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She screamed and shuddered. The tight squeeze around his shaft broke him, tore him apart, and his cock emptied, his brain fleeing into the wilderness.

They stood locked together for the longest time, the heated water streaming over their skin. When his cock finally softened and slipped from her body, he pulled her upright and rotated her to rest against his chest.

It might have been fucking, but it was also fucking good.

He dragged his fingers through her hair, brushing the strands off her face and over her shoulders. He’d been right. One taste wasn’t enough. Their mad rush had done nothing but confirm he wanted her. Again and again.


Sex in a shower room had definite benefits. Warmth flowed over her shoulders as Marcus adjusted their stance, their naked bodies still sealed together. Under her ear his heart rate slowly settled. Her breathing relaxed to something closer to normal.

Becki stroked her fingers over his back as they relaxed silently, loving the feel of rock-solid muscles under the slick surface of his skin. She took her hands in circles—higher, lower. Cupping his ass briefly before repeating the move all over again.

After a long dry spell, hard, fast, and dirty as all get-out had been a most spectacular sexual homecoming.

“You keep touching me and we’ll be starting all over in three seconds flat,” Marcus warned.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

His chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I’m taking you home, Becki. Feeding you. Then we can move to the next round.”

Hmm, her earlier thought about how bossy he could be struck again. Not just domineering, but overlord-like. Parts of her loved having him order her around. Parts had no intention of giving up control so fast.

Becki tilted her head back to take him in. She’d decided what she wanted—as per Erin’s excellent advice—so she’d taken. He enjoyed their time together as well, if that satisfied expression she was staring at meant anything, the interest in his gaze still keen.

They hadn’t promised each other more than physical pleasure.

She slipped away and stretched lazily, deliberately arching her back to display her breasts. Spread her legs wide and let loose a contented moan as a trickle of moisture escaped her core.

A few porn style moves could be exactly what she needed to keep him off balance. “Well. I don’t know. What if I already had other plans for the day?”

“You don’t, so let’s not play stupid games. You and I both respect the truth too much for that.” Marcus grabbed the soap from the wall dish and motioned in front of him. “Get back here so I can clean you up.”

Definitely bossy. “I can wash myself.”


She shivered as his tone tugged deep like a siren’s call. She lifted her gaze to his, and a pulse of desire struck her core, an echo of her recent orgasm. There was something about his expression. About the way he held his torso, all barely contained passion and tightly held control.

Something inside warned her that following his commands would feel very, very good. Something inside was afraid of wanting that too much. She scrambled for a response other than the one her feet were only seconds from making for her. Of carrying her to his side and letting him . . .


Hiding from urges that she didn’t want to accept. “The mannequins need to be cleaned, Marcus. There’s no use in us washing up twice.”

He crossed his arms over his firm chest, and her mouth watered. Prime naked male, biceps glistening with water. A trail of dark hair led to where his semihard cock and heavy sac hung between muscular thighs. She was crazy to resist.

“You start washing then. I’ll find us towels.” He dropped the soap back in the dish and rinsed his hand clean.

His suddenly caving in to her request shouldn’t have left her so befuddled. His ass muscles taunted her as he walked away, each flex showing off the taut curves and making her fingers twitch with the memory of caressing said ass only moments earlier.

She grabbed the first of the girls and scrubbed with more vigor than needed. Punishment for having denied herself another piece of the fine man she’d chased away.

He returned a little later, dry towels tucked under his left arm, the two final mannequins under his right. Seemingly completely unconcerned that he was pulling a full frontal as she dragged away the mud-coated props.

She didn’t stare, but oh, she wanted to. Wanted to ask for a chance to change her mind and have him soap her from head to toe. Because then? Then she could do the same for him. Touch him and drive him mad.

“Once they’re clean we’ll leave them stacked in the corner. I’ll let David know and he can figure out which storage room he’d like them in,” Marcus offered.

Becki blinked, pulling her thoughts into order. Switching from doing wicked things to Marcus to the ordinary and mundane.

Your own damn fault, that dry internal voice taunted.

“Sure. Sounds great.”

What did she want to follow their frantic sex? She’d decided to take, true, but she hadn’t been so stupid as to think once would be enough, right?

Suddenly the situation wasn’t nearly as difficult as she’d been making it. She’d do what she needed to do, and have a good time as well. And in the middle of carrying on, maybe either the missing portion of her life would show up or she’d learn to do without it.

“I need some time to plan next week’s training. I would love to bring supper over, though. If you’re interested.”

Marcus laughed, grabbing a mannequin and putting it into position as he’d suggested. “I already said I was. Yes, I want you to come to my house, and I won’t argue whether it’s now or three hours from now as long as it’s today. If you want to bring food, fine.”

He was being far too agreeable. The expression on his face as Becki glanced up was nowhere near as relaxed as his tone seemed to imply. He refused to let her go, holding her with his sharp gaze. Heat and desire flooded her system as he spoke.

“Make no mistakes, Becki, I want you in my bed. But it’s not just about giving pleasure, getting to enjoy more sex. I like you. We could be good for each other.”

A rush of emotion swooped in. Sexual tension danced through her, strangely muted. Delight struck at his final few statements.

He likes me.

She laughed out loud, the setting so impossible. They had continued to work as they spoke, the showers a steady drip in the background, steam filling the corners. They were still stark naked and he was being wonderfully honest.

“I’d rag you about showing your girly and emotional side, but you said sex a few too many times.”

He shrugged. “I’ll say it again a few more if it makes you haul ass faster.”

“What about training?” She was teasing now, and they both knew it. They knew where this was going to end up. His bed, as he’d pointed out.

If they made it that far.

Marcus swung past her as she held another mannequin under the shower for a final rinse. His hand smacked on her ass, and she gasped at the sting.

“Training can wait until tomorrow. The team’s off all day. We can do anything we want in terms of climbing then.”

Streaks of heat radiated from her butt cheek. “Between sessions of sex?” she asked.

“You’re saying sex a lot,” he noted. “Which is not a complaint, mind you.”

“I’ve kind of missed it, to be honest.”

“Honest is best.” Marcus tilted his head toward an empty shower. “Go on, get cleaned up. I’ll finish dealing with the girls.”

He didn’t want to wash her anymore?