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Then he spit out a little mud.

She laughed. The sensible part of her brain finally won.

The washtub was big enough for them both to sit in. She grabbed a washcloth and a bar of soap and started scrubbing him down as he sat, docile. She ladled water over his hair, mud sluicing down his face as it rinsed free. “You’re a mess, Mason.”

“If I’m half as bad as you look, I reckon I am.” He playfully smiled.

She laughed. “You don’t worry about me. I’ll clean you up. You’re in no condition to try to do anything yourself.”

He pulled her to him, her legs wrapping around his waist. “I’d beg to differ with you there.” His cock stiffened against her, and she didn’t resist as he pulled her close for another deep, searing kiss.

Katie felt her insides melting under the passion of his touch. Unable to take it any longer, she rocked her hips, trapping his cock until she settled fully on top of it with a soft sigh. She loved the feel of him sliding inside her wet, aching pussy, rubbing against her in a pleasant way.

Two men together? At times like this, she didn’t care what the world thought. How could something that felt this good be ever possibly wrong?

He moaned. “Darlin’, we can’t do this yet. We’re not married.”

“Shut up, Mason. I’m not a virgin. You’ve teased me long enough.” She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his shoulder as they settled into a slow rhythm, water in the tub sloshing against the sides as they moved. Every deliciously slow stroke rubbed her clit, pulling her closer to release.

He stroked his fingers along her spine and nuzzled his lips against her ear. “Jesus, I love you, baby,” he whispered. “I can’t lose you. We will make it work. I promise.”

His hard body perfectly hit her clit with every slow glide. “Good,” she gasped, “because I don’t want to lose either one of you.”

Mason reached up and cupped one of her breasts with a calloused palm, the pad of his thumb brushing over her nipple. “You gonna make it for me like this, baby?”

She nodded, already beyond speech as she felt a deep, warm glow start within her, soon roaring into bright life like the afternoon sun as her orgasm swelled from her clit and throughout her entire pussy, spreading to her whole body.

“Oh, Katie, I feel you.” He moaned. “I can’t hold it much longer.”

His cock drove inside her as she moved faster, harder, taking what she needed from him, her climax rolling through her like heat lighting. When she bit down on his shoulder to stifle her moan, he tightened his grip around her.

“Yes! Give it to me, baby!”

Holding on for dear life, she sobbed as her orgasm seemed to last forever, her muscles squeezing his cock until he couldn’t hold on any longer and his release joined hers. His hips bucked against her, water now spilling over the sides of the washtub as he cried out her name. Finally, once his throbbing subsided, they sank lower in the water and caught their breath.

Joe’s soft laughter drew her attention. She looked up to see him standing there, shirtless. “That’s one way to get the mud off,” he teased.

“It’s a fun way,” Mason muttered from beneath her.

Katie sat up and finished ladling water over her head and Mason’s until she was satisfied they were clean. Joe pulled the plug on the drainpipe that led off the porch as Mason stood and held out a hand to Katie to help her from the tub. She wrapped a towel around herself and noticed Mason didn’t bother covering up.

“What now?” Mason cautiously asked.

She glanced at Joe, who nodded. She said, “I think Joe needs to get cleaned up. You and me will head to bed, and Joe can join us once he’s ready.” She leaned over and kissed Joe, carefully watching Mason’s reaction out of the corner of her eye.

The fact that his cock stiffened again gave her hope that he truly wasn’t upset. Then Mason scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom, where he laid her on her bed. Slowly peeling the towel away from her, his eyes swept her body.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, sounding sober now.

She hesitantly smiled. “You don’t think less of me?” she asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

He solemnly shook his head. “Never.” With his lips, he traced a line from her mouth, down her chin, pausing in the hollow of her neck before traveling down her chests, to the gentle valley between her breasts.

She plunged her fingers into his hair, wanting his mouth to latch on to her nipples, her clit, anything to ease the ache already building within her again.

He continued lower, his tongue slowly circling her navel before teasingly moving south. He settled between her legs as his hands parted her mound of short curls. “I will never think less of you for loving us, Katie,” he whispered, his breath blowing across her clit and sending shivers through her body.

As his hot mouth descended upon her clit, she arched her back and let out a soft cry of pleasure. This was real. This was happening.

This was even better than all her weeks of dreams put together.

He slowly explored her, his tongue laving up and down her folds, lapping up the juices now freely flowing from her body. His tongue slipped inside her wet cunt, fucking her with his tongue and doing things to her she never dreamed possible. Then he replaced his tongue with two fingers, slowly fucking her with them. His tongue flicked at her clit, driving her up and over the peak and making her explode with a gushing orgasm that made her cry out and sob with relief.

But he didn’t stop. He hooked one hand around her thigh when she tried to ease away from him, resisting her efforts to push his head away when she thought the sensation was too much for her to take. Instead, he latched on to her swollen nub and sucked on it, forcing her to lay there and orgasm again and again until finally, she begged him to stop. When he did, she collapsed into a limp mound of boneless flesh on the bed, too spent to move.

He sat up, a playful smile on his face. “How did that feel?”

The look on his face made her laugh. “I never knew someone could be killed from pleasure, but I think you almost managed it.”

He moved up the bed to lie next to her, taking her into his arms and holding her close. “Good. Because the two of us are going to keep you so tired you won’t ever even think about wanting to leave us.”

She stared into his eyes. “Do you mean it?” she whispered.

He laughed. “I certainly do. You ready for another demonstration?”

“Not that.” She swallowed, trying to steel her nerves to say it. “Are you two really going to be okay sharing me?”

His face grew serious. He kissed her again, slowly, tenderly, taking his time. “I love Joe. Not like that,” he quickly added. “But if there was ever a man I could share the woman I love with, it’s him.” He nuzzled her nose with his. “I won’t ever have to worry that you’re not being taken care of when I’m away. I’ll never again have to worry about you being left alone.”

She hugged him tightly, surprised at the tears suddenly springing into her eyes. “I love you so much. Both of you. Please promise you won’t ever leave, no matter what.”

He smiled. “That’s a promise I’ll be more than happy to swear to and keep.”

She sat up and pushed him back down to the bed. There was something she’d been wanting to do, dreaming of doing. She knelt between his legs and cupped his heavy sac in her palms, his slack cock laying there like a beast in repose, waiting to awaken at any instant.