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“Me?” asked Saturday. “But I don’t have any magic. You must have me confused with another sibling. It’s a common occurrence lately.”

“You were not born with magic, nor can you create it,” said Cwyn, “but you are a vessel. You can channel magic, contain it, and control it. Through you, others may do the same.” She clasped Saturday’s hand in her own. It was small and strong, like Mama’s. “At the moment, you are the most powerful being on this mountain. You must use that power to defeat the lorelei.”

Cwyn was talking too fast, saying impossible things quicker than Saturday’s mind could process them. “I’m not fey,” she told the fire witch. “All my brothers and sisters are. Not me.”

“It isn’t fairy magic she’s talking about,” said Betwixt. “This is godstuff.”

Erik had said that exact same phrase back at the towerhouse. Godstuff. Saturday remembered the taste of Trix’s stew on her tongue and resisted the urge to vomit. She stared at her hands, large and unwieldy and never good for more than hefting an ax or a sword. Now she was supposed to believe that those hands could throw lightning bolts? Impossible. And yet, she’d already called an ocean and endangered—or ended—countless lives. She could not deny what she had witnessed with her own eyes.

Poor Trix. He should never have been burdened with a sister like her.

“No more killing,” said Saturday. “These hands have done enough damage on behalf of the gods. I won’t be used as an instrument to kill the witch who holds you prisoner.”

“If you don’t kill the lorelei, she will destroy the world,” said Cwyn.

“And if she does kill the lorelei, the dragon will wake and this mountain will fall,” argued Betwixt.

“Save a few, or save the world.” Cwyn kissed Saturday’s hands and released them. “The choice is yours.” The outline of her human form was already beginning to fade, her blue skin and hair quickly turning to blue down and feathers.

That was no choice for a mere woodcutter; it was a choice for a hero.

“What do I do?” Saturday asked no one. What would Jack do?

Have faith, the pyrrhi said inside Saturday’s mind. With the last of her energy, the witch’s familiar lifted her raven wings and flew from the cave.

“Did she answer you?” asked Peregrine. “What did she say?”

“Nothing helpful,” said Saturday. “Are you all right?”

“I—” Peregrine’s eyes widened and his face softened dreamily. “You’re beautiful.”

Fantastic. As if she didn’t have enough on her plate, now she had to deal with insults from a boy drunk on magical catsnot. “You’re delusional.”

In a flash, Peregrine’s dreamy expression was gone. “Yup. Just as I thought.” He stood up, brushed his hair back, and straightened his belt and skirt as if he’d done nothing more than trip and have a bad fall.

Saturday felt as if she’d been tricked into something. “What just happened?”

Peregrine put his hands on his knees. He leaned down to speak to her, still on the floor, as if she were a child. “How can someone so clever always be so lost? Let me help. We fought with magical swords. You almost killed me. I was saved by someone who I didn’t realize owed me a debt, only to be told I’m going to die soon anyway . . . unless I’m miraculously rescued by an idiot who thinks beauty is a weakness.” Peregrine crossed his arms over his chest. “Forgive me if I’m a little upset.”

What in the world did beauty have to do with anything? And why was he putting those words in her mouth? Saturday may not have been beautiful, but she certainly wasn’t weak.

“I’ll find a way,” said Saturday. “I’ll find a way for us all to escape. I’ll get us all safely down from this mountain and then no one has to die. Just let me think.” She was very good at problem solving as long as she had the peace of mind to work things out.

“She doesn’t get it, does she?” Peregrine asked Betwixt.

“Don’t make this harder on her than it already is,” said the chimera.

“Why not?” yelled Peregrine. “It’s not only her life in the balance here!”

Is this what she and Peter did all the time? So much talking without actually saying anything helpful! Saturday’s patience reached the breaking point and she lashed out at Peregrine. He recoiled enough for her arm to miss sweeping his legs.

“You already almost killed me once today, Jack. Isn’t that enough?”

Saturday jumped to her feet and reached for the red magic sword between them. “Apparently not.”

Peregrine rushed to the pile for another sword; this one’s blade burst into flames as he raised it against her. “Let’s finish this, then.”

“Children, please,” said Betwixt, but Saturday ignored him. There were no cords of wood here for her to chop in frustration; this was the next best thing. Besides, if anything happened, there were still some gryphon’s tears left.

Saturday lunged at Peregrine. “Why do you have to be such a jerk?”

He lifted his flaming sword and the two blades met. “Why are you so selfish?”

She sliced a wide arc across his middle, but he had already backed away. “I have to choose between killing myself or killing everyone else. How is that selfish?”

He grunted as he blocked her next strike. “Because you haven’t asked what I wanted.”

“You want to rescue us all? Fine. You figure it out.”

Peregrine caught his sword against hers and slid it up the length of her blade until their noses were almost touching. His breath was warm. “Maybe I don’t want to be rescued. Maybe Betwixt and I are just fine where we are. Did you ever think of that?”

Saturday stomped on his foot and spun away as he winced in pain. She turned back to strike at him, but he was gone again, having jumped to the rows of pillarstones along the far wall.

As much as it irked her, she knew how he was feeling right now. The gods hadn’t given her much time to consider her options as she tumbled from one mess into another. Saturday eased up on her attack, allowing Peregrine his time to think. “Why would you want to stay here?”

Peregrine stepped gracefully from one pillar to another without faltering. “When I first arrived here, I attempted to escape multiple times. Each one ended in failure. I pretended to be the witch’s daughter because I valued my life. Betwixt seemed to think it was a good idea for me to keep breathing.”

“I’ll thank you to keep me out of this,” said the catbird. He had returned to his perch on the shelf high above them.

“Eventually, I stopped trying to leave. I have a friend here. I can do anything I want, for as long as I please. I have, literally, all the time in the world. That’s more than I ever experienced as a boy, and so much more than my father ever had. Which you would know if you cared to ask.” Having reached the last pillarstone, Peregrine jumped down and came at her with the flaming sword again.

Only bring him back if he wants to come. Trix had run away from his family, from her, and she had been too stubborn to let him go. Now here she was, doing the same thing again with Peregrine.

Peregrine kept coming at her, but without her nameday sword she lacked the energy to continue. She refused to fight anymore. She threw the red sword across the room, tossed her head back, and screamed her frustration at the ceiling. She did not realize that Betwixt had returned from his shelf until she felt the warmth of his fur and feathers by her side.

“Saturday?” the chimera asked tentatively.

Saturday lowered a hand to the soft spot between his wings. In that moment, she missed her Wood as much as she missed her brothers. She’d spent most of her life looking toward the horizon, waiting for the moment to escape the mind-numbing simplicity of her daily routine. She never imagined she’d meet her fate alone at the top of a mountain frozen in time. “I destroy everything I touch,” she said. “What sort of destiny is that?”