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I did like writing the letters on my clit. Some words were better than others. I liked writing cumslut and the bondage words the best. I did feel a loss of control, especially because if it had been only up to me, I would have just fallen asleep. I do see the potential for sure and yes, I am looking forward to more intensity. I will have much more time coming up this weekend and over the rest of the summer. The rest of the week I may not be around as much because I have many things to do to prepare for the end of school.


I closed the computer and promptly fell asleep.

The school year ended with the fanfare of a sun-drenched field day, complete with water slides and snow cones. Our class also had a fun-filled end-of-the-year party at one student’s family’s farm, featuring hayrides, and the kids got to feed a baby piglet and new calf with a bottle. That last Friday I hugged my kids goodbye and wished them a great summer. The only thing that made it okay to bid farewell to all my darling pupils was how long the year had been, and how much I needed a break. Those last few days were so action packed that I almost forgot about MC and the way he’d invaded my entire and complete life with his kinky emails.


When I collapsed on the couch late Friday night, a slice of pizza on a plate in front of me, glass of wine in hand, I read his latest missive:


I’m pleased you felt the loss of control, and I believe you have the potential to be trained and become a good plaything. I am looking forward to a phone session where your training will really begin to take hold.

I will be sending you on a shopping trip very soon to get some items you will need.

I also need a list of the hours you will be available to play.


1.) From now on you will address me as Sir.

2.) Every time you sit down at the computer to communicate with me I want a cock buried inside that cunt for as long as you’re online. Understood?

3.) Starting tomorrow, you will stroke your clit for thirty strokes each hour.

Be a good girl.



I want to ask permission for waiting to fill my cunt with a cock each time I sit down at the computer to talk with you until I have something that I can actually SIT down with in there. I only have one vibrator that has one of those clit rubbing attachments on it, and it won’t really work for that. However, I ordered something the other day that should work, and I’m expecting it to arrive by the end of next week. Is that okay?

I have been stroking my clit for thirty strokes each hour since I read your note this afternoon, even though you didn’t say to start until tomorrow. I have to admit I crave your control, your instructions, and I look forward to more time for training this summer. I finished my teaching job today so for the next few months I am free to play most any time that works for you. I live in the Central Time Zone if that helps.


It gave me a thrill to admit how much I looked forward to our time, and how much I craved his training. A part of me worried he might reject my enthusiasm, but I countered that by telling myself that everything he’d said up until now indicated that he wanted—expected—me to desire his training.


You are a good girl, and you’re starting to understand the process. Each task I send builds control and compliance, which I need to see because right now we are only building the necessary foundation.

I notice you addressed me as Sir, which is a good start.

Your seeking my permission also shows me your compliance and your desire to be trained.

I’m pleased you have been stroking that wet clit and hopefully it’s getting nice and tender, keeping you on edge and your cunt wet. I do, however, need more detail about the rooms you are playing in, how it makes you feel, how your body reacts, etc.

Remember, the more you give, the more you’ll receive.

You should know we have only scratched the surface, and there are many more challenges and tasks ahead.

Make sure you give me a graphic and detailed description of your video task.

You are becoming a good girl.


The next day I emailed him.

Dear Sir,

I am staying wet and aroused the way you like. It is hard not to come when I want to play with myself in the shower. But I have held off and have been trying to focus on the business of getting clean rather than touching myself. Such a challenge. I bought pink and leopard print tape. Did you know it came in dozens of colors and patterns? I had no idea.

Thank you for spending your time training me.



The training is sinking in and I can feel you gaining trust and lust at the same time. The momentum will continue to build as long as you remain committed. I want you to stay wet all day, your tasks at the top of your mind. You must remain disciplined and not go outside the tasks like a greedy slut.

Yes I knew the tape came in many colors and I prefer red mostly, because in live sessions I like when my sub’s skin starts matching the tape. It sounds like the kind you bought will work well, and you will be using it sooner than you think.

I appreciate the thanks, but know you are earning my time by your sincere involvement and energy to the training.

Stay wet.



The first day of summer vacation, I woke up with the plan to go shopping. The way MC talked, he must have expected me to be fully equipped with an entire closet filled with sex toys. Unfortunately the only one I owned was a Sex in the City inspired rabbit vibrator, complete with pink ears and nine different throbbing options, and even that I’d only acquired by winning a game at a racy all-girls wedding shower approximately five years ago. It had been used only a handful of times, though now I wondered why I hadn’t brought it out more often over the years. Certainly not because my husband kept me sexually satisfied.

But being on the verge of divorce gave me a new perspective on life. I had fresh hope for the future, and my body felt like Sleeping Beauty awakening from an almost decade-long bad dream.

After feeling undersupplied in the department of naughty accoutrements, I’d rectified some of that situation the week before when I bought two dildos,—one rubber and one that looked like a work of art made from glass,—a butt plug, and some practical cleaning supplies for them, thoughtfully suggested by my online shopping cart. On the docket today was a trip to the store to purchase items that could be converted into toys.

MC said I’d be able to find most everything at my local superstore. I breathed a major sigh of relief when I realized I wouldn’t have to actually go into a sex shop, though if he knew how embarrassed I’d be to do that, he would probably have given me the task to do it, so I made sure not to mention my anxiety in that department. Privacy and propriety were simply as ingrained in me as brushing my teeth every day. I might want to do dirty things behind closed doors, but I was still the same person I had been before I got involved in this new, extreme, ahem, hobby—a church-going kindergarten teacher (at least on Christmas and Easter).