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To which he responded:


The training is sinking in and you are coming along nicely as an obedient sub. You and I are evolving and as time goes on, some of your questions will be answered. You can approach me on any subject, and questions will receive a thoughtful and honest answer.

There’s definitely a void in cyber-training, but nothing is perfect. I don’t mind sharing some personal things, but we must be careful because personal knowledge can sometimes take the edge off. As we move further we will develop a more “human connection,” but that takes time, and we’re only in the beginning stages.

Time restraints, schedules, and distance all play a part, but the more time we spend together, the more we’ll share and develop on a personal level.

Be good.


Dear Sir,

I understand, and it occurs to me that you know much more about me than I know about you. One question I have is: what do you do during the day when we are not playing? For example, I wondered in general if you worked in an office, or from home, or traveled all week. I certainly do not need to know details of what you do, but please share as much as you feel is appropriate. You know that I am a teacher and that I’m off work for the summer.

It feels strange that I would ask any of my friends from social media a question like that, but I didn’t think I was supposed to know it about you. Another thing I wondered, is if you have other subs in real life on an ongoing basis? I know some Doms seem to have several, others like to have just one. How about you?

I appreciate your willingness to discuss things with me.

Thank you, sir.



I will share some personal information but it must remain between us.

I was married once, but have been divorced for several years. I am a composer and work primarily from home. Occasionally I am called upon to travel for my career, but that’s more the exception than the rule.

My sub relationships are off and on. Recently I had a training relationship end when the sub found a local Dom and began a relationship with him. The training I did with her was intense, and every once in a while, still, she will contact me to abuse her on cam, but for the most part she has moved on.

Other than you, I’ve only had one sub in the recent past, and that lasted two sessions. Feel free to ask me any more questions.

Be good.


It wasn’t much, but it was something. What he said made him seem like more of a real person and less a phantom who floated in and out of my life with all the permanence of a cloud. Nothing he said really surprised me, though it was cool that he was a composer. I wondered what he composed.

I decided to try to take the conversation further and the next time I saw he was available for an online chat, I pounced.

Sophie: Thanks for answering my questions. I will keep that information confidential between the two of us. And I ask that you do the same with my info. Being a kindergarten teacher, I do worry about someone at the school finding out about what I’m doing.

MC: I understand.

Sophie: Of course my private life should be private, but still… you know how some people are, and our community is rather conservative.

MC: Mine as well.

Sophie: If it’s okay to askwhat sorts of things do you compose?

MC: For money, I compose musical scores for movies. For pleasure, I’m working on a musical version of a boxing novel. Sounds crazy, I know. That’s why it’s not for money.

Sophie: It sounds cool. What novel?

MC: Pound for Pound by F.X. Toole. He’s the guy that wrote Million Dollar Baby. One helluva writer.

Sophie: I’ll have to check it out. One more question if you don’t mindwas/is your wife into BDSM too? Did you have a D/s marriage or relationship?

MC: I don’t mind you asking about my wife. She was vanilla, and I didn’t really come into my own until the first woman I was with after my divorce introduced me to bondage. I’d always been interested in it, but hadn’t allowed myself to explore that side of myself until about a decade ago.

Sophie: Thanks for telling me about that. So how did you “learn” to be a good Dom? Did you have a mentor? Did you do local events? Or just research and teach yourself as you explored?

MC: Basically all self-taught. I hated all the traditional BDSM play and toys. I was never satisfied with what was available out there, so I invented my own toys using household items. I used my imagination to control my subs with the games and tasks I came up with to keep them on edge. I’ve never gotten into “the scene” so to speak. I’m very private, and for me it’s all about imagination and staying fresh with new innovation and scenes. Any more questions?

Sophie: No, sir. Thanks for answering them.

MC: I have a very delicious bondage task set up for you to play. You will need complete privacy around the home to play and enjoy. (Lock your doors this time.) Let me know when you have some time, and I’ll send the game to keep you hungry and helpless. Hopefully you will have time later this evening to play with and entertain that hot wet cunt that needs filling so bad. Be a wet little girl for me.


I feared I was in trouble. The night before, MC and I had a late-night play session scheduled, but I was late. It was my dog’s fault, but I didn’t expect MC to think that was an acceptable excuse.

I’d opened the front door to check and see if a package I ordered had come, and Felix must have seen something outside that got his attention because he sprang past me and took off barking down the street. Worried he’d get lost or hit by a car, I threw on my flip-flops and headed down the street looking for him. It took me over an hour, but I finally found him sniffing a rose bush on the next street over.

I clipped on his leash and fussed at him all the way home. His wagging tail and bounding gait told me he’d enjoyed that little brush with freedom. But when I got home I had to rush to get ready for my Skype date with MC. I wound up signing on five minutes late, and he seemed pissed.

He started it off with a punishment session, and I was proud of how well I withstood all the painful swats, zings, and scrapes he put me through. The rest of the session had been fine, but it definitely lacked the passion we usually shared and his enthusiasm seemed to wane.

This morning we met online for a recap, and I was a little nervous.

Sophie: Sir, I apologize about not being ready on time last night for our session. Life threw me some unplanned things, and you know how it is. Sometimes when you have responsibilities you have to put them above your hedonistic desires. Sad, but… that’s what we are supposed to do.

MC: Set up and preparation are critical, and as I said to you, I send specially designed tasks with preparation in mind for the future. If you don’t get these tasks done, it ultimately hurts our sessions.