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buckets filled with nails and keys and doorknobs, a currycomb, locks,

window fittings, a dog's studded collar, pots and pans, a gunstock,

rimless wheels, a pair of flatirons, a whip, buckles, belts, work

gloves, knives, a dull pitted axe.  We stood back and looked.  You

didn't want to get too close to it at all.

"This place is crawling with antiques," said Kim.

"Junk," said Steve.

"No, there are some good things here.  Funny nobody's gone through the


"Probably the stink drove' em out."

He was right about that.  The smell was much worse over here.

He headed for the stairs.  I followed him.  I'd seen enough.  We got to

the top and went to the window and filled our lungs with clean night


The cellar would be a good place to hide, I thought, if you could stand

it long enough.  I wasn't sure I'd want to.  Maybe there would be

something better- and cleaner- on the second floor.

Kim and Casey followed us up.  Kim brushed nervously at the cobwebs on

her shirt.  Casey looked happy as a clam.

"Well, that much has character, anyway."

Steven looked at her sourly.  "What it has is stink."

"Let's try the second floor."

"Nuts," I said.

"What's that?"

"I wanted to look for that plaster job I told you about.  In the wall.

Forgot a bout it."

"You can look later.  Let's see the upstairs first."

HOnce there had been pictures hanging along the stairwell.  You could

see the brighter areas marking their placement on the cream-colored

walls, empty windows to nothing.

At the top of the stairs, a few paces down the hall, there was a square

trapdoor in the ceiling.  I pointed it out to them.

"Attic.  It'll be hard to reach."

"I'm not going up there," said Kim.

Casey thought about it.

"We'd need a chair or something."

There was a straight-back in the living room that would do, but I

didn't remind her of it.

"Okay.  The attic's out of bounds, then."


We walked the short narrow corridor to the front of the house.  Kim

opened the door on the right-hand side.

We went in.  There was an old stained box spring on the floor and a

cheap wood frame stacked in pieces neatly behind it.  A ceramic table

lamp, its shade missing, stood next to it in front of the window.  The

room was long, running the entire length of the house.  The master

bedroom.  Steve pulled open the closet door.

A mouse scuttled around in confusion and disappeared through a hole in

the baseboard.

There was nothing else but a dozen wire hangers and a rolled-up bolt of

wallpaper, the same ugly stuff that papered the kitchen.

I glanced out the window, wondering if you could see where we'd parked

the car from here.  You couldn't.  In the moonlight the overgrown field

was gray and the trees were a solid craggy wall of black.  You couldn't

have found a tank back there.

It gave me a funny feeling.

Like we were cut off somehow.

There was another window to the rear of the house and a door, and I

knew that behind the door was where the widow's walk would be.  But I

didn't have a chance to look for it.  Casey was in a hurry.  She and

Kim had already moved into the room opposite this one.  I followed


Another bedroom, but smaller.


In this one the bed was standing, in a knock-kneed sort of way.  You

wouldn't have wanted to sit on it, though, even if it hadn't been

completely filthy.  There was a deep impression in the center, as

though whoever had slept there was a pretty good size.  We bent down

and looked underneath.  A lot of the springs were missing.  There was

nothing underneath but huge balls of dust, so thick you could hardly

see the floorboards.

There was a thin faded throw rug bunched up in one corner.  A night

table with a built-in mirror and a chair.  The mirror was broken, but

there was no trace of glass.  Otherwise the table looked salvageable,

if you cleaned it up considerably.  An empty picture frame lay facedown

on the table, a comb and a brush and two old nylon stockings moldering

beside it.

We opened the drawers.  Empty.

Steven pointed to the stockings.  "Hers," he muttered.

He opened the closet.  There were more wire hangers.

"No mouse."

We walked down the hall past the stairwell to the back of the house.

There was a door dead ahead and one to the right.

To the right was yet another bedroom, completely empty.  No bed, no

mattress.  Not even a telltale item of junk on the floor or in the


It was the other door that interested me.  The widow's walk.

While the others checked the closet I went out into the hall, found

that the door was open, and walked outside.

They weren't far behind me, but there was a moment at least when I was

out there alone, breathing the tangy sea air, which was so good after

the closed-up, musty smell of the place.  The view was really fine.

Only a couple of yards from where I stood the property ended in a

spectacular drop to the sea.  Between the drop and the elevation of the

house, you got the feeling of immense height.  Far below was the

moonlit sea, ashifting mask of darks and lights.  There was no wind,

but there was still the impression of movement underfoot- the sea.  You

felt as though you were standing aboard a huge tall raft, just drifting

there, alone.

"Pretty good."

Steven moved through the door behind me.  Kim and Casey were behind

him.  There was something about it that made you want to whisper.

"Gee," said Kim.  "I can see why they'd fight for the place."

I shook my head.  "It wasn't this.  It was the house, the land.  Their

home.  And they didn't fight, did they?  They just resisted thinking

about it, probably, until they couldn't manage that anymore.  Then they


"I don't know.  Can an idiot enjoy something like this?  I'm not sure

they can."

"Ask Casey," said Steven.  She ignored him.  We stood silently for a

while, and the raft feeling continued for me.  Stars and sea and drift.

I began to feel a little dizzy.

We walked back through the hall and she led the way downstairs.  At the

foot of the stairs she stopped and turned and told us to have a seat.

Steve and Kim sat on the third step together with me perched two steps

above them.  Casey turned off her flashlight and Steve and Kim followed

her lead.  We sat in the dark.

For the first time the heavy silence of the house settled around us. In

the darkness you tended to forget how ordinary it was inside and how

empty.  The dark had its own fullness.  You started remembering all the

dumb stories again and seeing the place as you had coming through the

forest- not a very normal little house at all, but something grimmer,

fatal, with its cruel history.

"In my bag," said Casey.  "/ have lengths of nylon rope."

We waited for her to continue.  Her voice had a somber edge to it,

commanding and disquieting.  I looked for Steve and Kim just two steps

away from me and couldn't make them out.

I sighed.  The Spock show had begun.