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His embrace replaced the rope. The warmth of the water replaced the fire. He waited patiently, wondering why thoughts of tying her up and never letting her leave him were so very strong.

* * *

Water hit her face. Protected and at peace, Becki didn’t fight the euphoria still holding her in its grasp. Just accepted it. Went with the sensation.

She knew Marcus was caring for her. He’d known how to tease and control her body as he’d brought her to orgasm. He’d perfectly handled the rope that had held her so tight she didn’t have to worry what came next.

As she leaned against his chest, part of her was aware she stood in the shower with him, but she could have been anywhere safe and warm. The reality of here and now fell away. The only things that remained were emotions. Driving into her like the pulse of his heart. One beat after another.



I’ve got you.


* * *

The trees were gone. Before her was nothing but rock, the wide ledge on which she sat solid and flat as a table. Her head ached, and she climbed gingerly to her feet, muscles protesting. Hell, all of her was protesting. Her fingers stung as she used the cliff behind her to help haul herself upright—that hurtful moment when blood returns to too-cold digits making her swear. The weight of her pack dragged at her as she found her balance. She unhooked her helmet, tempted to let it fall to the ground. Habit forced her to stretch protesting muscles to reach around and clip it to an out-of-the-way strap.

Her fingers brushed past her harness, the . . .

. . . world blurred.

Becki stood motionless. Her heart raced as if she’d completed a sprint. She looked around, checking for signs of danger. The soft sounds of the wilderness greeted her. Nothing to indicate why she fought the rush of adrenaline panic flooding her veins. The weather had turned, full-out rain falling, and her face was wet. She adjusted her hood to guard herself from the full deluge as she examined the territory.

There was a clearly visible track leading off to the right. Not anything remotely like a maintained park trail or even a well-traveled climbing route. It was more likely an animal path, but it was something to follow nonetheless.

Walking along the narrow cliff gave her something to focus on. She had to concentrate to keep from slipping as the rocks underfoot grew rain-soaked and slick. She’d gone for a couple of hours at least, stopping and taking drinks, constantly making her way downward. She had to approach one of the high-traffic paths eventually.

Rounding a corner and coming face-to-face with two very pale-cheeked teens barely surprised her. What else could this mountain throw at her?

They were stuck, of course. On a ledge—one of those lovely looking pitches that were easy to get up and the devil to get down without training or a healthy dose of chutzpah. Becki stepped forward and waved.

* * *

Becki sucked for air, opening her eyes to discover that she had Marcus clutched around the neck with a death grip.

“Hey, shhh, you’re okay. I’m here. You’re good.” He kissed her temple and squeezed her close.

She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry. “Marcus, I remember. The accident.”

He shut off the shower, all his attention focused tightly on her face. “Explain.”

“Not everything, but I remember finding the girls. The rescue. And a few hours before that.” She accepted the towel he wrapped around her shoulders, her insides buzzing with a strange mix of sexual hangover and giddy enthusiasm. “Holy shit, I remember.”

Somehow Marcus had her sitting on the bed as he finished drying her off. “Well, not the normal reaction I get to tying up a woman, but if you’re happy, I’ll take it.”

Becki threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. When she let go, she caught his grinning face in her hands and kissed him solidly before pulling back far enough to allow their foreheads to rest together. “The sex was wonderful. Thank you.”

He stared at her, the blue in his eyes shining bright like a summer day. “You okay to get dressed? We’ll get something to eat and you can tell me about it.”

She nodded. Caressed his face carefully. “I enjoyed myself completely.”

“No complaints over here, either.”

As they separated to find clothes, Becki sorted through all the images in her brain, including the new ones, the ones that had been hiding from her for so long. There were still things she didn’t understand, but the fact that a bit of the missing information had chosen to come to light encouraged her a ton.

She pulled a clean shirt over her head and stared across the room at Marcus as he dressed.

The memories were awesome and thrilling, but the sensation of being completely and utterly cared for by him? It wasn’t as if she could compare the issues, but she was so pleased she’d gotten to experience both.

She joined Marcus as soon as she was dressed. He had leaned down and nabbed the end of the rope, coiling the long section in a smooth motion by wrapping it around his arm. Had it been too soon for them to be playing games? Not as far as she was concerned. Sex had always been fun, but Marcus took it up a level way past fun. There was no hiding the shiver that took her as she watched him handle the cord so expertly.

He’d seen it as well. Her response.

“If you don’t stop grinning like that, I’m going to call you the Cheshire cat,” she warned.


She smacked him on the shoulder as she slipped past toward the kitchen. Something bubbled inside, between her mental delight and physical satisfaction.

She’d remembered. Holy cow, so incredible.

Marcus came and directed traffic as they put together sandwiches and soup. A simple task, which was good because she was distracted sharing the bits she’d seen.

She’d barely finished when he pulled the pickle jar from her fingers and stole one. “Does everything you told me line up with what the rescue crew reported?”

“Pretty much. I don’t think I’m remembering a told memory, though. There were too many details that weren’t mentioned. Like the colour of the girls’ jackets, and where we met the first team of searchers.”

Marcus nodded. “It does sound promising.”

Becki carried their plates to the table. “Doesn’t tell me anything more about what happened to Dane.”

“Give it time.” He held her chair, then sat. He stared across at her for a moment.


Marcus coughed. “Tell me honestly. Was that too soon to break out the ropes?”

She couldn’t stop her smile. “We’re climbers. I’m surprised we didn’t start with ropes.”

“I’m serious.”

He looked so grave and solemn that she laid her hand on his arm. Was it too soon? She made herself pause. Pushed away the euphoria of the aftermath, concentrated instead on the actual sex. On being with Marcus.

Only a few days before she’d been unresolved about getting over Dane. Why had moving forward with Marcus felt so right?

She spoke slowly. “I think we’re in a strange situation. Someone looking in might see things as going fast, but we didn’t start this relationship at zero. We’ve got a history, even though it was a long time ago. And maybe some of the things we’ve got in common make us click.”

Marcus stroked her arm, his strong fingers squeezing hers briefly. “Good. I’m not asking because I don’t think it was right, but I want to make sure I wasn’t off in left field.”

“Baseball analogies now. Fine, then, you knocked it out of the park.” His mouth twisted up into the smile that made her want to stop talking and start all over again with the sexing. “But thank you for checking. It’s one of the reasons I trust you.”