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Ron climbed the stairs to that wing where he knew there was no one staying and found the door in the dark. It was the room from which he had watched Cherie last night and this afternoon and he wanted to be there to see what happened. When he got there he left the light out and traded swigs with Sue from the bottle while her fingers danced along his back. He kissed the beautiful Oriental girl and let his attention wander from Cherie's empty room. Sue was rapidly making him forget his worry over the innocent blonde. She wasn't in her room, with Melville or anyone. Perhaps she was in Melville's room… Well, if she was, there was nothing Ron could do about it.

Sue squirmed wildly as he thrust his hand down the back of her panties, between her moist buttocks and straight to her warm, wet cunt from behind. She pushed back at him and his fingers went deeply into her. Her hands were scrambling at his zipper and then she sighed happily as his cock came free into her hands.

"Nice cock," she murmured as she sank to her knees before him and began licking up and down the hard length of his penis. "I bet this tastes good."

Ron relaxed and gave himself up to this pleasure. He had never fucked Sue before but he had always wanted to. It was just that she was usually involved with Vic and by her own choice had remained exclusive. But tonight Vic had been talking to Allison Cooper, the company's vice president in charge of marketing. She was in her early thirties and was sexy as hell with a pronounced swing to her hips when she was in the presence of someone who attracted her. This evening, her swing had gone in Vic's direction and by all appearances he had caught it. So much the better for Ron.

Melville never thought to make the number of secretaries and men on the junkets come out equal. Fun and games were not the aim of these periods at the mountain mansion and Melville would never allow these important sessions to deteriorate into hedonistic romps. So the women were always fewer than the men, not only because three secretaries were enough but because the men had to be forced to keep their minds on their work.

Diane Layne had been Melville's last weekend sweetheart here and she had been kept specially apart, but now she had taken up with Cleophas in spite of Melville. What Ron wondered at was that Herb hadn't done anything to get even with the faithless bitch. Perhaps that would come later, but for now, Herb didn't seem bothered by the situation.

Sue's lips closed over the ample length of Ron's cock and he fell back on the bed in the dark, beginning to enjoy the feeling of the girl's mouth when he saw Cherie walk into her bedroom.


Vic Torres rolled into warmth of Allison Cooper's body and felt her warm, wet cunt envelope his aching cock. They moved together, panting and excited, for a long time in silence. Allison was the head of marketing and the only female executive in the hierarchy. She was about thirty and in very good shape, a lovely specimen of auburn-haired beauty. Her thighs grasped his hips as she goaded him on. The thought of Sue Midori momentarily crossed his mind. She was probably alone in her room tonight. Alone and lonely and wondering where he was. Well, let her wonder. Vic had no doubt that she would wait for him submissively and spend the night in longing and solitude. She adored him, he knew. But he had to have this time with Allison. He needed some variety.

A very pleasant sort of variety would be the ripe, sweet Cherie Daventry, but he happened to know that Herb Melville had designs on her, at least for the week, if not for longer. Poor kid, he thought. She was going to be trapped into being the old man's squeeze for as long as he wanted her, a child at the mercy of the middle-aged corporation head. Herb had confided in Vic, saying that he wanted a special young thing to have a baby for him and be exclusively his. He was interested in slowing down, now that he was fifty. Cherie was his unsuspecting candidate.

Vic imagined he was enjoying Cherie's pussy and strengthened his thrusts into Allison's eager cunt. It was going to be an interesting week.


Cherie carried her bowl of ice cream into the room and sat on the edge of the bed to eat it. She knew she shouldn't be indulging, but she felt things happening around her and she felt insecure. Diane and Cleophas had slipped away together almost immediately after dinner and she had seen Sue walk past the kitchen door with that lovely young man named Ron Wolter and she felt jealous and let-down at the thought that he might at this minute be making love to her as the other two had done the night before down by the pool.

So she ate her ice cream and seethed with disappointment that Ron had not asked her to have a drink with him. She was going to eat and get gloriously fat and die an old maid and spend her time thinking about other people making love. She was terribly disappointed in Ron Wolter for going off with Sue Midori after she had just this afternoon been doing it in the linen closet with Vic. And now would Ron and she be doing it somewhere in this big house, his penis, his beautiful penis, thrusting wetly into her? Yes, his beautiful penis. She pictured it in its glory, beautiful like the rest of him. Oh, Ron, why didn't you ask me?

The lonely young virgin wiped the two tears from her cheeks and stuffed a spoonful of ice cream between her ripe, pink lips. She found herself resenting her almost puritanical upbringing and the hours she had spent sitting in Sunday school learning to be pure and chaste. While she was being pure and chaste Ron, her Ron, was having sex with Sue Midori somewhere in the house. She wondered what it would look like, what she would feel if she could see them. Would it excite her as watching Diane and Cleophas last night had?

Pouting, Cherie set the bowl of ice cream down. She didn't want to be fat. No, not at all. Not fat, and never pregnant. At least not until she met the right man. She would wait and hope for that, for a husband and a marriage and a baby of their own. That was why she had never even considered taking birth control pills. She would save herself for the man she loved, a man like Ron. She had somehow thought Ron might be he. But how could she forgive him for Sue?

Cherie toughened herself and started to undress. What was she worried about? She was young and away from home and it seemed that all around her were having the time of their lives, but in a week it would all be back to normal, sitting in the office and typing reports and letters, and she wouldn't feel so lonely. Carefully hanging up her clothes in the closet, she skinned off her panties and bra and put on the diaphanous negligee she wore on hot nights. It was so sheer that you could see right through it, the pink circles of her aureolae and the tight hardness of her nipples, the crease of her buttocks and the soft tendrils of her pubic hair. It fell to a point just past mid-thigh, and she would have been a lovely sight, she thought, if only there were someone to see her.

What Cherie did not know was that several pairs of eyes were watching her. From the dark bedroom just beyond her window, Ron Wolter stroked his rock-hard cock back and forth in Sue's mouth while the girl herself cast strained glances at Cherie out of the corner of her eye. He watched Cherie pace a few times the length of her room and then flop down in an innocent yet revealing pose on the bed and open her book of Shakespeare. Just looking at the lovely, young, untouched girl aroused Ron to the point where he almost felt he could wait no longer to sink his cock into Sue's hot and waiting pussy. Ron began to churn his hips urgently against Sue's worshipping face.


Cleophas led Diane by the hand out into the pool area to the same place they had spent the night before making love. They both wore terrycloth robes and nothing else.

"Why do we have to do it out here again?" Diane fretted as she trotted along behind Cleophas.

"What's wrong with a nice, private bedroom? I'm beginning to get self-conscious."