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Becki stepped back and let her gaze trickle over him. It seemed as if he ignored her, working to clear away the rest of the mud, but his cock told a different story. The long hard length was back to full force, bobbing as he walked. Jutting upward from the dark curls at his groin to as good as shout that he wanted her again.

She pivoted under a steady stream of water and lathered up. Asking why he’d changed his mind was stupid when she’d been the one to tell him to stop in the first place.

Going forward, she was going to be careful what she asked for, because at times like this?

Getting her way sucked.

* * *

Marcus took his time mopping the last of the mud from the floor. Becki dried off, dressed, and was out of the gym with a teasing smile before he lost control and dragged her under him again.

She wasn’t twenty-three, both of them looking for nothing more than three days of all-out sex. They were going to work together as well as fuck, and he had to make sure he didn’t push too damn hard.

Even though he’d wanted to. He’d wanted nothing more than to get her to stop running and trot herself over to his feet. He would have washed every inch of her delectable body before tasting her.

Memories of their past time together meshed with what he planned to do with her in the coming days, and damn if he didn’t need to jerk off before he could dress and head home.

Staying in control was his norm. This time it looked as if he’d have to stay in control of his urge to master her. It wasn’t what he wanted. Not in the long run, but for now? She’d lost her lover, lost her memory. He would not be the jackass David had called him, and he would let the woman call a few of the shots. No matter how much it burned his ass.

At home he tidied up. Stared at the clouds that had turned the sky grey and threatened to dump more moisture on the town.

Pulled clean sheets onto the bed.

When the phone rang he’d just popped the cap off a bottle of beer, dropping into the leather recliner and flipping up the footrest. “What?”

David’s sharp laugh made him smile. “Butt face.”

“Yeah? What do you want?”

“Heads up—the paper is sending someone around on Tuesday to talk to the team in prep for next Saturday’s event.”

Great. Some of his favourite people were bloodsucking news reporters. “Can’t they call instead?”

“Just passing on the message. You don’t have to be there. Alisha already said she’s willing to talk.”

“Which means Devon will be there as well.” Becki was right. The competitions between those two grew borderline disruptive, but at least at times like this, it meant they were predictable. “I’ll deal with it. Thanks for the shout.”

“No problem. You want to get together tonight and watch a movie or something?”

Oh, no. “Already have plans.”

What were the chances that simple announcement would be enough, and David would drop the topic?

“Bullshit. You never have plans. You feeling okay after the incident earlier this week?”

“I’m fine. Just . . .” Yeah, his chances were obviously slim to none of keeping his and Becki’s involvement under wraps from his brother for longer than twelve hours. “I invited Becki over for dinner.”

“Hey, that’s an awesome idea. I’ll pick up dessert. What time is she getting there?”

This was not happening. “It is awesome. But nowhere in there did I mention your name.”

“I hadn’t even thought of it, but it’s a great idea. I know you met her for drinks with the team, but I haven’t had a chance to—”

“David, you’re not invited. Period. Got it? You show up, and I’ll throw you out on your fucking ass.” Silence echoed for a moment before he heard his brother’s laughter. Oh jeez. “You’re such a shit.”

David chuckled around his words. “Yeah, and you deserve a few pokes every now and then for the asshole you can so wonderfully turn into when I least expect it. Fine. I will not show up at your place with ice cream cake and shooters. You need anything else?”

There was one thing to be thankful for. “You’re not going to lecture me and ask what the hell I’m doing with an employee of yours?”

“Why? You don’t work for me. You’re both adults. Besides, I’m pretty damn sure she can kick your ass all on her own if you get out of line.”

Marcus sat up, the footrest closing with a snap as the recliner shot to vertical. “You don’t need to sound so absolutely thrilled about that option.”

“You shouldn’t assume it’s not a distinct possibility. She’s not going to take any guff. Not from you, not from anyone. But at the same time . . .” David trailed off.

Marcus checked his watch “She’ll be here in a minute. You got anything else to say?”

“Just that while I think you’re adults and all that, don’t go too fast, okay?”

“Relationship advice from my younger brother who is, oh that’s right, currently not seeing anyone. Like I should listen to you about how to treat a woman?”

“I think you know how to treat her. I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you.”

Twisted. And confusing. “You’re not making this easy, bro.”

David sighed. “You’ve been through a lot. The other day when I said I wanted my brother back? I meant it. I don’t want to see you crash any harder.”

His brother was concerned about him, not Becki? “I’ll be fine.”

The doorbell chimed and Marcus ditched David, happy to have avoided any further emotional bonding. He was still grinning when he opened the door to let Becki in.

She wore a dress. Her long legs showed all the way to midthigh, where the pale blue fabric stopped. Firm calves, lean but powerful quads. She had heels on—low heels, but heels nonetheless—and his jaw must have dropped a notch.

She wriggled a little as she stood there, holding her coat over her arms. “Umm, is something wrong?”

“You’re beautiful.”

Becki tilted back her head and laughed, the sound bursting out and making him realize he’d been staring instead of moving out of the way.

She held up her coat. “If you grab this, I’ll get the food. I didn’t want to try to balance it all at one time.”

“I can get it—”

“No worries. You hold the door.”

Marcus stared mesmerized as her hips swayed when she walked away from him, the bottom edge of the short skirt flaring around her thighs and flashing him glimpses of the skin beneath. When she opened the car door and bent over to grab something, the material rode even higher. Miles of smooth soft skin that was on his menu plan, no matter what she had in the box she pulled from the backseat.

He intended to taste each and every inch of her before the night was out.

Marcus stepped clear as she moved through the door, the scent of something meaty and rich wafting past his nose. Becki placed the box on the table and turned toward him.

“You have anything else in the car you need?” he asked.

She hesitated for a moment. “There’s a bag I can get later.”

She had brought things intending to stay the night. Marcus copied her nonchalance instead of grinning like a maniac. “I’ll grab it now so you don’t have to worry about it. You spread out dinner.”

Becki tossed him her keys, and he slipped into the cool evening air with a whole lot of amazing thoughts warming him. As incredible as the sex earlier that day had been, having Becki James in his home and knowing she wanted to be with him for more than a mad screw changed something.

Made him eager to see what new lessons they could discover together.


The low-grade fever burning through her simply wouldn’t fade. Dinner had been consumed, the dishes put away. The visit up to now had been relaxed and easy. Small talk and lots of laughter.