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Cherie shook her head in self-reproach. She had become so sex crazy that she was even noticing dog's cocks. She turned around and gazed at the mountains behind the house, thinking that somehow all this would pass and life would be simple and agreeable again, without all the problems of men and their demands. She vowed never again to get herself into a position where she was trapped into sexual situations in a remote place like this, where her future depended on her surrender and where she could be shamed in front of so many people.

Cherie sat there for a while, thinking about her ill mother and how important this job was to her. The bills were piling up daily for her mother's care and she needed all the money, all the overtime, she could get. As much as she loved Ron Wolter, and as much pleasure as Herb Melville had given her, her one overriding concern was her job, and that was what had initially weakened her resolve with Herb, weakened her knees and her ability to keep them together.

Just as she finished asking the servant for another lemonade, Herb came onto the terrace accompanied by the six-foot redhead she had seen alight for the big car. Pacing by her side was the docile but powerful German Shepherd. Herb smiled and came over to Cherie's table.

"May we sit with you?" Herb asked gregariously.

Smiling with relief, Cherie said yes.

"Cherie, this is Vanessa Slade," Herb said. "A very good friend of mine. And this is Diablo."

Vanessa beamed a smile, and Cherie thought she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, with lovely blue eyes, brilliant teeth in her smile, and a lovely body. The dog stepped over to Cherie and greeted her with a sniff to the back of her hand and a quick and hungry lick to her thigh just above the knee.

"I think he's hungry," Cherie laughed. "I'm pleased to meet you Vanessa. It's good to see a new face after all these days up here in the wilds."

Herb laughed good-naturedly. "I thought I'd put Vanessa in your charge, Cherie. She's just visiting us for a few days and won't be working the way we do. In fact, I think I'll give you the afternoon off to show her around, if you don't mind a different job for a while."

Cherie most certainly did not mind. Anything that kept her from the accusing glare of Diane and Ron, and the lewd leer of Cleophas, and the knowing glances of the rest of the work group, would be welcome. She had felt so uncomfortable all morning sitting by Herb's side, who she had been sure must hold the greatest contempt and hate for her.

"I'd be happy to show you all over the estate," Cherie said, "if you don't mind my boring company."

Vanessa gave her a friendly, even loving, and dazzling smile. "I'm sure I won't be bored," she said. "Let's just make sure we enjoy each other's company and don't allow boredom to set in." Cherie smiled, comfortable at last.

Herb stood up, smiling again. "Then I'll leave you two girls to enjoy the afternoon, and the rest of us can get back to work. Thanks, Cherie, you're a life-saver."

Cherie smiled. "Glad to help, Herb." She watched him walk away with a bouncy step.

Vanessa said, "Well, this should be nice, spending the afternoon with a lovely girl like you. I'd like a gin and tonic, how about you?"

Cherie hesitated. "Uh, well, I've never had one."

"Well, you will now." Vanessa waved to the servant, a young man who hurried over. "Two gee and tees," she said. "Lots of ice and not too heavy on the tonic."

Vanessa turned back to Cherie. "So what's it like up here? Nice, I'll bet. And a beautiful girl like you, I bet you have to fight all these men off."

Cherie didn't smile. I haven't been fighting hard enough, she said to herself as she once again recalled each wild session of sex she had enjoyed with three different men at the house. This very morning, she recalled, had been the last time, with Cleophas. Shaking her head, she tried to clear the memory from her mind.

While the two girls talked and Cherie lost her nervousness, the drinks arrived and Cherie found hers refreshing. It also went straight to her head, what with her lack of food this morning. Cleophas had allowed her no time for breakfast.

"You know, Cherie," Vanessa said, "you've got to watch out for these men. They have power and money and they're used to getting what they want. They just don't take no for an answer."

"Don't I know it," Cherie agreed.

"You mean, you've already been through it?" Vanessa asked.

Cherie hesitated, then nodded shyly.

"Have you, you know, had any real affairs?" Vanessa asked slyly, wrinkling her cute nose and patting the back of Cherie's hand where it lay on the table.

Cherie half opened her mouth, then tears filled her eyes.

Vanessa's voice was truly sympathetic. "Oh, darling, what did I say? Oh, I'm so sorry."

Cherie sniffed and shook her head. "It's not your fault. It's my problem."

The older girl squeezed Cherie's hand warmly. "Do you want to tell me? I'm a good listener, and I've had a bit of experience."

Cherie shook her head. "It's just too awful to talk about."

"Really? Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"

For a long time, the teenager said nothing, and then the story came out in small doses. "Herb, he came to my room, and, and we made love. I was a virgin when I got here, but I couldn't stop myself. He made me feel so good. We did it a few times, and then I did it with someone else, someone I really cared about."

"But you don't care about Herb."

"I do care about him, he made me feel good, I love him, but I think I'm in love with this other man. But just this morning, someone else came to my room, and I made love with him."

Vanessa stared in disbelief. "You mean, you've had sex with three men since you got here?"

Cherie nodded miserably. "It seems I can't help myself."

"I understand. There's nothing like a good, strong cock to make a girl feel heavenly." Vanessa ordered two more drinks. "You know, there's nothing really to worry about. It's all natural, especially when you've gone without it all your life. Just make sure you don't get pregnant, and you'll have a great time with your new-found sexuality. I mean, don't you feel a lot more complete now that you're a woman and not just a naive little girl? Look, you have the power to make a lot of men feel good while they're making you feel good yourself. What could be wrong with that?"

"But my mother taught me differently."

"Is your mother supporting you?"

"No, I'm supporting her. She's ill."

"Then she can't tell you how to make your living. If you have to make love to stay in good with your employers, then so be it. A girl has to survive in her own way."

"But I didn't do it to survive," Cherie insisted honestly. "I did it because it felt good, and I couldn't help myself."

Vanessa laughed. "Well, at least you're honest about that. Why don't you take me for a tour of the grounds?"

They got up and Cherie took the beautiful redhead girl all over the property, up to the gazebo and for a walk through the trees, while Diablo followed faithfully behind, occasionally wringing a squeal out of Cherie when his wet nose dipped under her skirt and prodded at the cleft of her bottom.

"Diablo is a bit naughty sometimes," Cherie commented good-naturedly.

Vanessa laughed. "Diablo? Oh, he's naughty, all right, but the best lover in the world, really."

Cherie smiled, not really comprehending Vanessa's meaning. "I love the smell of the trees up here. So clean and fresh. Nicer than the city."

"I love it here, too," Vanessa agreed. "This is my kind of place. It would be wonderful if it were just the three of us, you, me, and Diablo, without all the other men around. No girl needs a man when Diablo it around."