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I walked away.  She could curse pretty well herself.  I heard her

practicing all the way down the stairs.


It was fun at first.

Where's Casey?  Casey in the kitchen?


Casey in the living room?

Unh-unh.  Casey in the shed?

Then it stopped being fun abruptly.

Casey in the basement.

Oh, shit.

There was a little light on the cellar stairs filtering down from the

first-floor windows, but you can imagine how far that got me.  Not even

off the stairs.  And from there on it was a dark such as I'd never

experienced before and hope never to experience again.  I could almost

feel my pupils widening, struggling to accommodate to the idea that

this was a whole new ball game for human eyesight.

For a while all I could do was stand and wait.  It was wait or grope

and I didn't feel like groping.  Leave it to Casey, I thought.  Down

here it was scary.  Not like traipsing through the bedrooms.  Down here

you could fall on your ass and die on the flat of an axe or the tines

of a pitchfork.  It made me worry a little about that sound I'd heard


I must have waited five minutes on the stairs.  It never got much

better than a dull gray, filled with shapes of solid black.  I was glad

we'd explored earlier, otherwise I'd never have known that heap of

debris was just that or been able to recognize the huge frozen

man-shape of the boiler for a boiler.  I'd have turned and ran.

It was bad enough to take a step forward and feel spiderwebs along your

face and neck.  Bad enough to kick something rag soft and feel it curl

around your foot like the tiny fingers of a child.  Bad enough to smell

the smells down there.  You didn't need big amorphous shapes to unhinge

you any further.  But there they were anyway.

And I thought all the while I was upstairs, she's been down here.

No way.  You are crazy, Case.  A crazy case.  Rafferty was right.  More

guts than brains.  Infinitely more.

So get into it, I thought.  If she can, so can you.  Get a little

crazy.  Laugh.  Giggle a little, like Kim.  Kim locked away in the

closet.  Wish I hadn't done that.  Sort of cruel.  Like this is cruel.

Get into it, will you?  Play bogeyman.

"I'm coming to get you, Casey."

Voice like a dying owl.  More scared than scary.

"Where are you-oooo?"

No sound.  Just smells.  The smell of something rotten.  I thought of

the mice upstairs.  Dead mouse somewhere.  I stepped slowly, groping.

Didn't want to grope.  Had to.  Hands groping, feet groping too inside

the shoes.  Small easy steps to the worktable.  Past the boiler (see?

It's just a boiler).  No Casey behind it.  Piles of sawdust ahead of me

like giant anthills.  Feel around for the worktable.  Greasy-feeling.

Old sour wood.  Used too long, too long between usages.  Peer

underneath, eyes open wide, full throttle.  Just paint cans.  No


I kicked over a box of nails, heard them rattle across the floor.  Good

work, I thought.  Makes walking more treacherous than it already is.

Great.  A genius at spelunking, every step a masterpiece.

A pile of something in the right-hand corner.  Can't remember what it

is, sure as hell can't see.  Small steps toward it, hands held out in

front of me, waving a little.  Like Frankenstein's monster, just

learning how to walk.  I could feel something slippery underfoot, a

grease spot or something.

Rags.  A pile of old dirty rags.  Even Casey wouldn't hide in there.

The other side of the room, then.  Toward the back of the house.

A faint breeze coming from that direction.  The smell of rot moving

along with it.

I shuffled past the stairway and tried to see inside it through the

stilts and crossbeams.  It was way too dark.


No answer.  Maybe you had to say gotcha.  Damn stupid game.


Then suddenly I had it.  I knew where she was.  I was sure of it.

The grandfather clock.

I'd noticed the first time we were down that the clock was the cabinet

type.  You could hide in there.  And if I'd noticed it, then you could

bet that so did Casey.  I thought it would be just like her to find the

only item in the house that could remotely be called elegant and use

that for a hideout.  She was nuts but she had class.  It was the clock,

all right.

Now if I could only find the damn thing.

If anything, it was even blacker here.  The dim beam of light from

upstairs played out completely.  It couldn't turn the corners, couldn't

slip through the stairs and crossbeams, wasted itself on cans of paint

and piles of rags and looming hulks of whatnot.  Where are you when I

need you, moon?  You could hardly tell where the wall began at first.

It was just black.  My dilated pupils expanded one last time and then

gave up, rolled over in mute surrender.

I proceeded like a blind man.  Used my other senses.  Touch. (Cobwebs.)

Smell.  (Dampness, rot.) Hearing.  (Somebody in here needs walking


a. 0 .  < , _

Casey?  Out of the clock, Casey.

Silence.  I guessed she was going to make me work for it.

Something crawled across my face, and I almost lost it right then and

there.  I'm pretty sure I screamed.  I know I batted at my face until

my jaw hurt and I felt something wet and cool smear across my cheek.

I hate spiders.  Spiders and snakes.

Spiders and snakes in the dark.

Casey'd pitched me two out of three.

There was a great urge to say fuck this and light a match.  I crushed

it between gritted teeth.

When I stopped trembling, I moved on.

I was trying to remember whether the clock was to the left or the

right, but I couldn't.  There had been too much junk there.  It numbed

the mind.  I'd have to do it slowly, by feel mostly.  Finally I reached

the wall.  In front of me was a small plow- at least I thought it was a

plow.  I felt like one of the old blind men with the elephant in that

proverb.  ("This here's an anaconda.") But I was pretty sure I had it


As I moved to the left, my foot scraped a bucket of some kind.  I

reached down into it and felt a dusty old belt buckle.  There were

other pails too.  Nails, window fittings.  I was beginning to remember.

If I'd been able to muster the patience, I knew my eyes would

eventually adjust even to this level of darkness.  But that spider had

unnerved me.

Memory told me the clock was in this direction.  The whole big mound of

stuff was to my right.  So the clock was left.  I kept going.

I leaned toward the wall and felt it with the palms of my hands.  The

tines of a garden rake.  Beside it, as hovel  I scraped along slowly

There was a tenpenny masonry nail in the cement and, dangling from it,

a big brass key.  Something that felt like a birdcage beside it.

Horseshoes.  Another shovel.  A whip.  The wall felt cold, rough and


The breeze was stronger here.

I kicked something hard and metallic, felt it slide away a little.  I

edged toward it and bent down.

The washtub.