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She leaned in and blew on his shaft.

One fully wide-awake beast rose to life, his cock quickly growing hard before her. She smiled up at him and enjoyed the playful look on his face as he laced his hands behind his head and looked down at her.

Dipping her head between his legs, she slowly licked his sac first, which tightened under her touch as his cock grew even harder. She could see every rippling vein and fold of skin in the dim light. Then, starting at the base, she laved her tongue over his hot flesh, taking her time working her way to the tip where a pearly drop of pre-cum had already beaded at the slit.

He let out a soft moan. “Katie, please, don’t stop. Don’t keep me in this state.”

“What state?” she playfully asked as she flicked out her tongue to scoop up the warm drop of salty juices she’d coaxed from him. It rolled down her tongue, the taste musky and sweet and tangy and firing her need once again.

“Horny. Please take care of me.”

“I will, Mason. I promise to take good care of both of you.” She engulfed just the tip of his cock with her lips, slowly sliding his foreskin back with her hand and running her tongue along his glans.

He gasped before letting out a moan. She tasted more pre-cum and swallowed every drop as her lips and tongue massaged his member.

She heard footsteps down the hall before sensing Joe in the doorway. He chuckled. “Mmm, that’s a beautiful sight.” She didn’t stop what she was doing as he walked across the room to the bed. She felt the bed shift behind her as Joe knelt on the mattress. Then his hands caressed her ass, stroking her rounded cheeks, his fingers pausing to brush against her mound.

That made her moan with pleasure, which in turn drew another moan out of Mason.

Joe chuckled. “Hmm, that’s an interesting reaction.” He stroked her again, making her moan around Mason’s cock again, and drawing yet another moan from his cousin.

She started to lift her head from Mason’s cock, but Joe gently rested a hand on the top of her head, holding her in place. “No, I think I like seeing you just like that. Plus it gives me perfect access to do what I want.”

She wondered what that was until she felt his lips and tongue between her legs, making her moan again. Every sound Joe pulled from her was echoed by Mason as the vibrations flowed from her throat to his cock. Joe licked and explored her pussy then drew her complete attention when he used his hands to hold her ass cheeks apart and his tongue slipped between them.

Katie nearly came from the new sensation as he circled her virgin rosebud with his tongue.

“Jesus,” Mason gasped. “What the hell are you doing to her, Joe? It sounds like you’re driving her out of her head!”

He sat up and chuckled, making her whine at the loss. “Nothing compared to what I’m about to do to her.” She sensed him reach for something but kept her eyes closed as she slowly sucked Mason’s cock. Then she felt something cool and slippery on her rim, followed by one finger carefully massaging the tight hole.

She shivered and spread her legs, giving Joe even better access to her ass. First one finger slipped inside her, then a second, nearly driving her out of her mind with need but not quite enough to push her over the edge. She desperately wished for a finger or tongue or even a cock to rub her clit and help her jump the final hurdle, but the men were content to keep her on the edge.

Finally, Joe withdrew his fingers, and then she felt him change position. “Relax, baby. Breathe through it.” The hard head of his cock pressed against her ass, and she felt stretched, not sure if she could take it. Then Joe reached between her legs and lightly stroked her clit with his finger.

She gasped around Mason’s cock. Joe didn’t tease her enough to make her orgasm, but the distraction from the stiff rod now plunging deep into her ass was enough to make her beg for them to make her come.

Both men laughed. Once she felt Joe’s thighs pressing against her ass, he slowly withdrew before sliding deep inside her again. It was an exquisite, filling sensation, different from their cocks in her pussy, strange and yet as right as everything else they’d done to her.

Then Joe reached around her and made her sit up against him. “Mason,” he hoarsely said, “I can’t hold it long. Let’s show this little lady who she belongs to.”

“Gladly.” With a sinful smile, Mason slid into position between her legs and helped Joe lower her down until his cock was poised at the entrance to her gushing pussy. “You belong to us,” Mason said as he grabbed her hips and thrust up into her.

She cried out with pleasure at the incredible fullness within her. Then they started moving together, slowly at first, gaining speed and thrusting harder until they found a seesaw rhythm that had both cocks slamming into her. Mason reached up and rolled her nipples between his fingers, while Joe’s fingers found her clit again.

“Come for us, Katie,” Joe said, his voice deep and full of heat. “Show us who you belong to.”

She cried out when her orgasm hit, the hardest she’d ever felt in her life, the pleasure-pain of the hard and fast fucking keeping her release rolling through her like a runaway coach. She sobbed as it didn’t stop, the explosion bouncing around inside her and taking away all will.

“Yes!” she cried.

“Who do you belong to?” Joe commanded. “Tell us. Say it.”

“I belong to both of you,” she sobbed.

“That’s it,” Mason encouraged as he grabbed her hips and thrust hard and deep up into her. “You belong to us and you’re never gonna leave us, are you?”

“No!” she cried out.

“We feel you, baby,” Joe said, his hands now around her waist as his balls slapped against her flesh with every stroke. “You can’t lie to us that you love this. We feel your pussy begging us for more, don’t we?”

“Please don’t stop!” she begged. Despite worrying the pleasure might kill her, she never wanted it to end. It felt like her heart would burst from her chest.

“Tell us what you want, Katie,” Mason ordered. “Tell us you want us to fuck you hard.”

“Please…please fuck me.” She could barely gasp the words. Pleasure the likes of which she’d never felt before threatened to take her very breath away.

“That’s our good girl,” Mason said. “I’m going to give you exactly what you want.” She felt his cock swell inside her cunt, triggering another orgasm in her. In her ass, Joe fucked her even harder, the whole bed now shaking with his efforts.

“I’m going to come,” Joe said. “You’re going to be filled with us, and you’re going to wake up knowing you belong to us, aren’t you?”

“Yes! Please, do it!”

Both men cried out as their climaxes hit. She felt their hot seed flowing into her, filling her. Sobbing with relief, she collapsed on top of Mason as Joe dropped onto her, holding most of his weight off her with his arms. He kissed her spine, licking at the beads of sweat that had formed there as his cock slowly went soft inside her ass.

Under her, Mason turned her face to his, kissing her tenderly, gently.


They loved her. Both of them. A dream come true.

She’d never be alone again.

“Are you okay?” Joe softly asked.

She laughed as Mason finally released her so she could look over her shoulder at Joe. “I’m worse than that.”

His brow furrowed. “Worse?”

She grinned. “I’m now officially spoiled. That was…that was incredible.”

Both men smiled. Joe carefully untangled himself from her and she felt a wistful pang at the sensation of his cock withdrawing from her ass. She rolled off of Mason’s limp cock and landed on her back beside him on the bed. The insides of her thighs were coated with their hot, sticky juices.

She briefly worried about getting pregnant before pushing that away. No room for melancholy tonight. If she hadn’t gotten pregnant in her years with Paul, it wasn’t very likely she’d get pregnant now.