva, as her body went absolutely rigid and she started to climax, felt a sudden gush of hot fluid course mightily up the channel of her cunt and into her vagina. She tore her mouth from Magda's and sank her teeth into the flesh of the girl's shoulder.

"Ahhhh!" she cried, the words babbling out of her mouth in a jumbled-up torrent. "Ah, Magda, Magda. Oh, your cock is shooting into me! I can feel all your lovely come-all of it! Can you feel me coming, darling? Can you? Oh, more! Give me morel Please… oh, darling, don't stop! Don't ever stop!"

Magda felt her powerful orgasm as Eva's nude body pressed more tightly than ever into hers. The girl tightened her forefinger and thumb around both their nipples, managing to squeeze the two buds at the same time, and let the tickling sensation which had been welling up in her pussy explode!

Wildly, the girls shook their bodies together, urging their naked flesh against one another until neither of them could be sure where their breasts and tummies ended and the other girl's began. Magda's ass was a seething hole of finger-fucked fire, Eva's finger having slid the rest of the way in during their wild contortions.

Following several long minutes of recuperation Magda eased the massive shaft out of her mistress's cunt. Eva yelped painfully as the hard sides slithered against the sore red walls. Without the excitement of an approaching orgasm, the dildo felt much too hurtful to be enjoyed.

They kissed again, this time a gentle, dreamy meeting of lips which was their way of saying "thanks" to each other for the pleasure they'd received.

Then Eva firmly disengaged her body from Magda's. "Come along, my pet," she said briskly. "We've got a lot of packing to do if we're going to catch that plane in the morning," She pressed Magda's hand in an affectionate squeeze. "Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to be alone together in France. Much more time than we've had here, in fact!"

She began to sort out her clothes from the wardrobe, and Magda folded them and neatly packed them in a large trunk. While she was packing, Eva's thoughts were straying irresistibly to the prospect of enjoying the company of girls other than Magda! It wasn't that she found her maid wanting in any respect. Far from it! But Eva was by nature a promiscuous girl. She wanted to broaden her experience as much as possible, and she was very confident that among the international crowd at the Riviera she would find members of her own sex who were only too eager to enjoy the pleasures she could offer to them.