P RIMORDIAL B EINGS G ODS EREBUS The darkness. Son of Chaos. Father of Moros. Father (by Nyx) of Charon, Hypnos, Thanatos and the Hesperides. GAIA The earth. Daughter of Chaos. Mother of Ouranos and Pontus. Mother (by Ouranos) of the Cyclopes and the first generation of TITANS. Mother (by Ouranos’s blood and seed) of the Furies and the GIANTS. Mother (by Pontus) of Charybdis, Nereus and Phorcys and Ceto. Mother (by Poseidon) of Antaeus. Mother (by Tartarus) of Echidna and Typhon. Creator of the harpe sickle used to castrate Ouranos. NYX Night. Daughter of Chaos. Mother (by Erebus) of Charon, Hypnos, Thanatos and the Hesperides. OURANOS The sky. Son of Gaia. Father (by Gaia) of the Cyclopes and the first generation of TITANS. Castrated by Kronos. Progenitor from his blood and seed of Aphrodite and (by Gaia) the Furies and the GIANTS. TARTARUS The hidden deeps. Son of Chaos. Father (by Gaia) of Echidna and Typhon.
T ITANS (C HILDREN OF G AIA AND O URANOS ) KRONOS King of the Gods. Father (by Rhea) and consumer of OLYMPIAN GODS. Castrator of Ouranos. Overthrown by Zeus. OCEANUS God of the sea (‘the River of Ocean’). Father (by Tethys) of the Oceanids and of Achelous and Nilus. Grandfather of the Nereids, the numberless progeny of the Oceanids, and of Atlas, Prometheus and Zeus. RHEA Wife of Kronos. Mother of OLYMPIAN GODS. Conceals the existence of Zeus from Kronos so that he can overthrow his father and free his siblings. TETHYS Goddess of the sea. Mother (by Oceanus) of the Oceanids and of Achelous and Nilus. Grandmother of the Nereids and of Atlas, Geryon, Prometheus and Zeus.
T ITANS (L ater G ENERATIONS ) ACHELOUS River god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys. Brother of Nilus and the Oceanids. Father (by the Muse Melpomene) of the Sirens. Wrestles Heracles for Deianira’s hand, and loses. Gives Heracles the Horn of Plenty. ATLAS Supporter of the heavens. Son of Iapetus and Clymene. Brother of Prometheus. Father of the Pleiades. Outwitted by Heracles. HECATE Goddess of witchcraft and enchantments. Daughter of Perses and Asteria. Thought by some to be mother of Scylla. Venerated by Medea. HELIOS God of the sun. Son of Hyperion and Theia. Brother of Selene. Father of Aeëtes, Circe and Pasiphae (by the Oceanid Perseis), and Augeas. Grandfather (with Gaia) of Theophane. Possessor of Ocean-going cup and herd of magnificent cattle. Abettor of Heracles. Theft of his cattle by Alcyoneus sparks the Gigantomachy. NILUS God of the River Nile. Son of Oceanus and Tethys. Brother of Achelous and the Oceanids. Forebear of Andromeda, Cadmus, Minos and Perseus. PROMETHEUS Creator and friend of humans. Son of Iapetus and Clymene. Brother of Atlas. Stealer of the divine fire. Freed from eternal punishment by Heracles. Accepted back onto Olympus by Zeus. Fights on the side of the OLYMPIAN GODS during the Gigantomachy. SELENE Goddess of the moon. Daughter of Hyperion and Theia. Sister of Helios. GIANTS (Offspring of Gaia and Ouranos) ALCYONEUS Brother of Porphyrion. Theft of Helios’s cattle sparks the Gigantomachy. Attempts to rape Hera. Buried by Heracles under Mount Vesuvius. ENCELADUS Most powerful of all the giants. Survives the Gigantomachy. Imprisoned by Athena under Mount Etna. EURYMEDON King of the Giants. Attempt to rape Hera during the Gigantomachy thwarted by Heracles. Stunned by Zeus’s thunderbolt and slain by Heracles. PORPHYRION Brother of Alcyoneus. Attempt to rape Hera during the Gigantomachy thwarted by Heracles. Stunned by Zeus’s thunderbolt and slain by Heracles.