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"It usually does on these things. Sometimes I wish I was just an average typist, but I've got this talent for shorthand, you know, and that's what they need us for up here."

"Shorthand was always easier for me than for a lot of other girls."

"You ever notice, though, that there aren't any older women here, or fat and frumpy ones?"

Cherie thought a moment. "Is it always this way?"

"Always," Diane affirmed. "You've got to be able to do the job, but doesn't it look like the job involves more than just secretarial skills?"

Cherie remembered last night with Herb and she nodded. "You've been here before."

"I was here on the last one a year ago. The week starts out intensive and the execs get a lot of things laid out for the year ahead, or at least they think they do, but then things get more, well, festive toward the end. I met Cleophas here last time."

Cherie repressed a grimace of distaste at the idea of making love to the black man. "You've been, uh, together a year?"

Diane shook her head and smiled. "No, I was with… someone else. Cleophas and I started going out a couple of months ago." Diane gazed blankly at the trees as she remembered how she had begun sleeping with Herb and every night and then, very unexpectedly, had been seduced by Cleophas up in one of the rooms in the empty wing. He had been forceful and would not be put off and Diane had surrendered to his masculine strength and enormous cock. They had met secretly for the rest of the week, in their certain room, and had become openly attached on returning to the city. Herb had been disappointed, she knew, for he had mentioned it to her in passing, but he had said no more about it and Diane's job had never been in question, so she assumed the big man's ego had not been so damaged.

"Diane," Cherie said diffidently, looking at her shoes. "Do you have any of those things, those rubber things?"

"Rubber things?"

Cherie had trouble getting the word out. "Condoms?"

"What would I need condoms for?" Diane asked, then laughed. "If I told Cleophas to wear one of those things, he'd leave me. No, I've got pills."

"Do you think you could lend me some?" Cherie asked in a quiet voice.

Diane stared at her. "You can get them from any doctor back in town."

Cherie looked at her miserably. "But I need them now. I need something now."

"Well, if you need them now, it's too late to start taking pills. Is something going on that I don't know about?"

Cherie stared at Diane with eyes appealing for understanding. "So who is it, Cherie?" Diane probed. "I thought you weren't the kind who did."

Cherie remained silent, her mask beginning to crack. She didn't want anyone to know, but she need help.

"So who have you been fucking?" Diane asked, and Cherie winced at the sound of the forbidden word. "Not Vic, he was with Allison last night, I know that. Ron? I know he likes you, but someone saw him with Sue late last night. So who?" She waited for a reply. Sam Wilson? No, he was drunk and almost asleep. Pete Brown? Cecil Parker, the Englishman?

"No!" Diane exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Not Herb. You didn't go to bed with Herb?" But she read in Cherie's face that she had hit right on it and she licked her lips as she remembered how the boss' expert cock had driven her crazy, again and again during the whole week last year, even though she had had Cleophas on her mind.

"How was it?" Diane prodded. "Did you like it?"

Cherie stared at the other girl, then hid her face behind her hands.

"How was it?" Diane insisted.

Cherie dropped her hands to her lap. "I liked it," she confessed. "It was very nice."

"I'll bet. How many times?"

"Just once."

"And you're afraid of getting pregnant."

Cherie nodded.

"Well, there's always a danger of that, but then again, you might be all right. It only happened once."

"But," Cherie said hesitantly, "it might happen again."

Diane nodded. "Oh, it will, you can bet your little butt on that."

"But I'm frightened."

"Don't be frightened," Diane said flippantly. "Just fuck and forget it. This only happens once a year, and if Herb likes you, you can't go wrong, not in this company. Just keep him happy and you'll be riding in a Mercedes."

Cherie sat looking at Diane and wondered if the older girl could ever understand what was on her mind. There was a whole week to go up here at the mansion and anything could happen, especially if she didn't protect herself. She shook her head and fell silent, resolving to make the most of the week and handle the problems later. That was all she could do.


Ron Wolter was having a hard time seeing past his frustration concerning Cherie that was growing by the hour. Sure, he had had Sue Midori at his disposal for sex, but Ron's desire for the innocent-faced blonde was growing, not diminishing, with time.

It was Tuesday, three days and two nights after he had watched her surrender her virginity to Herb Melville, and he had returned regularly to the room that everyone but he and Sue thought was not being used and watched the goings-on in there. Sunday afternoon, Ron had gazed longingly at her as she returned from the gazebo and her talk with Diane and been met by a smiling Herb. Adoringly, she had smiled back, and Ron was rent with jealousy to see that look in her eyes for the middle-aged owner of the corporation. Taking her hand, Herb had led her inside and up to her room where – from his secret room – Ron had watched as the man had taken the trembling and shy but pliant girl in his arms and kissed her, then carefully undressed her, laid her on the bed to lick the tender, moist split of her cunt and bring her to whimpering arousal, then hoisted himself over her and fed his giant cock into that hot, wet hole between her raised and parted white thighs. At that point, Ron had seen her eyes, filled with a dark, smokey wonder, lock with those of the man on top of her as he then began to fuck smoothly and deeply up between her legs. Chewing his sleeve, Ron had seen again the erotic sight of the young girl in the throws of ecstasy as Herb's gelatinous buttocks moved up and down between her firm thighs, his thick, pink cock vanishing between her wide-split pussy-lips while his enormous balls thwacked down between her spread buttocks against her innocently exposed anus, her large breasts bulging out to the sides beneath the pressure of his hairy chest. She had lost all control, kissing the man and enfolding him in her arms and legs, grunting and coming while he filled her with his hot creamy seed again.

Ron had become obsessed with her, following her at a distance around the estate, unseen again when Herb had fucked her in the gazebo, seemingly uncaring that anyone could see them. But by then the affair between the boss and the secretary was known to everyone in the house. It was as if Herb wanted everyone to know that he had himself another girl, even younger and more beautiful than Diane, who had embarrassed him before, who loved the feel of the fucking he gave her and was his alone.

It was because his ego had suffered a terrible blow when Diane had taken up with his colleague. Ron happened to know that revenge was being planned against her for that faut pas, something that would horrify Diane if she heard about it. Herb had planned it for the last day, on Sunday, when they always had a celebration for members of that exclusive party. For special entertainment Herb had booked Vanessa Slade and her trained German Shepherd Diablo, and Diane was going to be doing a tandem act with the dog. Cleophas didn't know about it yet, but he would have to go along when the time came. Ron had no intention of telling anyone; it was none of his business and it was not his place to try to upset the boss' plans.

But that was in the future. The past was much more vivid in Ron's imagination. Herb had gone on using Cherie's increasingly willing and responsive body. Last night after dinner he had taken her into the library, just off the conference room, after the day's business had ended. Ron had passed by the half-open door by chance and seen Cleophas and Diane peeking through the aperture. Ron had joined them out of curiosity and they had gestured him to silence.