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“I’m scared, Garrett. I feel ... alone. I mean, before I was alone, but I had Marcus, and I always knew that if I really needed someone, he’d be there, no questions asked. This past week I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that I have no one. I have no idea what I want to do. I just feel numb and terrified all at the same time.”

He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against him.

“I’m terrified too,” he admitted. “I’m scared shitless you won’t forgive me and I’ll have to go back home without you after I promised my mother I was bringing you back with me. She can’t wait to meet you, you know. I’m pretty sure she’s already planning our wedding.”

Sarah smiled against him and shook her head.

He tucked a finger beneath her chin and prodded her upward so he could stare into her eyes. “I love you, Sarah. I think I fell in love with you when I looked into those eyes and saw your determination not to be scared. I know I hurt you, honey. I can only promise I won’t hurt you again. Not like that. But I have to be honest with you. I don’t regret what happened, only that you had to be involved. It’s who I am. I have a very strong sense of justice.”

“Who are you really, Garrett? You didn’t work for my brother obviously. Do you work for the CIA? Will I even ever see you?”

He palmed her cheek and stroked gently over her face. “We do contract work for the government. We also work in the private sector too. I work for myself. Me and my brothers. We do things like hostage and fugitive recovery. As for whether you’ll ever see me? You’re going to be seeing a damn lot of me. So much of me you’re going to want me to take a mission just so I’ll leave you alone. My work is important to me, Sarah. It’s part of who I am. But you’re the most important thing to me.”

He poked his finger at her for emphasis and she felt some of the ice around her heart crack and start to melt.

“You’ll always come first. You and our children. Is there risk involved in my work? Hell, yes, and I know it’s a lot to ask you to take on. But for every mission I take, the goal is going to be the same. Coming home to you. Always.”

She leaned forward, resting her forehead against his chin. “You make it sound so ... easy.”

He tugged her back into his arms and hugged her so tight she could barely breathe. “I love you. I think you love me. What could be simpler? Everything else we’ll work out. Together.”

She raised her head back up and took a deep breath as she drowned in those intense blue eyes. “I do love you, Garrett. Even when I hated you for lying to me, I loved you. I want to be with you. I just feel so overwhelmed. Like I’ll never get my life together. I feel like it’s spiraled out of control.”

He touched her cheek, and she was shocked to see a wash of emotion in his eyes. They glistened with unshed tears and when he spoke, his voice broke.

“Right now, the first step is saying you’ll try,” he said. “Come home with me. Let’s work on our relationship together. You can decide what you want to do there. If you want to talk to someone about the rape, we’ll find you a damn good counselor. If you want to go back to work in your current field, you can do that. Or you can study to become a teacher. We have a great university just thirty minutes away. The thing is, you have choices, Sarah. You have all the choices in the world. All I ask is that you let me be part of them. Let’s tackle the problems together.”

She curled her arms around his neck and hugged him. Not content with any part of her not touching him, she crawled into his lap and burrowed into his chest until they were smashed together like two lovebugs.

“There’s still Stanley,” she sighed.

He tensed and pulled slightly away. He tipped up her chin until their gazes met again. “Stanley won’t ever be a problem for you again.”

She frowned at the conviction in his voice. Then her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What did you do?”

“Let’s just say that me, Rio and my brother Donovan took care of the little asshole. He might have fallen down a flight of stairs. Twice. Or at least that’s the story, and I’m sticking to it.”

She laughed helplessly, appalled that she found such satisfaction in the image but at the same time desperately wishing she could have witnessed it all. Then she squeezed him tight again.

“I love you, Garrett. I do. I want us to be together. You make me not so ... afraid. You make me think that things really will work out.”

“They will, honey. They will. I want to take you home. You’re going to love my family and they’re going to love you. I have some things to work out too. For instance, right now, I live with my two brothers and my oldest brother’s wife. It’s kind of crowded,” he said ruefully. “Sam—that’s my oldest brother—has started construction on a complex for the entire family. It’s impressive, really. We’ll have all the facilities we need. A private airstrip, a helicopter pad, training facilities, a gun range and most important, we’ll all have our own house. That’s where you come in. I have the decorating sense of a mule.”

Sarah smiled and felt her heart lighten with every beat. “I should warn you I have girly tastes. I won’t allow my living room to be decorated in camo. Oh, and Patches.” She glanced anxiously up at him. “She’s back with me. Can we bring her home too?”

He smiled. “Yeah, you and Patches are a package deal. For you I can put up with a cat.”

“And girly? You don’t mind your house being girly?” she asked with a grin.

He pretended disappointment. “I suppose I can live with girly.”

“You need to get used to it for all the daughters you’ll have.”

His eyes lit up with such joy that it took her breath away. “Did I tell you I have a new niece? She’s beautiful. Not as beautiful as our daughters will be, but she’s cute as a button.”

She squeezed him again, unable to contain her excitement. “All week long I’ve thought of the future with such dread. You’ve made me think it will be filled with wonderful things.”

He slid his hand into her hair and gently ran his fingers through the strands. “I’m making you a solemn promise. For as long as we both live, I’m going to spend every day giving you wonderful things. You will never doubt for one moment that you are as loved as a woman will ever be.”

She smiled and wiped at her damp cheeks in irritation. “I love you.”

“And I love you. Think we can go home now?”

She kissed him, warm and sweet, letting her lips melt over his. She breathed a sigh into his mouth and let herself go limp against him. “I can’t wait.”

He tucked her firmly against him, and they sat there on the steps until the sky shimmered in gold and pink and the sun was a fiery half orb on the horizon. It was the first of many more to come. In the years ahead, they often returned to Isle de Bijoux. Though they enjoyed sunsets in a multitude of places, none was ever quite so beautiful as the ones here, where it all began.