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Anders stopped to tap his fingers on Alisha’s head. “Hey, you. You never showed up at the pool after this morning’s blood-and-guts session. Teacher’s pet, or what?”

Alisha scrambled to her feet, Becki following suit.

“I was checking ropes and organizing the staff room. You should thank me that you don’t have to deal with Devon’s stinky equipment anymore.”

Tripp snorted as he stepped into his climbing harness and secured it around his hips. “You were dealing with Devon’s tackle? Nice. How come I didn’t get offered the chance?”

“You wanted to deal with his junk?” Alisha raised a brow. “Now, Tripp, I didn’t know you swung that way.”

Anders snorted. “Devon swings any way he wants, from what I hear.”

“Notice I said nothing, and still they attack?” Devon tugged on Becki’s sleeve. “I’m a sweet, innocent boy. Really.”

“How did I get in the middle of this?” Becki asked.

“Impartial witness?” Devon’s baby-faced grin didn’t do anything for her, not with images of Marcus’s mature good looks filling her mind, but she saw why the young man was considered a bit of a heartbreaker.

She patted his cheek. “The only thing I want to witness is your skill on the wall. I don’t care how legendary you are anywhere else, Mr. Leblanc.”

The door opened again and Marcus strode in, and suddenly all the physical reactions she hadn’t had with Devon whipped right on through her. She nodded curtly, then turned to the team to hide from him the flush heating her skin.

Her memory might be gone, her climbing skills broken, but her libido was just fine, thank you.

Becki got their attention, putting the wisecracks to a stop. “Thanks for the opportunity to train you. Hope you get something out of it. I’ll work you hard, but the goal is to sharpen you in the areas you need it most. Any questions?”

Lots of foot shuffling, no comments, not even smart-ass ones. Becki was impressed—the team was on their best behavior, at least so far. She looked forward to seeing how they liked what she had in mind.

“We’re going to work on dynamics. When I watched you climb yesterday, I saw some good moves, but not consistently. We’ll do more rope work in the coming weeks, but getting into position takes climbing skills. And sometimes there’s nothing to be climbed. Then what do you do? Suggestions?”

“Hope like hell Erin can lower us in,” Anders offered.

Becki nodded.

“Go from the top. Descend to the rescue.” Devon snapped out the answer, all trace of teasing gone as he moved into position beside Alisha.

The young woman poked him. “That’s the point of the question, idiot. What if you can’t make a vertical approach?”

“You can always go from the top,” he insisted. “If you’ve got enough rope.”

“Not always,” Alisha rejoined. “You’re going to belay from the top of Mount Rundle to a rescue?”

“Children,” Becki snapped, stepping between the two of them. “Enough.”

“Same old, same old for us,” Tripp pointed out. “Keeps us awake on long missions, listening to these two.”

“Great. So I know just who to partner up, then.”

“Really?” Alisha groaned. “But Anders and I climb together.”

Becki shook her head and pointed across the gym. “Not today, you don’t. Alisha and Tripp, get in position for belaying. Everyone else is on the wall climbing. Marcus and I set up pitch four with your workout.”

Devon flashed Alisha a smile. She spun on her heel and ignored him.

Becki stifled her amusement. The lesson was going to hit harder than she’d expected.

“Holy shit, this is a route?” Anders stared upward. “Becki? Did someone remove a few of the holds?”

Marcus stepped beside her. “Told you they’d be pleased to meet your challenge.”

“No, you told me they’d freak out,” Becki corrected him. She turned to the group who were now all staring her direction. “Dynamics. Explosive moves from one position to another. You need a good starting point, a good target—”

“And a set of wings,” Anders broke in. “Again, holy shit that’s a reach.”

“Good thing you’ve got a spotter, then. Okay guys, figure out how to make the route and get awarded honorary wings.”

Marcus tipped his head. “You want me to belay Xavier? You can observe the entire team, then.”

She nodded her thanks, trying to focus harder on the task at hand and less on being aware of him.

Anders and Tripp were already working together well, trying to solve the puzzle she’d presented them. Marcus moved into position with Xavier. Becki turned her attention down the line, making sure all the pairs were working.

Devon and Alisha seemed involved in some strange dance. He moved forward, Alisha retreated. The ropes attached to them both hindered her from withdrawing too far.

“Alisha, you having any troubles?” Becki called.

The young woman shook her head, then poked Devon in the chest, pushing him toward the wall.

Suddenly Marcus was there, bent in close to whisper in Becki’s ear. “Glutton for punishment, pairing those two up. Oil and water.”

“They’re a team. Getting along is important. If they don’t trust each other, they’re a potential for disaster. I’m surprised you let them get away with being stupid.”

“Oh, they trust each other’s skills. They just constantly try to outdo each other as well. Keeps the entire team on their toes watching the battles.”

Becki nodded slowly. “A challenge isn’t always a bad thing.”

“That’s what I imagined you’d say.” He stepped away to rope up with Xavier, his body brushing Becki’s as he left.

She watched him go, figuring his words and actions were a direct challenge to her. Being ready to accept it was another matter entirely.

Instead, she concentrated on the team. Devon leapt across the wide expanse between the lower section and where she’d placed the next set.

He caught a hold on his first attempt, grinning in delight as he clung by one hand. “That wasn’t so bad.”

Becki folded her arms and moved beside Alisha, who held his still-slack safety rope. “You’re not at the roof yet, Mr. Leblanc. Clip in, please—I don’t want to scrape you off the floor more than necessary today.”

He rotated back, clinging by his fingertips. Devon passed the rope attached to his belt through the carabiner hooked to the wall, guaranteeing he would fall only a few feet if he slipped. He tipped his head back and looked for another hold. “Alisha? Suggestions?”

“Umm, can you swing to the left and grab that blue pincher? Okay, I see why Anders was swearing. Becki, that one hold is bombproof, but there’s nothing around it for miles.”

“Have fun, kids.” Becki glanced over the other team members. “Anders. More thrust with your legs. You can’t reach the hold if you don’t use full force.”

“Got it.”

She stepped farther to the right. Marcus had his gaze firmly on the climber in front of him. She was the one who had troubles moving her gaze to the proper person.

Man, she had it bad.

“Xavier. Nicely done,” Becki complimented as he hung in the same position Devon had achieved. “Now what?”

“I use the jet pack we’re all going to be issued?” Even as they laughed, Xavier brought both hands together and jerked his torso upward, snatching for the next nearest hold. Marcus cheered loudly when Xavier managed to get a piece of it.

A second before he fell.

“Good effort. Try again.” Becki observed for another fifteen minutes, giving them plenty of time to attempt different variations. All the while she kicked her own butt for being far too interested in watching the one person in the room on whom she wasn’t supposed to be fixated.