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After making myself a big pot of coffee and pouring myself a cup, I opened the message with the subject line: SHOPPING TRIP.


It’s time to take your submissiveness and put it on display in public. As you shop you will know what a dirty girl you are and maybe some strangers will pick up on it too, but the truth will remain your secret.

As you shop, you need a reminder in place, other than the articles you are shopping for. You will be shrouded in a deep, dark secret as you go about your business. Instead of your usual bra you will bind those sweet breasts with the duct tape I asked you to procure. Wind it around your body so that it holds those tits firmly in place. Wear a comfortable top and a skirt with no panties. You will need access to your fuckhole as you drive. I want you finger-fucking that cunt until you reach a red light, which will tell you to stop and remove your fingers. Once the light turns green, you will be back to fucking until you’re signaled to stop again by a stop sign or red light. You will keep fucking yourself until you get to your destination.

Most of the listed items will be readily available at a discount store but you may need to search elsewhere. As you select each item you will say aloud to yourself, “Thank you, sir.”

Once back on the road home it will be back to finger-fucking your sweetness.

When you arrive home you can release those aching breasts and write me about your experience with a cock inserted deep. In your response you will tell me what you believe is in my devious plans for each of the items.

If you believe you’ve been a good girl, you can take a shower and make yourself come hard.

WARNING: I have used this task before and believe me, your responses will tell me if you complied or not.


Small bag of 2” to 3” long wide elastic bands

Plastic spatula

Small plunger usually with a small red rubber end.

2 approx. 6’ plastic skipping ropes

Set of children’s wooden blocks

Roll of coarse twine (usually beige)


Pair of terrycloth wristbands

2 - 9” colored candles

Let’s keep the lust building.


As I read his message, a tremor of anticipation rolled through me. Did he know just how important it was for my public persona to be that of a dignified, upstanding woman in the community? That I was just thinking about that before I read his email? He couldn’t have. He must be operating from the position that horny women who would agree to be submissive to a total stranger online would be the types who would be turned on by having a dirty little secret. I mean, that was the premise to the whole situation, right?

It didn’t mean he knew me.

I did as he asked, binding my breasts with the tape. It took more tape than I expected, and since I was worried about getting enough support for my D cup breasts, I may have overdone it. The result was a stiff, uncomfortable mass of tape that made one of my boobs start to ache before I even left for the store.

I threw on some clothes and drove to the big-box store in my neighborhood, finger-fucking myself all the way. The discomfort from the tape bra distracted me from finding much pleasure in the self-stimulation, but I followed directions, only ceasing when I stopped at the one stop sign between my house and the store.

Once I started finding items on the list, I mumbled, “Thank you, sir” each time I tossed an item into my cart, and to my surprise, it aroused me. While I perused the store, looking for things, my breasts ached even more. I was tempted to go to the restroom and rip off the tape, but I didn’t dare. After a while, the pain subsided, but soon it started to hurt again. I couldn’t wait to get home and remove that blasted tape bra!

As I crossed things off my list, I tried to figure out what MC would use them for. The elastic bands could be used to snap against my skin to cause pain. I wasn’t sure which kind he meant, so I got both the kind for tying one’s hair back and the rubber band kind. The spatula had to be for slapping. They didn’t have the plastic kind of jump ropes he requested, but I got two of them made from actual rope. If that wouldn’t work I’d have to find plastic ones somewhere else. I guessed those would be for tying me up. Just thinking about being bound made my heart race faster.

The blocks and the plunger? I had no idea. But the twine might be used for bondage, though it was kinda small. Maybe bondage for a Barbie doll… The wristbands, perhaps you tied them together with the twine somehow? I was scared the clothespins would be clipped to sensitive spots, like nipples, and the candles must be for dripping wax. They only had 8” candles in the whole store, so I got them. He said 9” ones, and I had no idea how much of a stickler he would be. I could envision myself returning them and having to visit sixteen stores trying to find 9” ones, or suffer the wrath of Sir. And even though I didn’t really know what that might entail at this point, I was pretty sure it would be undesirable.

On the way home, fucking myself was a turn on, and before I came back into the house I licked my juices from my fingers, feeling incredibly wanton. As soon as I brought my purchases in from the car, I removed my shirt and tore off the tape. It stung slightly, and left a tingly, tender-type feeling on my breasts for about ten minutes, and I was never so happy to put on a regular bra in my life.

I emailed MC my reactions, my guesses as to their uses, and told him that I found everything on the list except the blocks. I would have to go to another store to find those. At the end of the message, I added the following:

I wondered about your warning. Of course I would do this task. You needn’t question that. I am enjoying training, and I wouldn’t tell you I’ve done something if I didn’t.

Honesty is important in this process, on both sides. I think I behaved like a good girl. Now I’m really looking forward to making myself come.

Thank you, sir.



This shopping trip was a very good experience for you, and you performed well. Do you now have a better understanding of where we can go with your training?

You do need the blocks, and you will let me know when you have them.

For the most part you have a good idea of what the items will be used for, and the others will remain a mystery until we need to use them in a phone session.

I hope you made that cunt come hard today… you were a good girl so you earned it.

Here’s how a phone session will work. We will set up a time and date. I will supply you a set of instructions hours before we meet, and you will have everything in place, set to go, and be dressed as per my instructions. There will be no personal conversation about how we are, or the weather, etc. I will take you immediately into the session provided you are completely ready. If you’re not ready, the first part of the session will be all about punishment. Understood?