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Brett licked his lips. “What? You didn’t think I was going to find your pussy?” His right hand reached my crotch after traveling up my other leg. “Surely you know better than that.”

“Oh god,” I moaned. I couldn’t believe how aroused I was. If we were anywhere else, I’d want him to fuck me right now, but not in a parking lot.

“I bet you’re wet, aren’t you?” he asked.

I nodded, my inevitable embarrassment tempered by the alcohol I’d drank.

He brushed his hand across the top of my blouse. “I’ll bet your nipples are hard.”

I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t used to anyone speaking so provocatively to me.

“You’ve got my dick so hard. So hard that I might just break right through those stockings.” He pressed his bulging erection against the inside of my thigh, making me gasp.

“See that white BMW over there?” Brett asked. It was difficult to see in the dark, but a white car shone in the dim light from a faraway streetlamp.


“I want you to bend over and put your hands on the front of it,” he commanded.

A slight tremor of fear rocked me, but my pussy creamed and my breasts strained against my blouse. “I-I can’t have sex with you.” My voice trembled. It had been a long time since I’d been in a situation like this.

“That’s all right. What I want to do to you is for your pleasure. You don’t have to give me anything in return. Just do what I say.”

His offer made me skeptical even with the alcohol buzzing my brain, but I wanted him and I was feeling rebellious so I walked with him over to the car.

“Close your eyes,” he said.


“Close them,” he snarled.

“Okay,” I squeaked.

“I’m going to take care of you, Sophie. I’m going to give you what you need, but you have to trust me. Okay? Can you do that?”


He pulled up my skirt, and a cool draft of air blew across my ass. I felt my stocking rip, exposing my bare bottom cheeks. Then he tore away my thong, leaving my cunt exposed to the entire and complete world. I whimpered, and my body began to shiver, not from cold, but from the humiliation of it.

“You’re hot, you know that?”

“Uhhhh.” The noise that came out of me sounded so guttural that at first I didn’t think it came from me. But it had. It had come from a deep, dark, primal place I was unfamiliar with.

“Don’t worry, baby. I told you I’d take care of you,.”

Then something entered me, something stroked my pussy, my clit. I jumped at first, but it felt so good that I ground my ass back against it. I rocked back, wanting more, my body begging for more.

“Mmhm. See, I told you I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” he asked.

The pace quickened and my cunt felt fuller now. I was drunk but I determined he was fucking me with his fingers. I leaned farther over the car, tilting my ass up toward the invisible moon, and he rewarded this wanton behavior by working me harder, fucking me faster while he zeroed in on my clit with another finger, sending me over the edge. My climax was epic, made even more intense by the forbidden location and the fact that I’d let a virtual stranger touch me in such an intimate way. Suddenly, I felt one with the universe, my body shook with little aftershocks, and I clung to the BMW emblem on the front of the car, thanking God no one else was in that parking lot, but not caring as much anymore.

After a few minutes, Brett gave me a cool look as I struggled to pull myself together.

“Hey, would you like to go to a BDSM club together sometime?” he asked.

“What’s that?”

“Never mind.” He grinned. “Do you want that ride home now?”

“Uh, no, I have a ride,” she said.

“If you say so.”

I pulled my skirt down and stood up tall. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Brett leaned in and kissed me hard on the mouth. “You are one sexy girl, you know that?” He winked at me. “See you around.” With that he turned and walked back into the club.

All of a sudden I felt stupid. Alone and strange. Tears began to well up in my eyes. You’ve had way too much to drink, I scolded myself and walked to the front of the club where I knew I’d find Sam parked.

Sure enough, Sam was sitting in the car, waiting. He probably spends most of his life waiting.

“Hey, Sophie, do you need a ride home?” Sam asked.

“Yes, Sam, that would be wonderful, if Shelby doesn’t mind.”

“I’ll go check in with Shelby, make sure she doesn’t need me. She said to give you a ride though. Be right back. You just hop in, and I’ll be back in a few.” Sam opened the back door to the plush leather interior. I sank into the comfortable bench seat.

I was counting my blessings that Sam could drive me home in my inebriated state when he knocked on the window. I lowered it. “Shelby is still going strong. I’ve got plenty of time to take you home and come back for her. No problem at all, Sophie,” Sam said.

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” I lay my head down on the armrest and before I knew it I was home. I thanked Sam again, went inside, and let Felix out for a quick bathroom trip before falling asleep fully dressed on my bed.


The sound of my phone ringing roused me the next morning.

“Hello,” I mumbled sleepily into it.

“Good morning, darling, we have to talk.” The chipper voice on the other end of the line belonging to none other than Shelby Carr.

“Shelby?” I sat up in bed and grimaced when I noticed I still had on my clothes from the previous night.


“I’m just surprised. What are you doing up? What time is it anyway?” I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

“It’s eight o’clock, sleepyhead. I’m on my way to your house. We need to talk. I’m picking up kolaches. What kind do you want? Do you need coffee?”

“Sausage, and yes to coffee. But why do we need to talk? Is J.J. with you?”

“We’ll talk when I get there, and no, I’m by myself. See you in twenty.” She hung up.

I got out of bed and took Felix outside then brushed my teeth, stripped down, and put on a comfy robe.

This whole new “Shelby as a best friend” thing might take some getting used to. We hadn’t spent much time together over the past several years, but I did have a long history with her. We had known each other since childhood, and there had been patches on and off during which we’d been good friends all our lives.

Over all that time, we looked out for each other. It wasn’t until I married Spencer, and she married a European art dealer, that we truly went our separate ways. I chose to settle down and become a kindergarten teacher and while Shelby might have gotten married, I don’t think settling down was ever a consideration for her.

We had been in each other’s weddings. At least, I was in Shelby’s first one. She eloped the second time. But after I married Spencer, I hardly saw her. Actually, I only saw a handful of my old friends regularly. Those friends knew Spencer cheated on me, so I avoided them to keep from feeling like a fool. Instead, I created a happy life for myself through my job. It was kinda sad that my life revolved around other people’s children, and only lasted nine months out of the year, but there it was.

The doorbell rang and I ambled to the front door to let Shelby in. She waltzed into the living room and set a bag of Czech pastries filled with sausage on the table along with two large cups of coffee, and plopped onto the couch.

“Okay, you have to tell me what happened with Brett last night.” Shelby stared at me.

I could feel myself wither under her gaze. “What?”

“What do you mean what?” Shelby insisted.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sophie, I’m sorry. I should never have let you be alone with him. God, I am the worst friend! I will never forgive myself. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m a little hungover, but I’m okay. Why? What do you mean?”